< Psalms 102 >

1 A prayer of one who is afflicted, when he grows faint and pours out his lament before the LORD. Hear my prayer, O LORD; let my cry for help come before You.
IEOWA, kom kotin ereki ai kapakap, o ai weriwer en lel on komui!
2 Do not hide Your face from me in my day of distress. Incline Your ear to me; answer me quickly when I call.
Kom der kotin karirala jilan ir mo i ni ran en ai apwal; kom kotin kapaike don ia karon omui kan; ni ran o, me i likelikwir, kom kotin mani ia madan!
3 For my days vanish like smoke, and my bones burn like glowing embers.
Pwe ai ran akan kin tanwei dueta adiniai, o kokon ai kan ronalar dueta nan kijiniai.
4 My heart is afflicted, and withered like grass; I even forget to eat my bread.
Kapedi monedier dueta ra, I me i monoke kila ai manamana.
5 Through my loud groaning my flesh clings to my bones.
Kokon o uduk ai mon penaer pweki ai weriwer o janejan.
6 I am like a desert owl, like an owl among the ruins.
Nai rajon pelikan nan jap tan, o rajon daap nan waja lijelipin.
7 I lie awake; I am like a lone bird on a housetop.
I kin papad o rajon manpir kelep amen, me mondi pon oj en im o.
8 All day long my enemies taunt me; they ridicule me and curse me.
Ai imwintiti kin lalaue ia jan ni manjan lel ni jautik, o me palian ia, kin kaula kin ia.
9 For I have eaten ashes like bread and mixed my drink with tears
Pwe i kin kankan paj dueta prot, o lim ai pil kin doloki pil en maj ai.
10 because of Your indignation and wrath, for You have picked me up and cast me aside.
Pweki omui onion o onion melel; pwe kom kotin pok ia da, ap kaje ia di.
11 My days are like lengthening shadows, and I wither away like grass.
Ai ran akan tanwei dueta mota, o i monedier dueta ra.
12 But You, O LORD, sit enthroned forever; Your renown endures to all generations.
A komui Main leowa pan kotikoteta kokolata, o kupur omui pan jan eu kainok lel eu potopoteta.
13 You will rise up and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show her favor— the appointed time has come.
Kom pan kotida o kupurela Jion, pwe anjau leler, mo kom pan kotin mak on i, a auer leler.
14 For Your servants delight in her stones and take pity on her dust.
Pwe japwilim omui ladu kan kin pok on takai (en Jion), o re injenjuedeki moan im akan,
15 So the nations will fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth will fear Your glory.
O men liki kan pan majak mar en leowa, o Nanmarki en jap akan karoj omui linan.
16 For the LORD will rebuild Zion; He has appeared in His glory.
Pwe leowa kotin kauadar Jion. A kotin pwarada ni a linan.
17 He will turn toward the prayer of the destitute; He will not despise their prayer.
A kotin wukedoke don kapakap en me jamama o, o a jota kotin mamaleki a kapakap.
18 Let this be written for the generation to come, so that a people not yet created may praise the LORD.
Mepukat pan kileledi on kainok en mur akan; o wei eu, me pan wiaui, pan kapina Ieowa.
19 For He looked down from the heights of His sanctuary; the LORD gazed out from heaven to earth
Pwe a kotin ireron jan mol a jaraui ileile; Ieowa kotin ireron jappa jan nanlan.
20 to hear a prisoner’s groaning, to release those condemned to death,
Pwen ereki janejan en me jalidi kan, pwen lapwada, me kiledi oner kamela.
21 that they may proclaim the name of the LORD in Zion and praise Him in Jerusalem,
Pwe mar en Ieowa en lolok jili nan Jion, o a kapinapa nan Ierujalem.
22 when peoples and kingdoms assemble to serve the LORD.
Kainok kan lao pokon pene o wei kan, pwen papa on Ieowa.
23 He has broken my strength on the way; He has cut short my days.
A kotiki janer ai kelail pon al o, a kamotemotelar ai ran akan.
24 I say: “O my God, do not take me in the midst of my days! Your years go on through all generations.
I potoan on: Ai Kot, kom der kotikiwei jan ia ni apali en ai ran akan. Omui par akan kin jan eu kainok lel eu kokolata.
25 In the beginning You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands.
Kom kotin kajonedier jappa maj o, o lan pokon me dodok en lim omui.
26 They will perish, but You remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing You will change them, and they will be passed on.
Irail pan jorela, a kom pan kotikot eta. Irail pan marinala rajon tuk en likau eu. Kom pan kotin kawuk ir ala likamata likau eu, irail ap pan wukila.
27 But You remain the same, and Your years will never end.
A kom pan deudeuta o anjaun omui rojon jota pan tukedi.
28 The children of Your servants will dwell securely, and their descendants will be established before You.”
Nain japwilim omui ladu kan pan mimieta, o kadaudok a pan pwaida re omui.

< Psalms 102 >