< Nehemiah 2 >

1 Now in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was set before him, I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had never been sad in his presence,
Bishii Niisaan oo ahayd sannaddii labaatanaad oo boqor Artaxshasta, iyadoo khamri hor yaal isaga ayaan khamrigii qaaday oo boqorkii siiyey. Hadda ka hor anigu boqorka hortiisa caloolxumo kuma joogi jirin.
2 so the king said to me, “Why is your face sad, though you are not ill? This could only be sadness of the heart.” I was overwhelmed with fear
Oo boqorkii wuxuu igu yidhi, War maxaa wejigaagu u murugaysan yahay adigoo aan bukayn? Tanu wax kale ma aha waase tiiraanyo qalbiga ku jirta. Markaasaan aad u baqay,
3 and replied to the king, “May the king live forever! Why should I not be sad when the city where my fathers are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?”
oo waxaan boqorkii ku idhi, Boqorow, weligaaba noolow. Bal maxaa wejigaygu la murugaysnaan waayay, iyadoo magaalada ah meeshii awowayaashay xabaalahoodu ahaayeen ay baabba' tahay, oo irdaheediina dab lagu gubay?
4 “What is your request?” replied the king. So I prayed to the God of heaven
Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu igu yidhi, Hadda maxaad iga baryaysaa? Kolkaasaan Ilaaha samada baryay.
5 and answered the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you send me to Judah, to the city where my fathers are buried, so that I may rebuild it.”
Oo waxaan boqorkii ku idhi, Boqorow, hadday ku farxiso, oo haddaad raalli iga tahay anoo addoonkaaga ah, waxaan doonayaa inaad ii dirtid dalka Yahuudah oo ay ku taal magaalada awowayaashay xabaalahoodu yihiin, inaan dhiso.
6 Then the king, with the queen seated beside him, asked me, “How long will your journey take, and when will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me, and I set a time.
Kolkaasaa boqorkii wuxuu igu yidhi, (iyadoo boqoraddiina agtiisa fadhido) Sodcaalkaagu tan iyo goormuu ahaanayaa? Goormaadse soo noqonaysaa? Markaasuu boqorku ku farxay inuu i diro; oo waxaan u qabtay wakhti.
7 I also said to him, “If it pleases the king, may letters be given to me for the governors west of the Euphrates, so that they will grant me safe passage until I reach Judah.
Oo weliba waxaan boqorkii ku idhi, Boqorow, haddaad raalli ka tahay, ha lay siiyo warqado aan u geeyo taliyayaasha webiga ka shisheeya, si ay igu oggolaadaan inaan dhex maro dalkooda ilaa aan gaadho dalka Yahuudah;
8 And may I have a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king’s forest, so that he will give me timber to make beams for the gates of the citadel to the temple, for the city wall, and for the house I will occupy.” And because the gracious hand of my God was upon me, the king granted my requests.
iyo warqad kaloo aan siiyo Aasaaf oo ah kan dhawra dhirta boqorka, si uu ii siiyo alwaax aan ku sameeyo waxa haya saqafka irdaha qalcadda ee guriga u dhow, iyo derbiga magaalada iyo guriga aan geli doono. Oo boqorkiina wuu ii wada oggolaaday sidii ay gacantii wanaagsanayd ee Ilaahay ii saarnayd.
9 Then I went to the governors west of the Euphrates and gave them the king’s letters. The king had also sent army officers and cavalry with me.
Markaasaan u imid taliyayaashii webiga ka shisheeyey, oo iyagii siiyey warqadihii boqorka. Oo weliba waxaa boqorku igu daray saraakiil ciidanka ka tirsan iyo fardooley.
10 But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about this, they were deeply disturbed that someone had come to seek the well-being of the Israelites.
Oo Sanballad oo ahaa reer Xoron, iyo addoonkii ahaa Toobiyaah oo ahaa reer Cammoon markay maqleen inuu yimid nin doonaya wanaagga reer binu Israa'iil ayay aad iyo aad u murugoodeen.
