< Nehemiah 9 >

1 On the twenty-fourth day of the same month, the Israelites gathered together, fasting and wearing sackcloth, with dust on their heads.
E odiechiengʼ mar piero ariyo gangʼwen mar dweno, jo-Israel nochokore kanyakla, ka gitweyo chiemo kendo ka girwako pien gugru ka gibuko wiyegi gi buru.
2 Those of Israelite descent separated themselves from all the foreigners, and they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers.
Jogo ma jo-Israel hie nopogore moa kuom jopinje mamoko. Negichungʼ ma gihulo richogi kod timbe mag anjawo mag kweregi.
3 While they stood in their places, they read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day, and they spent another quarter of the day in confession and worship of the LORD their God.
Negichungʼ kanyo kendo ne gisomo Kitabu mar Chik mar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi kuom seche adek, kendo ne gihulo richogi ka gipako Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi kuom seche adek mamoko.
4 And the Levites—Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani—stood on the raised platform and cried out in a loud voice to the LORD their God.
Jo-Lawi mane ochungʼ e raidhi kaywak matek ni Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi ne gin, Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebania, Buni, Sherebia, Bani kod Kenani.
5 Then the Levites—Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah—said, “Stand up and bless the LORD your God from everlasting to everlasting: Blessed be Your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise.
To jo-Lawi kaka, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneya, Sherebia, Hodia, Shebania kod Pethahia nowacho niya, “Chungʼuru malo mondo upak Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu mantiere mochwere manyaka chiengʼ.” “Ogwedh nyingi man-gi duongʼ, kendo mad tingʼe malo moloyo gweth kod pak duto.
6 You alone are the LORD. You created the heavens, the highest heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all things, and the host of heaven worships You.
In kende e Jehova Nyasaye. Ne ichweyo polo nyaka polo man malo mogik, to gi gik moko duto manie iye, gi piny to gi gik moko duto man kuome, nembe kod gik moko duto manie igi. Ichiwo ngima ne gik moko duto, kendo jopolo pakoi.
7 You are the LORD, the God who chose Abram, who brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and gave him the name Abraham.
“In e Jehova Nyasaye, mane oyiero Abram mi igole oa Ur mar jo-Kaldea bangʼe imiye nying ni Ibrahim.
8 You found his heart faithful before You, and made a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites and Hittites, of the Amorites and Perizzites, of the Jebusites and Girgashites— to give it to his descendants. You have kept Your promise, because You are righteous.
Ne iyudo ka en ngʼat ma ja-adiera e nyimi, kendo ne iloso kode singruok ni inimi nyikwaye piny jo-Kanaan, jo-Hiti, jo-Amor, jo-Perizi, jo-Jebus, kod jo-Girgash. Iserito singruok marino nikech in ja-ratiro.
9 You saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt; You heard their cry at the Red Sea.
“Ne ineno kaka kwerewa nosandore e piny Misri; kendo ne iwinjo ywakgi kane gichopo e Nam Makwar.
10 You performed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, all his officials, and all the people of his land, for You knew they had acted with arrogance against our fathers. You made a name for Yourself that endures to this day.
Ne ioro ranyisi mag honni kod gik miwuoro ne Farao, kendo kuom jotende duto kod jopinyni duto, nimar ne ingʼeyo kaka jo-Misri ne tiyo jowa githuon. Ne iloso nyingi, ma pod en kamano nyaka chil kawuono.
11 You divided the sea before them, and they crossed through it on dry ground. You hurled their pursuers into the depths like a stone into raging waters.
Ne ibaro nam makwar ka gineno, mondo ne mi gikal kama otwo, makmana jogo mane lawogi ne inyumo e bwo nam, mana kaka kidi modir e ataro mar pi.
12 You led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, to light for them the way in which they should travel.
Godiechiengʼ ne itelonegi gi bor polo, to gotieno to ne itelonegi gi mach makakni mondo omigi ler e wangʼ yo kama ne giwuothoe.
13 You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven. You gave them just ordinances, true laws, and good statutes and commandments.
“Ne ilor e Got Sinai; mane iwuoyo kodgi gie polo. Ne imiyogi puonj kod chike makare kendo madiera kendo ne imiyogi puonj maber.
14 You revealed to them Your holy Sabbath and gave them commandments and statutes and laws through Your servant Moses.
Ne imiyo gingʼeyo Sabato-ni maler mi imiyogi chike, kod buche kokalo kuom jatichni Musa.
15 In their hunger You gave them bread from heaven; in their thirst You brought them water from the rock. You told them to go in and possess the land which You had sworn to give them.
