< Psalms 78 >

1 A Maskil of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my instruction; listen to the words of my mouth.
(En Maskil af Asaf.) Lyt, mit folk til min lære, bøj eders øre til ord fra min Mund;
2 I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the beginning,
jeg vil åbne min Mund med Billedtale, fremsætte Gåder fra fordums Tid,
3 that we have heard and known and our fathers have relayed to us.
hvad vi har hørt og ved, hvad vore Fædre har sagt os;
4 We will not hide them from their children, but will declare to the next generation the praises of the LORD and His might, and the wonders He has performed.
vi dølger det ikke for deres Børn, men melder en kommende Slægt om HERRENs Ære og Vælde og Underne, som han har gjort.
5 For He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children,
Han satte et Vidnesbyrd i Jakob, i Israel gav han en Lov, idet han bød vore Fædre at lade deres Børn det vide,
6 that the coming generation would know them— even children yet to be born— to arise and tell their own children
at en senere Slægt kunde vide det, og Børn, som fødtes siden, stå frem og fortælle deres Børn derom,
7 that they should put their confidence in God, not forgetting His works, but keeping His commandments.
så de slår deres Lid til Gud og ikke glemmer Guds Gerninger, men overholder hans Bud,
8 Then they will not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose heart was not loyal, whose spirit was not faithful to God.
ej slægter Fædrene på, en vanartet, stridig Slægt, hvis Hjerte ikke var fast, hvis Ånd var utro mod Gud
9 The archers of Ephraim turned back on the day of battle.
- Efraims Børn var rustede Bueskytter, men svigted på Stridens Dag -
10 They failed to keep God’s covenant and refused to live by His law.
Gudspagten holdt de ikke, de nægtede at følge hans Lov;
11 They forgot what He had done, the wonders He had shown them.
hans Gerninger gik dem ad Glemme, de Undere, han lod dem skue.
12 He worked wonders before their fathers in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.
Han gjorde Undere for deres Fædre i Ægypten på Zoans Mark;
13 He split the sea and brought them through; He set the waters upright like a wall.
han kløvede Havet og førte dem over, lod Vandet stå som en Vold;
14 He led them with a cloud by day and with a light of fire all night.
han ledede dem ved Skyen om Dagen, Natten igennem ved Ildens Skær;
15 He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink as abundant as the seas.
han kløvede Klipper i Ørkenen, lod dem rigeligt drikke som af Strømme,
16 He brought streams from the stone and made water flow down like rivers.
han lod Bække rinde af Klippen og Vand strømme ned som Floder.
17 But they continued to sin against Him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High.
Men de blev ved at synde imod ham og vække den Højestes Vrede i Ørkenen;
18 They willfully tested God by demanding the food they craved.
de fristede Gud i Hjertet og krævede Mad til at stille Sulten,
19 They spoke against God, saying, “Can God really prepare a table in the wilderness?
de talte mod Gud og sagde: "Kan Gud dække Bord i en Ørken?
20 When He struck the rock, water gushed out and torrents raged. But can He also give bread or supply His people with meat?”
Se, Klippen slog han, så Vand flød frem, og Bække vælded ud; mon han også kan give Brød og skaffe kød til sit Folk?"
21 Therefore the LORD heard and was filled with wrath; so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and His anger flared against Israel,
Det hørte HERREN, blev vred, der tændtes en Ild mod Jakob, ja Vrede kom op mod Israel,
22 because they did not believe God or rely on His salvation.
fordi de ikke troede Gud eller stolede på hans Frelse.
23 Yet He commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of the heavens.
Da bød han Skyerne oventil, lod Himlens Døre åbne
24 He rained down manna for them to eat; He gave them grain from heaven.
og Manna regne på dem til Føde, han gav dem Himmelkorn;
25 Man ate the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance.
Mennesker spiste Englebrød, han sendte dem Mad at mætte sig med.
26 He stirred the east wind from the heavens and drove the south wind by His might.
Han rejste Østenvinden på Himlen, førte Søndenvinden frem ved sin Kraft;
27 He rained meat on them like dust, and winged birds like the sand of the sea.
Kød lod han regne på dem som Støv og vingede Fugle som Havets Sand,
28 He felled them in the midst of their camp, all around their dwellings.
lod dem falde midt i sin Lejr, rundt omkring sine Boliger;
29 So they ate and were well filled, for He gave them what they craved.
Og de spiste sig overmætte, hvad de ønskede, lod han dem få.
30 Yet before they had filled their desire, with the food still in their mouths,
Men før deres Attrå var stillet, mens Maden var i deres Mund,
31 God’s anger flared against them, and He put to death their strongest and subdued the young men of Israel.
rejste Guds Vrede sig mod dem; han vog deres kraftige Mænd, fældede Israels Ynglinge.
32 In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; despite His wonderful works, they did not believe.
Og dog blev de ved at synde og troede ej på hans Undere.
33 So He ended their days in futility, and their years in sudden terror.
Da lod han deres Dage svinde i Tomhed og endte brat deres År.
34 When He slew them, they would seek Him; they repented and searched for God.
Når han vog dem, søgte de ham, vendte om og spurgte om Gud,
35 And they remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.
kom i Hu, at Gud var deres Klippe, Gud den Allerhøjeste deres Genløser.
36 But they deceived Him with their mouths, and lied to Him with their tongues.
De hyklede for ham med Munden, løj for ham med deres Tunge;
37 Their hearts were disloyal to Him, and they were unfaithful to His covenant.
deres Hjerter holdt ikke fast ved ham, hans Pagt var de ikke tro.
