< Numbers 3 >

1 This is the account of Aaron and Moses at the time the LORD spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.
Haddaba kuwanu waxa weeye farcammadii Haaruun iyo Muuse waagii Rabbigu Muuse kula hadlay Buur Siinay.
2 These are the names of the sons of Aaron: Nadab the firstborn, then Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
Oo kuwanu waa wiilashii Haaruun magacyadoodii, Naadaab oo curadkii ahaa, iyo Abiihuu, iyo Elecaasaar, iyo Iitaamaar.
3 These were Aaron’s sons, the anointed priests, who were ordained to serve as priests.
Kuwaasu waa wiilashii Haaruun magacyadoodii, oo waa wadaaddadii la subkay oo uu gooni uga dhigay inay adeegaan shuqulka wadaadnimada.
4 Nadab and Abihu, however, died in the presence of the LORD when they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD in the Wilderness of Sinai. And since they had no sons, only Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests during the lifetime of their father Aaron.
Naadaab iyo Abiihuu waxay ku dhinteen Rabbiga hortiisa, markay dab qalaad ku bixiyeen Rabbiga hortiisa iyagoo cidlada Siinay jooga, oo iyagu carruurna ma ay lahayn. Markaasay Elecaasaar iyo Iitaamaar shuqulkii wadaadnimada kaga adeegi jireen aabbahood Haaruun hortiisa.
5 Then the LORD said to Moses,
Kolkaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
6 “Bring the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron the priest to assist him.
Qabiilka reer Laawi soo dhowee oo wadaadka Haaruun hortiisa keen inay isaga u adeegaan.
7 They are to perform duties for him and for the whole congregation before the Tent of Meeting, attending to the service of the tabernacle.
Oo iyagu waa inay amarkiisa iyo amarka shirka oo dhan ku yeelaan teendhada shirka horteeda si ay hawsha taambuugga u sameeyaan.
8 They shall take care of all the furnishings of the Tent of Meeting and fulfill obligations for the Israelites by attending to the service of the tabernacle.
Oo waa inay dhawraan alaabta teendhada shirka oo dhan, iyo amarka reer binu Israa'iil, si ay hawsha taambuugga u sameeyaan.
9 Assign the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they have been given exclusively to him from among the Israelites.
Oo adigu waa inaad reer Laawi siisaa Haaruun iyo wiilashiisaba, oo iyaga dhammaantood waa la siiyey reer binu Israa'iil aawadood.
10 So you shall appoint Aaron and his sons to carry out the duties of the priesthood; but any outsider who approaches the tabernacle must be put to death.”
Oo waa inaad Haaruun iyo wiilashiisa doorataa, oo iyagu waa inay dhawraan wadaadnimadooda, oo shisheeyihii u soo dhowaadana waa in la dilaa.
11 Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
12 “Behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel in place of every firstborn Israelite from the womb. The Levites belong to Me,
Oo bal eeg, anna waxaan reer Laawi kala dhex baxay reer binu Israa'iil intii aan ka qaadan lahaa curadyada reer binu Israa'iil ee maxalka furta oo dhan, oo reer Laawi waxay ahaanayaan kuwaygii,
13 for all the firstborn are Mine. On the day I struck down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, I consecrated to Myself all the firstborn in Israel, both man and beast. They are Mine; I am the LORD.”
waayo, curadyada oo dhan anigaa iska leh. Maalintii aan curadyadii Masar oo dhan wada laayay ayaan quduus ka wada dhigtay curadyada reer binu Israa'iil, dad iyo duunyoba, oo iyagu kuwaygay ahaanayaan, waayo, aniga ayaa Rabbiga ah.
14 Then the LORD spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai, saying,
Oo haddana Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse kula hadlay cidlada Siinay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
15 “Number the Levites by their families and clans. You are to count every male a month old or more.”
Reer Laawi oo dhan u soo wada tiri reer reer iyo qolo qolo. Nin kasta oo bil jira ama ka sii weyn waa inaad tirisaa.
16 So Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, as he had been commanded.
Markaasaa Muuse iyagii u tiriyey sidii eraygii Rabbigu ahaa oo uu isaga ugu amray.
17 These were the sons of Levi by name: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
Kuwanu waxay ahaayeen wiilashii Laawi magacyadoodii: Gershoon, iyo Qohaad, iyo Meraarii.
18 These were the names of the sons of Gershon by their clans: Libni and Shimei.
Oo kuwanuna waa magacyadii wiilashii Gershoon siday qolooyinkoodu yihiin, Libnii iyo Shimcii.