Ka kech ne kayogi to ne imiyogi makati koa e polo kendo ka riyo noloyogi to ne ikelo pi koa e kor lwanda; bende ne inyisogi mondo gidhi gikaw pinyno mane isesingo kikwongʼori ni ibiro miyogi.
16 But they and our fathers became arrogant and stiff-necked and did not obey Your commandments.
“To kwerewa, nobedo jongʼayi kendo joma tokgi tek, mine ok giluoro chikegi.
17 They refused to listen and failed to remember the wonders You performed among them. They stiffened their necks and appointed a leader to return them to their bondage in Egypt. But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in loving devotion, and You did not forsake them.
Negitamore winji kendo ne ok giparo honni mane itimo e diergi. Tokgi nobedo matek kendo e ngʼanyo margino ne giyiero jatelo mondo gidog gibed wasumbini. To in Nyasaye maweyone ji richogi, ma jangʼwono kendo maneno ne ji lit, iyi bende ok wangʼ piyo kendo hera mari ogundho.
18 Even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said, ‘This is your God who brought you up out of Egypt,’ and when they committed terrible blasphemies,
Omiyo ne ok ijwangʼogi kata obedo nine gitimo timbe mag anjawo, ka giloso kido mar nyaroya mi giwacho niya, ‘Ma en nyasachu, mane ogolou e piny Misri.’
19 You in Your great compassion did not forsake them in the wilderness. By day the pillar of cloud never turned away from guiding them on their path; and by the night the pillar of fire illuminated the way they should go.
“Nikech ngʼwono mari mathoth ne ok ijwangʼogi e thim. Godiechiengʼ, bor polo nodhi nyime ka telonegi e yo, to gotieno mach makakni nomedo menyonegi kama giluwo.
20 You gave Your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold Your manna from their mouths, and You gave them water for their thirst.
Ne ichiwo Roho mari maber mondo opuonjgi. Ne ok ituonogi manna, kendo ne imiyogi pi kuom riyo mane oloyogi.
21 For forty years You sustained them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing. Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell.
Ne iritogi e thim kuom higni piero angʼwen; onge gimoro amora mane gionge godo, lepgi ne ok oti kata tiendegi bende ne ok okuot.
22 You gave them kingdoms and peoples and allotted to them every corner of the land. So they took the land of Sihon king of Heshbon and of Og king of Bashan.
“Ne imiyogi loyo pinyruodhi kod ogendini, mi ipogogi nyaka kuonde motimo ongoro. Negikawo piny Sihon ma ruodh Heshbon kod piny Og ma ruodh Bashan.
23 You multiplied their descendants like the stars of heaven and brought them to the land You had told their fathers to enter and possess.
Ne imiyo yawuotgi obedo mangʼeny ka sulwe manie lwasi, mi ikelogi nyaka e piny mane isingone kweregi mondo odhiye kendo okaw.
24 So their descendants went in and possessed the land; You subdued before them the Canaanites dwelling in the land. You delivered into their hands the kings and peoples of the land, to do with them as they wished.
Yawuotgi nodonjo mi gikawo pinyno. Niloyonegi jo-Kanaan, mane odak e pinyno; ne ichiwonegi jo-Kanaan, kaachiel gi ruodhi mag-gi gi jopinyno, mondo gitimgi kaka bernegi.
25 They captured fortified cities and fertile land and took houses full of all goods, wells already dug, vineyards, olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate and were filled; they grew fat and delighted in Your great goodness.
Negikawo mier madongo mochiel motegno gohinga kod lowo mamiyo; bende negikawo udi mopongʼ gi gik mangʼeny mabeyo, sokni mane osekuny, puothe mzabibu, gi mag zeituni kod yiende mag olembe mangʼeny. Negichiemo ma giyiengʼ kendo negibedo gi mor mogundho; negiil kuom berni maduongʼ mane itimonegi.
26 But they were disobedient and rebelled against You; they flung Your law behind their backs. They killed Your prophets, who had admonished them to return to You. They committed terrible blasphemies.
“Kata kamano negibedo maonge luor mi gingʼanyoni; kendo wigi nowil kod chikeni. Neginego jonabi magi; mane osebedo ka puonjogi mondo gidwog iri; negitimo timbe maricho miwuoro.
27 So You delivered them into the hands of enemies who oppressed them, and in their time of distress they cried out to You. From heaven You heard them, and in Your great compassion You gave them deliverers who saved them from the hands of their enemies.
Omiyo ne ichiwogi e lwet wasikgi, mane omiyogi tingʼ mapek. To kane tingʼ mapek oromogi ne giywakni. Ne iwinjogi koa e polo, kendo gi ngʼwononi mogundho ne imiyogi jokony, mane oresogi giaye lwet wasikgi.
