< Psalms 97 >

1 The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the distant shores be glad.
Gospod caruje: nek se raduje zemlja! nek se vesele ostrva mnoga.
2 Clouds and darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are His throne’s foundation.
Oblak je i mrak oko njega; blagost i pravda podnožje prijestolu njegovu.
3 Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side.
Oganj pred njim ide, i pali naokolo neprijatelje njegove.
4 His lightning illuminates the world; the earth sees and trembles.
Munje njegove sijevaju po vasiljenoj; vidi i strepi zemlja.
5 The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.
Gore kao vosak tope se od lica Gospodnjega, od lica Gospoda svoj zemlji.
6 The heavens proclaim His righteousness; all the peoples see His glory.
Nebesa kazuju pravdu njegovu, i svi narodi vide slavu njegovu.
7 All worshipers of images are put to shame— those who boast in idols. Worship Him, all you gods!
Nek se stide svi koji se klanjaju kipovima, koji se hvale idolima svojim. Poklonite mu se svi bogovi.
8 Zion hears and rejoices, and the towns of Judah exult because of Your judgments, O LORD.
Èuje i raduje se Sion, i kæeri se Judejske vesele radi sudova tvojih, Gospode!
9 For You, O LORD, are Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods.
Jer si ti, Gospode, visok nad svom zemljom i nadvišuješ sve bogove.
10 Hate evil, O you who love the LORD! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Koji ljubite Gospoda, mrzite na zlo. On èuva duše svetaca svojih; iz ruku bezbožnièkih otima ih.
11 Light shines on the righteous, gladness on the upright in heart.
Svjetlost se prosipa na pravednika, i veselje na one koji su prava srca.
12 Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones, and praise His holy name.
Radujte se pravedni o Gospodu, i slavite sveto ime njegovo.

< Psalms 97 >