< Numbers 4 >

1 Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi raua ko Arona, i mea,
2 “Take a census of the Kohathites among the Levites by their clans and families,
Taua nga tama a Kohata, i roto i nga tama a Riwai, tenei hapu, tenei hapu o ratou, i nga whare o o ratou matua,
3 men from thirty to fifty years old—everyone who is qualified to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
Nga mea e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, nga mea katoa e uru ana ki te mahi, ki te mea i nga mea o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
4 This service of the Kohathites at the Tent of Meeting regards the most holy things.
Ko te mahi tenei ma nga tama a Kohata i roto i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, ko nga mea tino tapu:
5 Whenever the camp sets out, Aaron and his sons are to go in, take down the veil of the curtain, and cover the ark of the Testimony with it.
A ka maunu te puni, me haere a Arona ki roto, ratou ko ana tama, ka tuku i te arai hipoki ki raro, a ka hipoki iho ki te aaka o te whakaaturanga:
6 They are to place over this a covering of fine leather, spread a solid blue cloth over it, and insert its poles.
Na ka maka iho te hipoki ki runga, ara nga hiako pateri, a ka uhi iho i tetahi kakahu ki runga, he mea puru katoa, ka kuhu i nga amo.
7 Over the table of the Presence they are to spread a blue cloth and place the plates and cups on it, along with the bowls and pitchers for the drink offering. The regular bread offering is to remain on it.
Me uhi ano ki te kakahu puru te tepu taro aroaro, ka whakatakoto ai i nga rihi ki runga, me nga koko, me nga peihana, me nga kapu hei ringihanga: hei runga ano hoki te taro pumau takoto ai:
8 And they shall spread a scarlet cloth over them, cover them with fine leather, and insert the poles.
Ka uhi ki te kakahu ngangana, ka hipoki ai ki te hiako pateri hei hipoki mo runga, ka kuhu i ona amo.
9 They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand used for light, together with its lamps, wick trimmers, and trays, as well as the jars of oil with which to supply it.
Na ka mau ratou ki tetahi kakahu puru, ka hipoki ai i te turanga whakamarama, i ona rama hoki, i ona kuku, i ona oko ngarahu, i ona oko hinu katoa, i nga mea e minita ai ratou ki reira:
10 Then they shall wrap it and all its utensils inside a covering of fine leather and put it on the carrying frame.
Ka hoatu ai me ona mea katoa ki roto ki te takai, hei te mea hiako pateri, ka whakaeke ai ki runga ki te amo.
11 Over the gold altar they are to spread a blue cloth, cover it with fine leather, and insert the poles.
A me uhi iho e ratou he kakahu puru ki runga ki te aata koura, ka hipoki ai ki tetahi hipoki hiako pateri, ka kuhu ai i ona amo:
12 They are to take all the utensils for serving in the sanctuary, place them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine leather, and put them on the carrying frame.
Na ka mau ki nga mea e minita ai ratou i te wahi tapu, ka hoatu ki roto ki te kakahu puru, ka hipoki ki tetahi hipoki hiako pateri, ka whakaeke ki te amo:
13 Then they shall remove the ashes from the bronze altar, spread a purple cloth over it,
Na ka tahi atu ratou i nga pungarehu o te aata, ka hipoki ai ki te kakahu papaura:
14 and place on it all the vessels used to serve there: the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and sprinkling bowls—all the equipment of the altar. They are to spread over it a covering of fine leather and insert the poles.
Me whakatakoto ano ki runga ona oko katoa e minita ai ratou ki reira, nga tahu kakara, nga marau kikokiko, nga koko pungarehu, nga peihana, nga mea katoa o te aata; ka hipoki ai ki te hipoki hiako pateri, ka kuhu ai i ona amo.
15 When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy objects and all their equipment, as soon as the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites shall come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy objects, or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the Tent of Meeting.
