< Proverbs 19 >

1 Better a poor man who walks with integrity than a fool whose lips are perverse.
Umyanga ohamba ngobuqotho bakhe ungcono kulophambeneyo endebeni zakhe, njalo oyisithutha.
2 Even zeal is no good without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps misses the mark.
Futhi umphefumulo ongelalwazi kawulunganga, lophangisayo ngezinyawo uyona.
3 A man’s own folly subverts his way, yet his heart rages against the LORD.
Ubuthutha bomuntu buphambula indlela yakhe, lenhliziyo yakhe iyayithukuthelela iNkosi.
4 Wealth attracts many friends, but a poor man is deserted by his friend.
Inotho yengeza abangane abanengi, kodwa umyanga wehlukaniswa lomngane wakhe.
5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who utters lies will not escape.
Umfakazi wamanga kayikuyekelwa engajeziswanga, lophafuza amanga kayikuphunyuka.
6 Many seek the favor of the prince, and everyone is a friend of the gift giver.
Banengi abancenga umusa weziphathamandla; njalo wonke ungumngane womuntu wezipho.
7 All the brothers of a poor man hate him— how much more do his friends avoid him! He may pursue them with pleading, but they are nowhere to be found.
Bonke abazalwane bomyanga bayamzonda; kakhulu kangakanani abangane bakhe besiya khatshana laye; uxotshana labongamazwi kodwa kabatholakali.
8 He who acquires wisdom loves himself; one who safeguards understanding will find success.
Ozuza ingqondo uthanda umphefumulo wakhe; unanzelela ukuqedisisa uzathola okuhle.
9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who pours out lies will perish.
Umfakazi wamanga kayikuyekelwa engajeziswanga, lophafuza amanga uzabhubha.
10 Luxury is unseemly for a fool— how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!
Ukutamasa kakusifanele isiwula; kakhulu kangakanani ukuthi inceku ibuse phezu kweziphathamandla.
11 A man’s insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense.
Ukuqedisisa komuntu kuphuzisa ukuthukuthela kwakhe; lodumo lwakhe yikwedlula isiphambeko.
12 A king’s rage is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.
Ulaka lwenkosi lunjengokubhonga kwebhongo lesilwane, kodwa umusa wayo unjengamazolo etshanini.
13 A foolish son is his father’s ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.
Indodana eyisithutha iyincithakalo kayise; lengxabano zomfazi ziyikuthonta njalonjalo.
14 Houses and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
Umuzi lenotho kuyilifa labobaba, kodwa umfazi ohlakaniphileyo uvela eNkosini.
15 Laziness brings on deep sleep, and an idle soul will suffer hunger.
Ubuvila buphosela ebuthongweni obukhulu, lomphefumulo olivila uzalamba.
16 He who keeps a commandment preserves his soul, but he who is careless in his ways will die.
Ogcina umlayo ugcina umphefumulo wakhe; odelela indlela zakhe uzakufa.
17 Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will repay the lender.
Ozwela umyanga weboleka iNkosi; izambhadala ngesenzo sakhe.
18 Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be party to his death.
Laya indodana yakho kuselethemba, kodwa ungaloyisi ukufa kwayo.
19 A man of great anger must pay the penalty; if you rescue him, you will have to do so again.
Ololaka olukhulu uzathwala inhlawulo; ngoba nxa umophula uzabe lokhu uqhubeka ukwenza.
20 Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days.
Lalela izeluleko, wemukele imfundiso, ukuze uhlakaniphe ekucineni kwakho.
21 Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail.
Kulamacebo amanengi enhliziyweni yomuntu, kodwa iseluleko seNkosi sona sizakuma.
22 The desire of a man is loving devotion; better to be poor than a liar.
Isiloyiso somuntu ngumusa wakhe, njalo umyanga ungcono kulomuntu wamanga.
23 The fear of the LORD leads to life, that one may rest content, without visitation from harm.
Ukuyesaba iNkosi kungokwempilo; ngoba olakho uzalala ebusuku esuthi; kayikwethekelelwa yibubi.
24 The slacker buries his hand in the dish; he will not even bring it back to his mouth.
Ivila lifihla isandla salo emganwini, njalo kaliyikusibuyisela emlonyeni walo.
25 Strike a mocker, and the simple will beware; rebuke the discerning man, and he will gain knowledge.
Tshaya isideleli ongelalwazi abesekhalipha; njalo khuza oqedisisayo, uzaqedisisa ulwazi.
26 He who assaults his father or evicts his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace.
Ochitha uyise, axotshe unina, uyindodana ethelela inhloni ilethe ihlazo.
27 If you cease to hear instruction, my son, you will stray from the words of knowledge.
Yekela, ndodana yami, ukulalela ukulaywa, ukuphambuka emazwini olwazi.
28 A corrupt witness mocks justice, and a wicked mouth swallows iniquity.
Umfakazi omubi udelela isahlulelo, lomlomo wabakhohlakeleyo uginya ububi.
29 Judgments are prepared for mockers, and beatings for the backs of fools.
Izahlulelo zilungiselwe izideleli, lemivimvinya umhlana wezithutha.

< Proverbs 19 >