11 After I had arrived in Jerusalem and had been there three days,
Markaasaan Yeruusaalem imid, oo halkaasaan saddex maalmood iska joogay.
12 I set out at night with a few men. I did not tell anyone what my God had laid on my heart to do for Jerusalem. The only animal with me was the one on which I was riding.
Oo habeennimadii ayaan kacay, anigoo ay dhawr nin ila socdaan, oo ninna uma aan sheegin waxa Ilaahay qalbigayga geliyey inaan Yeruusaalem u sameeyo. Oo neefna ilama jirin neefkii aan fuushanaa mooyaane.
13 So I went out at night through the Valley Gate toward the Well of the Serpent and the Dung Gate, and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that had been broken down and the gates that had been destroyed by fire.
Oo habeennimo ayaan ka baxay Iriddii Dooxada, oo ku tiil xagga Ceelkii Maska, oo waxaan maray xagga Iriddii Digada, waanan fiiriyey derbiyadii Yeruusaalem oo wada dunsanaa, iyo irdaheedii dabka lagu gubay.
14 Then I went on to the Fountain Gate and the King’s Pool, but there was no room for the animal under me to get through;
Oo haddana waxaan tegey Iriddii Isha biyaha iyo xaggii Balligii Boqorka; laakiinse neefkii aan fuushanaa meeluu maro ma jirin.
15 so I went up the valley by night and inspected the wall. Then I headed back and reentered through the Valley Gate.
Oo haddana waxaan habeennimo tegey xaggii durdurka, oo derbigii baan fiiriyey, kolkaasaan dib u noqday, oo magaaladii ka soo galay xaggii Iriddii Dooxada, oo saasaan u soo noqday.
16 The officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing, for I had not yet told the Jews or priests or nobles or officials or any other workers.
Oo taliyayaashiina ma ay ogayn meel aan tegey iyo wixii aan sameeyey toona; oo weli waxba uma aan sheegin Yuhuuddii, iyo wadaaddadii, iyo kuwii gobta ahaa, iyo taliyayaashii, iyo intii kaloo shuqulka samaysay toona.
17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned down. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that we will no longer be a disgrace.”
Markaasaan ku idhi, War waad aragtaan xaalka xun oo aan ku jirno, iyo sida Yeruusaalem u baabba'day, iyo in irdaheedii dab lagu gubay. Haddaba kaalaya oo aan dhisno derbiga Yeruusaalem, si aynaan mar dambe u sii ceebaysnaan.
18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me, and what the king had said to me. “Let us start rebuilding,” they replied, and they set their hands to this good work.
Oo waxaan iyagii wax uga sheegay gacantii Ilaahay oo korkayga ku wanaagsanayd, iyo weliba erayadii uu boqorku igula hadlay. Oo iyana waxay yidhaahdeen, Ina kiciya aan dhisnee. Sidaasay gacmahoodii shuqulkii wanaagsanaa ugu xoogeeyeen.
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard about this, they mocked us and ridiculed us, saying, “What is this you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king?”
Laakiinse Sanballad oo ahaa reer Xoron, iyo addoonkii ahaa Toobiyaah oo ahaa reer Cammoon, iyo Geshem oo ahaa Carab, markay taas maqleen ayay nagu qosleen, oo na quudhsadeen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, War waxaad samaynaysaan waa maxay? Ma boqorkaad ku caasiyoobaysaan?
20 So I answered them and said, “The God of heaven is the One who will grant us success. We, His servants, will start rebuilding, but you have no portion, right, or claim in Jerusalem.”
Markaasaan jawaabay oo ku idhi, Ilaaha samadu wuu na liibaanin doonnaa, oo sidaas daraaddeed annagoo addoommadiisa ah waannu kici doonnaa, wax baannuna dhisi doonnaa, laakiinse idinku Yeruusaalem kuma lihidin qayb, ama xaq, amase xusuus toona.

< Nehemiah 2 >