< Nahum 3 >

1 Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without prey.
禍なるかな血を流す邑 その中には全く詭譎および暴行充ち掠め取ること息まず
2 The crack of the whip, the rumble of the wheel, galloping horse and bounding chariot!
鞭の音あり輪の轟く音あり 馬は躍り跳ね車は輾り行く
3 Charging horseman, flashing sword, shining spear; heaps of slain, mounds of corpses, dead bodies without end— they stumble over their dead—
騎兵馳のぼり劍きらめき鎗ひらめく 殺さるる者夥多しくして死屍山を爲し死骸限なし 皆死屍に躓きて倒る
4 because of the many harlotries of the harlot, the seductive mistress of sorcery, who betrays nations by her prostitution and clans by her witchcraft.
5 “Behold, I am against you,” declares the LORD of Hosts. “I will lift your skirts over your face. I will show your nakedness to the nations and your shame to the kingdoms.
萬軍のヱホバ言たまふ 視よ我なんぢに臨む 我なんぢの裳裾を掲げて面の上にまで及ぼし汝の陰所を諸民に見し汝の羞る所を諸國に見すべし
6 I will pelt you with filth and treat you with contempt; I will make a spectacle of you.
7 Then all who see you will recoil from you and say, ‘Nineveh is devastated; who will grieve for her?’ Where can I find comforters for you?”
凡て汝を見る者はみな汝を避て奔り去りニネベは亡びたりと言ん 誰か汝のために哀かんや 何處よりして我なんぢを弔ふ者を尋ね得んや
8 Are you better than Thebes, stationed by the Nile with water around her, whose rampart was the sea, whose wall was the water?
汝あにノアモンに愈らんや ノアモンは河々の間に立ち水をその周圍に環らし海をもて壕となし海をもて垣となせり
9 Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength; Put and Libya were her allies.
かつその勢力たる者はエテオピア人およびエジプト人などにして限あらず フテ人ルビ人等汝を助けたりき
10 Yet she became an exile; she went into captivity. Her infants were dashed to pieces at the head of every street. They cast lots for her dignitaries, and all her nobles were bound in chains.
11 You too will become drunk; you will go into hiding and seek refuge from the enemy.
汝もまた酔せられて終に隱匿ん 汝もまた敵を避て逃るる處を尋ね求めん
12 All your fortresses are fig trees with the first ripe figs; when shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater!
汝の城々はみな初に結びし果のなれる無花果樹のごとし 之を撼がせばその果落て食はんとする者の口にいる
13 Look at your troops— they are like your women! The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies; fire consumes their bars.
汝の中にある民は婦人のごとし 汝の地の門はみな汝の敵の前に廣く開きてあり 火なんぢの關を焚ん
14 Draw your water for the siege; strengthen your fortresses. Work the clay and tread the mortar; repair the brick kiln!
15 There the fire will devour you; the sword will cut you down and consume you like a young locust. Make yourself many like the young locust; make yourself many like the swarming locust!
其處にて火汝を燒き劍なんぢを斬ん 其なんぢを滅すこと吸蝗のごとくなるべし 汝吸蝗のごとく數多からば多かれ 汝群蝗のごとく數多からば多かれ
16 You have multiplied your merchants more than the stars of the sky. The young locust strips the land and flies away.
汝はおのれの商賣を空の星よりも多くせり 吸蝗掠めて飛さる
17 Your guards are like the swarming locust, and your scribes like clouds of locusts that settle on the walls on a cold day. When the sun rises, they fly away, and no one knows where.
汝の重臣は群蝗のごとく汝の軍長は蝗の群のごとし 寒き日には垣に巣窟を構へ日出きたれば飛て去る その在る處を知る者なし
18 O king of Assyria, your shepherds slumber; your officers sleep. Your people are scattered on the mountains with no one to gather them.
アッスリヤの王よ汝の牧者は睡り汝の貴族は臥す 又なんぢの民は山々に散さる 之を聚むる者なし
19 There is no healing for your injury; your wound is severe. All who hear the news of you applaud your downfall, for who has not experienced your constant cruelty?
汝の傷は愈ること無し 汝の創は重し 汝の事を聞およぶ者はみな汝の故によりて手を拍ん 誰か汝の惡行を恒に身に受ざる者やある

< Nahum 3 >