< Psalms 72 >

1 Of Solomon. Endow the king with Your justice, O God, and the son of the king with Your righteousness.
हे परमेश्‍वर, राजालाई आफ्‍नो धार्मिक आदेशहरू दिनुहोस् । राजाको छोरालाई तपाईंको धार्मिकता दिनुहोस् ।
2 May he judge Your people with righteousness and Your afflicted with justice.
तिनले तपाईंका मानिसहरूलाई धार्मिकताले र तपाईंका गरीबहरूलाई न्यायले फैसला गरून् ।
3 May the mountains bring peace to the people, and the hills bring righteousness.
पहाडहरूले मानिसहरूका निम्ति शान्ति उत्पन्‍न गरून् । डाँडाहरूले धर्मिकता उत्पन्‍न गरून् ।
4 May he vindicate the afflicted among the people; may he save the children of the needy and crush the oppressor.
उनले मानिसहरूका गरीबलाई न्याय देऊन् । उनले दरिद्रहरूका छोराछोरीलाई बचाऊन् र थिचोमिचो गर्नेहरूलाई चकनाचूर पारून् ।
5 May they fear him as long as the sun shines, as long as the moon remains, through all generations.
सूर्य रहेसम्म र चद्रमा रहुन्‍जेलसम्म सबै पुस्ताहरूमा, तिनीहरूले तपाईंको आदर गरून् ।
6 May he be like rain that falls on freshly cut grass, like spring showers that water the earth.
काटेको घाँसमा झरीपरेझैं र पृथ्वीलाई भिजाउने झरीझैं उनी तल आऊन् ।
7 May the righteous flourish in his days and prosperity abound, until the moon is no more.
उनको समयमा धर्मीहरूको फलिफाप होस् र चद्रमाको लोप नभएसम्‍म त्‍यहाँ प्रशस्‍त शान्ति होस् ।
8 May he rule from sea to sea, and from the Euphrates to the ends of the earth.
उनले समुद्रदेखि समुद्रसम्म र नदीदेखि पृथ्वीको अन्तिम छेउसम्म अधीन गरून् ।
9 May the nomads bow before him, and his enemies lick the dust.
उजाडस्‍थानमा बस्‍नेहरू उनको सामु घोप्‍टो परेर दण्डवत गरून् । उनका शत्रुहरूले धूलो चाटून् ।
10 May the kings of Tarshish and distant shores bring tribute; may the kings of Sheba and Seba offer gifts.
तर्शीश र टापूहरूका राजाहरूले कर तिरून् । शेबा र शेबाका राजहरूले उपहारहरू ल्याऊन् ।
11 May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him.
वास्तवमा, सबै राजा उनको सामु घोप्‍टो परून् । सबै जातिहरूले तिनको सेवा गरून् ।
12 For he will deliver the needy who cry out and the afflicted who have no helper.
उनले पुकारा गर्ने दरिद्रलाई र अरू कुनै सहायक नभएका गरीबलाई सहायता गर्छन् ।
13 He will take pity on the poor and needy and save the lives of the oppressed.
उनले गरीब र दरिद्रहरूलाई दया गर्छन् र उनले दरिद्रहरूको जीवन बचाउँछन् ।
14 He will redeem them from oppression and violence, for their blood is precious in his sight.
उनले थिचोमिचो र हिंसाबाट तिनीहरूको जीवन बचाउँछन्, उनको दृष्‍टिमा तिनीहरूका रगत बहुमूल्य हुन्‍छ ।
15 Long may he live! May gold from Sheba be given him. May people ever pray for him; may they bless him all day long.
उनी जीवित रहून्! शेबाको सुन उनलाई दिइयोस् । मानिसहरूले उनको निम्ति सधैं प्रर्थना गरून् । परमेश्‍वरले उनलाई दिनभरि आशिष्‌ ‌‌देऊन् ।
16 May there be an abundance of grain in the land; may it sway atop the hills. May its fruit trees flourish like the forests of Lebanon, and its people like the grass of the field.
देशमा अन्‍नको प्रशस्‍त होस् । पहाड टुप्‍पाहरूमा उनीहरूका बाली लहलह होऊन् । यसको फल लेबनानको जस्तै होस् । सहरका मानिसहरू मैदानको घाँसझैं फल्दोफुल्दो होऊन् ।
17 May his name endure forever; may his name continue as long as the sun shines. In him may all nations be blessed; may they call him blessed.
उनको नाउँ अमर रहोस् । सूर्य रहेसम्म उनको नाउँ निरन्तर रहोस् । मानिसहरू उनमा आशोषित् होऊन् । सबै जातिहरूले उनलाई धन्यको भनून् ।
18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.
परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर, इस्राएलको परमेश्‍वर धन्यको होऊन्, जसले मात्र अचम्‍मका कामहरू गर्नुहुन्छ ।
19 And blessed be His glorious name forever; may all the earth be filled with His glory. Amen and amen.
उहाँको महिमित नाउँ सदासर्वदा धन्यको होस् र सारा पृथ्वी उहाँको महिमाले भरिपूर्ण होस् । आमेन र आमेन ।
20 Thus conclude the prayers of David son of Jesse.
यिशैका छोरा दाऊदका प्रार्थनाहरू सकिएको छ ।

< Psalms 72 >