28 But as soon as they had rest, they again did evil in Your sight. So You abandoned them to the hands of their enemies, who had dominion over them. When they cried out to You again, You heard from heaven, and You delivered them many times in Your compassion.
“To apoya nono kane giseyudo yweyo, negitimo gima ok owinjore e nyim wangʼi. Bangʼe ne ijwangʼogi e lwet wasikgi mondo omi wasikgigo obed ruodhgi. To kane gichak giywakni kendo ne iwinjogi ka in e polo, to e ngʼwononi mogundho ne iresogi kuom kinde ka kinde.
29 You admonished them to turn back to Your law, but they were arrogant and disobeyed Your commandments. They sinned against Your ordinances, by which a man will live if he practices them. They stubbornly shrugged their shoulders; they stiffened their necks and would not obey.
“Ne isiemogi mondo gidwog kuom chikni, to negibedo jongʼayi kendo ma ok oluoro chikeni. Negitimo richo kuom chayo puonj magi, maka ngʼato orito to kelone ngima. Negilokore giweyi ka tokgi tek ta mi ok girito chikeni.
30 You were patient with them for many years, and Your Spirit admonished them through Your prophets. Yet they would not listen, so You gave them into the hands of the neighboring peoples.
Kuom higni mangʼeny ne ihori kodgi. Kuom Roho mari ne ipuonjori kodgi kokalo kuom jonabi magi. Kata kamano, ne ok gichiko itgi malongʼo, omiyo ne ichiwogi ne joma ok jo-Yahudi.
31 But in Your great compassion, You did not put an end to them; nor did You forsake them, for You are a gracious and compassionate God.
To e ngʼwono mari makende ne ok itiekogi chuth bende ne ok ijwangʼogi, nikech in Nyasaye ma jangʼwono kendo makecho joge.
32 So now, our God, the great and mighty and awesome God who keeps His gracious covenant, do not view lightly all the hardship that has come upon us, and upon our kings and leaders, our priests and prophets, our ancestors and all Your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today.
“Emomiyo koro sani, yaye Nyasachwa, in e Nyasaye maduongʼ, Nyasaye nyakalaga kendo Nyasaye Maratego bende in e Nyasaye marito singruokne mar hera. Kik ikaw chandruok mwanenogi mayot; chandruokgi osebiro kuomwa, kuom ruodhi magwa kod jotendwa, kuom jodolo magwa kod jonabi, kuom kwerewa kod jogi duto, kochakore ndalo loch mag ruodhi jo-Asuria nyaka kawuono.
33 You are just in all that has befallen us, because You have acted faithfully, while we have acted wickedly.
Kuom mago duto mosetimorenwa, isebedo jangʼad bura makare; isebedo ja-adiera, ka wan ne watimo marach.
34 Our kings and leaders and priests and fathers did not obey Your law or listen to Your commandments and warnings that You gave them.
Ruodhi magwa, jotendwa, jodolo mawa kod kwerewa ne ok oluwo chikni; ne ok gichiko itgi ne puonj magi kata siem mane imiyogi.
35 For even while they were in their kingdom, with the abundant goodness that You had given them, and in the spacious and fertile land that You had set before them, they would not serve You or turn from their wicked ways.
Kata ndalo mane pod gin e bwo loch ruodhigi giwegi, kane pod gichamo mwandu mogundho mane imiyogi kendo gidak e piny malach kendo momewo mane ipogonegi, ne ok gitini bende ne ok giweyo timbegi maricho.
36 So here we are today as slaves in the land You gave our fathers to enjoy its fruit and goodness— here we are as slaves!
“To koro wan wasumbini e piny mane imiyo kwerewa mondo omi gicham olembe moa kanyo kod gik moko mabeyo monyago.
37 Its abundant harvest goes to the kings You have set over us because of our sins. And they rule over our bodies and our livestock as they please. We are in great distress.
Gik moko ma pinywani nyago dhi mana ne ruodhi miketo mondo otiwa nikech richowa. Gin gi teko kuom dendwa kendo gitimo mana gima gihero ni jambwa, to wan, to wan gi midhiero miwuoro.
38 In view of all this, we make a binding agreement, putting it in writing and sealing it with the names of our leaders, Levites, and priests.”
“Kuom magi duto, waketo winjruok motweyowa, kwandiko wechegi piny, kendo jotendwa, gi jo-Lawi mawa kod jodolo mawa keto lwetgi kaka joneno.”

< Nehemiah 9 >