A ka oti i a Arona ratou ko ana tama te hipoki te wahi tapu, me nga mea katoa o te wahi tapu, ina tata te puni te maunu; ka mutu, na ka haere mai nga tama a Kohata ki te kauhoa: otiia kaua ratou e pa ki tetahi mea tapu kei mate ratou. Ko enei ng a mea a nga tama a Kohata e mau ai o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
16 Eleazar son of Aaron the priest shall oversee the oil for the light, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and everything in it, including the holy objects and their utensils.”
A, ko ta Ereatara, ko ta te tama a te tohunga, a Arona, e whakaaro ai, ko te hinu mo te whakamarama, ko te whakakakara reka, ko te whakahere totokore o tenei ra, o tenei ra, ko te hinu whakawahi, me te tirotiro i te tapenakara katoa, i nga mea k atoa hoki o reira, i te wahi tapu, i ona mea hoki.
17 Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi raua ko Arona, i mea,
18 “Do not allow the Kohathite tribal clans to be cut off from among the Levites.
Kei hatepea atu e koutou te iwi o nga hapu o nga Kohati i roto i nga Riwaiti:
19 In order that they may live and not die when they come near the most holy things, do this for them: Aaron and his sons are to go in and assign each man his task and what he is to carry.
Engari ko tenei ta koutou e mea ai ki a ratou, kia ora ai ratou, kei mate, ina whakatata ki nga mea tino tapu: me haere a Arona ratou ko ana tama ki roto, ka whakarite ai i a ratou ki tana mahi, ki tana mahi, ki tana amohanga, ki tana amohanga:
20 But the Kohathites are not to go in and look at the holy objects, even for a moment, or they will die.”
Otiia kaua ratou e haere ki roto ki te matakitaki i te wahi tapu ahakoa he wa poto, kei mate ratou.
21 And the LORD said to Moses,
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
22 “Take a census of the Gershonites as well, by their families and clans,
Taua hoki nga tama a Kerehona, i nga whare o o ratou matua, i o ratou hapu:
23 from thirty to fifty years old, counting everyone who comes to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
Ko nga mea e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei nga tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, au e tatau ai; ko nga mea katoa hoki e uru ana ki te mahi i nga mahi o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
24 This is the service of the Gershonite clans regarding work and transport:
Ko te mahi tenei ma nga hapu o nga Kerehoni, ko te mahi, ko te amo:
25 They are to carry the curtains of the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting with the covering of fine leather over it, the curtains for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,
Ma ratou hoki e amo nga pa o te tapenakara, te tapenakara hoki o te whakaminenga, tona hipoki, me te hipoki hiako pateri i waho ake, me te pa o te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga;
26 the curtains of the courtyard, and the curtains for the entrance at the gate of the courtyard that surrounds the tabernacle and altar, along with their ropes and all the equipment for their service. The Gershonites will do all that needs to be done with these items.
Me nga pa o te marae, me te pa mo te whatitoka o te kuwaha o te marae, o tera i te tapenakara, i te aata a tawhio noa, me nga aho, me nga mea katoa mo te mahinga o aua mea, me nga mea katoa i hanga mo aua mea: ko ta ratou mahi tena.
27 All the service of the Gershonites—all their transport duties and other work—is to be done at the direction of Aaron and his sons; you are to assign to them all that they are responsible to carry.
Kei a Arona ratou ko ana tama te tikanga mo nga mahi katoa a nga tama a nga Kerehoni, mo a ratou amohanga katoa, mo a ratou mahi katoa: ma koutou hoki e whakarite ki a ratou te tikanga mo nga mea katoa e amo ai ratou.
28 This is the service of the Gershonite clans at the Tent of Meeting, and their duties shall be under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.
Ko te mahi tenei ma nga hapu o nga tama a Kerehona i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga: a, ko nga tikanga ma ratou kei a Itamara tama a te tohunga, a Arona.
29 As for the sons of Merari, you are to number them by their clans and families,
Ko nga tama a Merari, me tatau ratou e koe i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua;
30 from thirty to fifty years old, counting everyone who comes to serve in the work of the Tent of Meeting.