19 The sons of Kohath by their clans were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
Oo wiilashii Qohaad siday qolooyinkoodu yihiin waa Camraam, iyo Isehaar, iyo Xebroon, iyo Cusii'eel.
20 And the sons of Merari by their clans were Mahli and Mushi. These were the clans of the Levites, according to their families.
Oo wiilashii Meraariina siday qolooyinkoodu yihiin waa Maxlii iyo Mushii, kuwanu waa qolooyinkii reer Laawi siday reerahoodu yihiin.
21 From Gershon came the Libnite clan and the Shimeite clan; these were the Gershonite clans.
Oo Gershoon waxaa ka soo farcamay reer Libnii iyo reer Shimcii, kuwaasu waa qolooyinkii reer Gershoon.
22 The number of all the males a month old or more was 7,500.
Oo kuwii iyaga laga tiriyey siday ahayd tiradii kuwii lab ahaa oo dhan, intii bil jirtay ama ka sii weynayd, kulli intoodii la tiriyey waxay ahaayeen toddoba kun iyo shan boqol.
23 The Gershonite clans were to camp on the west, behind the tabernacle,
Oo reer Gershoon qolooyinkoodii waa inay taambuugga dabadiisa xagga galbeedka teendhooyinkooda ka dhistaan.
24 and the leader of the families of the Gershonites was Eliasaph son of Lael.
Oo amiirka reer Gershoonna waa inuu ahaadaa Eliyaasaaf ina Laa'eel.
25 The duties of the Gershonites at the Tent of Meeting were the tabernacle and tent, its covering, the curtain for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,
Oo reer Gershoonna waa inay teendhada shirka ugu taliyaan taambuuga, iyo Teendhada, iyo dedkeeda, iyo daaha iridda teendhada shirka,
26 the curtains of the courtyard, the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard that surrounds the tabernacle and altar, and the cords—all the service for these items.
iyo barxadda daahyadeeda, iyo daaha iridda barxadda oo taambuugga iyo meesha allabariga ku wareegsan iyo xadhkihii hawsha lagu qabto oo dhan.
27 From Kohath came the clans of the Amramites, the Izharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites; these were the clans of the Kohathites.
Oo Qohaadna waxaa ka soo farcamay reer Camraam, iyo reer Isehaar, iyo reer Xebroon, iyo reer Cusii'eel; kuwaasu waa qolooyinkii reer Qohaad.
28 The number of all the males a month old or more was 8,600. They were responsible for the duties of the sanctuary.
Siday ahayd tiradii kuwii lab ahaa oo dhan intii bil jirtay ama ka sii weynayd waxay ahaayeen siddeed kun iyo lix boqol, oo waxay u taliyeen meesha quduuska ah.
29 The clans of the Kohathites were to camp on the south side of the tabernacle,
Oo qolooyinka reer Qohaad waa inay taambuugga dhankiisa koonfureed teendhooyinkooda ka dhistaan.
30 and the leader of the families of the Kohathites was Elizaphan son of Uzziel.
Oo amiirka reer Qohaadna waa inuu ahaadaa Eliisaafaan ina Cusii'eel.
31 Their duties were the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the articles of the sanctuary used with them, and the curtain—all the service for these items.
Oo iyana waxay u talin doonaan sanduuqa, iyo miiska, iyo laambadda, iyo meelaha allabariga, iyo weelasha meesha quduuska ah oo ay ku adeegaan, iyo daaha, iyo hawsha oo dhan.
32 The chief of the leaders of the Levites was Eleazar son of Aaron the priest; he oversaw those responsible for the duties of the sanctuary.
Oo Elecaasaar ina wadaadka Haaruun waa inuu ahaadaa amiirka amiirrada reer Laawi, oo wuxuu korka ka ilaalin doonaa kuwa u taliya meesha quduuska ah.
33 From Merari came the clans of the Mahlites and Mushites; these were the Merarite clans.
Oo Meraariina waxaa ka soo farcamay reer Maxlii iyo reer Mushii, kuwaasu waa qolooyinkii reer Meraarii.
34 The number of all the males a month old or more was 6,200.
Oo kuwoodii loo tiriyey siday ahayd tiradii kuwii labka ahaa oo dhan, intii bil jirtay ama ka sii weynayd, waxay ahaayeen lix kun iyo laba boqol.
35 The leader of the families of the Merarites was Zuriel son of Abihail; they were to camp on the north side of the tabernacle.
Oo qabiilka reer Meraarii amiirkoodii wuxuu ahaa Surii'eel ina Abiixayil, oo iyana waa inay taambuugga dhankiisa woqooyi teendhooyinkooda ka dhistaan.
