< Psalms 21 >

1 For the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O LORD, the king rejoices in Your strength. How greatly he exults in Your salvation!
Kralj se bo veselil v tvoji moči, oh Gospod in kako silno se bo radoval v tvoji rešitvi duše!
2 You have granted his heart’s desire and have not withheld the request of his lips.
Dal si mu željo njegovega srca in nisi zadržal prošnje njegovih ustnic. (Sela)
3 For You welcomed him with rich blessings; You placed on his head a crown of pure gold.
Kajti vodiš ga z blagoslovi dobrote. Na njegovo glavo postavljaš krono iz čistega zlata.
4 He asked You for life, and You granted it— length of days, forever and ever.
Prosil te je življenja in ti mu ga daješ, celó dolžino dni na veke vekov.
5 Great is his glory in Your salvation; You bestow on him splendor and majesty.
Njegova slava v tvoji rešitvi duše je velika. Čast in veličanstvo si položil nanj.
6 For You grant him blessings forever; You cheer him with joy in Your presence.
Kajti naredil si ga najbolj blagoslovljenega na veke. S svojim obličjem si ga storil silno veselega.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD; through the loving devotion of the Most High, he will not be shaken.
Kajti kralj zaupa v Gospoda in zaradi usmiljenja Najvišjega ne bo omajan.
8 Your hand will apprehend all Your enemies; Your right hand will seize those who hate You.
Tvoja roka bo zalotila vse tvoje sovražnike. Tvoja desnica bo zalotila tiste, ki te sovražijo.
9 You will place them in a fiery furnace at the time of Your appearing. In His wrath the LORD will engulf them, and the fire will consume them.
V času svoje jeze jih boš naredil kakor ognjeno peč. Gospod jih bo v svoji jezi pogoltnil in ogenj jih bo požrl.
10 You will wipe their descendants from the earth, and their offspring from the sons of men.
Njihov sad boš uničil z zemlje in njihovo seme izmed človeških otrok.
11 Though they intend You harm, the schemes they devise will not prevail.
Kajti zoper tebe so načrtovali zlo. Domislili so si poguben naklep, ki ga niso mogli izpolniti.
12 For You will put them to flight when Your bow is trained upon them.
Zato boš storil, da bodo obrnili svoj hrbet, ko boš pripravil svoje puščice na tetive proti njihovim obrazom.
13 Be exalted, O LORD, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your power.
Bodi vzvišen, Gospod, v svoji lastni moči. Tako bomo opevali in hvalili tvojo moč.

< Psalms 21 >