Ko nga mea e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, au e tatau ai, ko nga tangata katoa e uru ana ki te mahi, ki te mahi i te mahi o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
31 This is the duty for all their service at the Tent of Meeting: to carry the frames of the tabernacle with its crossbars, posts, and bases,
A ko te tikanga ano tenei mo ta ratou e amo ai, i a ratou mahinga katoa i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga; ko nga papa o te tapenakara, me ona kaho, me ona pou, me ona turanga pou;
32 and the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs, and ropes, including all their equipment and everything related to their use. You shall assign by name the items that they are responsible to carry.
Me nga pou o te marae a tawhio noa, me nga turanga pou, me nga titi, me nga aho, me nga mea katoa o aua mea, me nga mea katoa o ena mahinga: me tatau a ingoa nga mea kei a ratou nei te tikanga mo te amo.
33 This is the service of the Merarite clans according to all their work at the Tent of Meeting, under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.”
Ko te mahi tenei a nga hapu o nga tama a Merari, i a ratou mahinga katoa i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, i raro i te ringa o Itamara tama a te tohunga, a Arona.
34 So Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of the congregation numbered the Kohathites by their clans and families,
Na ka taua e Mohi ratou ko Arona, ko nga ariki o te whakaminenga, nga tama a nga Kohati, i o ratou hapu, i nga whare ano o o ratou matua,
35 everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
Nga mea e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, nga tangata katoa i uruki te mahi, ki te mahi i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga:
36 And those numbered by their clans totaled 2,750.
A taua ake o ratou, i o ratou hapu, e rua mano e whitu rau e rima tekau.
37 These were counted from the Kohathite clans, everyone who could serve at the Tent of Meeting. Moses and Aaron numbered them according to the command of the LORD through Moses.
Ko enei i taua o nga hapu o nga Kohati, ko nga tangata hei mahi i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, i taua nei e Mohi raua ko Arona, pera me ta Ihowai whakahau ai, na te ringa o Mohi.
38 Then the Gershonites were numbered by their clans and families,
Ataua ake o nga tama a Kerehona i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua,
39 everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
Nga mea e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, nga mea katoa i uru ki te mahi, ki te mahi i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga,
40 And those numbered by their clans and families totaled 2,630.
Taua ake o ratou i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua, e rua mano e ono rau e toru tekau.
41 These were counted from the Gershonite clans who served at the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the LORD’s command.
Ko enei i taua o nga hapu o nga tama a Kerehona, o nga tangata katoa hei mahi i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, i taua nei e Mohi raua ko Arona, pera me ta Ihowa i whakahau ai.
42 And the Merarites were numbered by their clans and families,
A taua ake o nga hapu o nga tama a Merari, i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua,
43 everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
Nga mea hoki e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, nga tangata katoa i uru ki te mahi, hei mahi i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga,
44 The men registered by their clans numbered 3,200.
Taua ake o ratou i o ratou hapu, e toru mano e rua rau.
45 These were counted from the Merarite clans, whom Moses and Aaron numbered at the LORD’s command through Moses.
Ko enei i taua o nga hapu o nga tama a Merari, i taua nei e Mohi raua ko Arona, pera me ta Ihowa i whakahau ai, na te ringa o Mohi.
46 So Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of Israel numbered by their clans and families all the Levites
Ko nga tangata katoa o nga Riwaiti i taua, a Mohi ratou ko Arona, ko nga ariki o Iharaira i tatau ai, i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua,
47 from thirty to fifty years old who came to do the work of serving and carrying the Tent of Meeting.
Ko nga mea hoki e toru tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, a tae noa ki nga mea e rima tekau o ratou tau, ko nga tangata katoa i uru ki te mahi i nga mahi e mahia ana, ki te mahi hoki, ki te amoamo i roto i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga;
48 And the number of men was 8,580.
Taua ake o ratou e waru mano e rima rau e waru tekau.
49 At the LORD’s command they were numbered through Moses and each one was assigned his work and burden, as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Rite tonu ki ta Ihowa i whakahau ai te tauanga o ratou e te ringa o Mohi, tenei, tenei, me tana mahi, me tana amo: na poto ake ratou te tatau e ia, te pera me ta Ihowa i whakahau ai ki a Mohi.

< Numbers 4 >