36 The duties assigned to the sons of Merari were the tabernacle’s frames, crossbars, posts, bases, and all its equipment—all the service for these items,
Oo reer Meraarii waxaa loo amray inay u taliyaan taambuugga looxyadiisa, iyo ulihiisa gudban, iyo tiirarkiisa, iyo saldhigyadiisa, iyo alaabtiisa oo dhan, iyo hawshiisa oo dhan,
37 as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs, and ropes.
iyo tiirarka barxadda ku wareegsanna, iyo saldhigyadooda, iyo musaamiirtooda iyo xadhkahooda.
38 Moses, Aaron, and Aaron’s sons were to camp to the east of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, before the Tent of Meeting. They were to perform the duties of the sanctuary as a service on behalf of the Israelites; but any outsider who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.
Oo kuwa teendhooyinkooda ka dhistaa taambuugga xaggiisa bari iyo teendhada shirka horteeda xagga qorrax ka soo baxa waa inay ahaadaan Muuse iyo Haaruun iyo wiilashiisa, oo waxay reer binu Israa'iil ugu talinayaan meesha quduuska ah; oo shisheeyaha u soo dhowaadana waa in la dilaa.
39 The total number of Levites that Moses and Aaron counted by their clans at the LORD’s command, including all the males a month old or more, was 22,000.
Oo kulli intii reer Laawi ah ee la tiriyey, oo Muuse iyo Haaruun ay qolo qolo ugu tiriyeen amarkii Rabbiga, kuwii lab ahaa oo dhan oo bil jiray ama ka sii weynaa, waxay ahaayeen laba iyo labaatan kun.
40 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Number every firstborn male of the Israelites a month old or more, and list their names.
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Tiri curadyada labka ah oo reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, intii bil jirta ama ka sii weyn, oo magacyadooda ku soo xisaab.
41 You are to take the Levites for Me—I am the LORD—in place of all the firstborn of Israel, and the livestock of the Levites in place of all the firstborn of the livestock of the Israelites.”
Oo waa inaad ii qaaddaa reer Laawi intii aad ii qaadi lahayd curadyada reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, oo waa inaad xoolaha reer Laawina ii qaaddaa intii aad ii qaadi lahayd curadyada xoolaha reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, waayo, aniga ayaa Rabbiga ah.
42 So Moses numbered all the firstborn of the Israelites, as the LORD had commanded him.
Markaasaa Muuse curadyadii reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan u tiriyey sidii Rabbigu ugu amray.
43 The total number of the firstborn males a month old or more, listed by name, was 22,273.
Oo curadyadii labka ahaa oo dhammu, sidii tirada magacyadoodu ahayd, intii bil jirtay ama ka sii weynayd, kuwii iyaga laga soo tiriyey waxay ahaayeen laba iyo labaatan kun iyo laba boqol iyo saddex iyo toddobaatan.
44 Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
45 “Take the Levites in place of all the firstborn of Israel, and the livestock of the Levites in place of their livestock. The Levites belong to Me; I am the LORD.
Reer Laawi ii qaad intii aad ii qaadi lahayd curadyada reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, oo xoolaha reer Laawina ii qaad intii aad ii qaadi lahayd xoolaha reer binu Israa'iil, oo reer Laawi kuwaygay ahaanayaan, waayo, aniga ayaa Rabbiga ah.
46 To redeem the 273 firstborn Israelites who outnumber the Levites,
Oo labada boqol iyo saddex iyo toddobaatanka curad oo reer binu Israa'iil oo ka sii badan reer Laawi,
47 you are to collect five shekels for each one, according to the sanctuary shekel of twenty gerahs.
madaxtiriskiiba waxaad iigu madax furataa shan sheqel oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah. (Sheqelku waa labaatan geeraah.)
48 Give the money to Aaron and his sons as the redemption price for the excess among the Israelites.”
Oo tiradooda dheeraadka ah lacagta lagu madax furtay waa inaad Haaruun iyo wiilashiisa siisaa.
49 So Moses collected the redemption money from those in excess of the number redeemed by the Levites.
Markaasaa Muuse lacagtii ka qaaday kuwii ka sii badnaa kuwii lagu madax furtay reer Laawi.
50 He collected the money from the firstborn of the Israelites: 1,365 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.
Oo curadyadii reer binu Israa'iil ayuu ka qaaday lacagtii, oo ahayd kun iyo saddex boqol iyo shan iyo lixdan sheqel oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah.
51 And Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and his sons in obedience to the word of the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded him.
Oo Muuse lacagtii madaxfurashada ahayd wuxuu u dhiibay Haaruun iyo wiilashiisii, siduu ahaa eraygii Rabbigu Muuse ku amray.

< Numbers 3 >