38 And yet He was compassionate; He forgave their iniquity and did not destroy them. He often restrained His anger and did not unleash His full wrath.
Og dog er han barmhjertig, han tilgiver Misgerning, lægger ej øde, hans Vrede lagde sig Gang på Gang, han lod ikke sin Harme fuldt bryde frem;
39 He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return.
han kom i Hu, de var Kød, et Pust, der svinder og ej vender tilbage.
40 How often they disobeyed Him in the wilderness and grieved Him in the desert!
Hvor tit stod de ham ikke imod i Ørkenen og voldte ham Sorg i det øde Land!
41 Again and again they tested God and provoked the Holy One of Israel.
De fristede alter Gud, de krænkede Israels Hellige;
42 They did not remember His power — the day He redeemed them from the adversary,
hans Hånd kom de ikke i Hu, de Dag han friede dem fra Fjenden,
43 when He performed His signs in Egypt and His wonders in the fields of Zoan.
da han gjorde sine Tegn i Ægypten, sine Undere på Zoans Mark,
44 He turned their rivers to blood, and from their streams they could not drink.
forvandlede deres Floder til Blod, så de ej kunde drikke af Strømmene,
45 He sent swarms of flies that devoured them, and frogs that devastated them.
sendte Myg imod dem, som åd dem, og Frøer, som lagde dem øde,
46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper, the fruit of their labor to the locust.
gav Æderen, hvad de avlede, Græshoppen al deres Høst,
47 He killed their vines with hailstones and their sycamore-figs with sleet.
slog deres Vinstokke ned med Hagl, deres Morbærtræer med Frost,
48 He abandoned their cattle to the hail and their livestock to bolts of lightning.
prisgav Kvæget for Hagl og deres Hjorde for Lyn.
49 He unleashed His fury against them, wrath, indignation, and calamity— a band of destroying angels.
Han sendte sin Vredesglød mod dem, Harme, Vrede og Trængsel, en Sendefærd af Ulykkesengle;
50 He cleared a path for His anger; He did not spare them from death but delivered their lives to the plague.
frit Løb gav han sin Vrede, skånede dem ikke for Døden, gav deres Liv til Pris for Pest;
51 He struck all the firstborn of Egypt, the virility in the tents of Ham.
alt førstefødt i Ægypten slog han, Mandskraftens Førstegrøde i Kamiternes Telte,
52 He led out His people like sheep and guided them like a flock in the wilderness.
lod sit Folk bryde op som en Hjord, ledede dem som Kvæg i Ørkenen,
53 He led them safely, so they did not fear, but the sea engulfed their enemies.
ledede dem trygt, uden Frygt, mens Havet lukked sig over deres Fjender;
54 He brought them to His holy land, to the mountain His right hand had acquired.
han bragte dem til sit hellige Land, de Bjerge, hans højre vandt,
55 He drove out nations before them and apportioned their inheritance; He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.
drev Folkeslag bort foran dem, udskiftede ved Lod deres Land og lod Israels Stammer bo i deres Telte.
56 But they tested and disobeyed God Most High, for they did not keep His decrees.
Dog fristed og trodsede de Gud den Allerhøjeste og overholdt ikke hans Vidnesbyrd;
57 They turned back and were faithless like their fathers, twisted like a faulty bow.
de faldt fra, var troløse som deres Fædre, svigtede som en slappet Bue,
58 They enraged Him with their high places and provoked His jealousy with their idols.
de krænkede ham med deres Offerhøje, æggede ham med deres Gudebilleder.
59 On hearing it, God was furious and rejected Israel completely.
Det hørte Gud og blev vred følte højlig Lede ved Israel;
60 He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent He had pitched among men.
han opgav sin Bolig i Silo, det Telt, hvor han boede blandt Mennesker;
61 He delivered His strength to captivity, and His splendor to the hand of the adversary.
han gav sin Stolthed i Fangenskab, sin Herlighed i Fjendehånd,
62 He surrendered His people to the sword because He was enraged by His heritage.
prisgav sit Folk for Sværdet, blev vred på sin Arvelod;
63 Fire consumed His young men, and their maidens were left without wedding songs.
Ild fortærede dets unge Mænd, dets Jomfruer fik ej Bryllupssange,
64 His priests fell by the sword, but their widows could not lament.
dets Præster faldt for Sværdet, dets Enker holdt ikke Klagefest.
65 Then the Lord awoke as from sleep, like a mighty warrior overcome by wine.
Da vågnede Herren som en, der har sovet, som en Helt, der er døvet af Vin;
66 He beat back His foes; He put them to everlasting shame.
han slog sine Fjender på Ryggen, gjorde dem evigt til Skamme.
67 He rejected the tent of Joseph and refused the tribe of Ephraim.
Men han fik Lede ved Josefs Telt, Efraims Stamme udvalgte han ikke;
68 But He chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loved.
han udvalgte Judas Stamme, Zions Bjerg, som han elsker;
69 He built His sanctuary like the heights, like the earth He has established forever.
han byggede sit Tempel himmelhøjt, grundfæstede det evigt som Jorden.
70 He chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds;
Han udvalgte David, sin Tjener, og tog ham fra Fårenes Folde,
71 from tending the ewes He brought him to be shepherd of His people Jacob, of Israel His inheritance.
hentede ham fra de diende Dyr til at vogte Jakob, hans Folk, Israel, hans Arvelod;
72 So David shepherded them with integrity of heart and guided them with skillful hands.
han vogtede dem med oprigtigt Hjerte, ledede dem med kyndig Hånd.

< Psalms 78 >