< Nahum 2 >

1 One who scatters advances against you, O Nineveh. Guard the fortress! Watch the road! Brace yourselves! Summon all your strength!
Hærgeren drager imod dig, hold Vagt med Omhu, hold Udkig, omgjord din Lænd, saml al din Kraft!
2 For the LORD will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of Israel, though destroyers have laid them waste and ruined the branches of their vine.
Thi HERREN genrejser Jakobs og Israels Højhed; dem har jo Hærværksmænd hærget og ødt deres Ranker.
3 The shields of his mighty men are red; the valiant warriors are dressed in scarlet. The fittings of the chariots flash like fire on the day they are prepared, and the spears of cypress have been brandished.
Hans Heltes Skjolde er røde, hans Stridsmænd skarlagenklædt, hans Vogne funkler af Stål, den Dag han ruster og Spydene svinges.
4 The chariots dash through the streets; they rush around the plazas, appearing like torches, darting about like lightning.
Igennem Gaderne raser Vognene frem, hen over Torvene farer de i susende Fart; de ser ud som Fakler, farer frem og tilbage som Lyn.
5 He summons his nobles; they stumble as they advance. They race to its wall; the protective shield is set in place.
Hans Helte kaldes frem, de snubler i Farten, de styrter frem imod Muren. Skjoldtaget er rejst.
6 The river gates are thrown open and the palace collapses.
Flodportene bliver åbnet, Kongsgården vakler.
7 It is decreed that the city be exiled and carried away; her maidservants moan like doves, and beat upon their breasts.
Herskerinden føres bort i Landflygtigbed med sine Terner; de sukker som kurrende Duer, slår sig for Brystet.
8 Nineveh has been like a pool of water throughout her days, but now it is draining away. “Stop! Stop!” they cry, but no one turns back.
Nineve er som en Dam, hvis Vand flyder bort. "Stands dog, stands dog!" råbes der, men ingen vender om.
9 “Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold!” There is no end to the treasure, an abundance of every precious thing.
Ran Sølv, ran Guld! Der er Liggendefæ uden Ende, alskens kostbare Ting i store Måder.
10 She is emptied! Yes, she is desolate and laid waste! Hearts melt, knees knock, bodies tremble, and every face grows pale!
Tomt og tømt og udtømt, ængstede Hjerter, rystende Knæ og Skælven i alle Lænder! Og alle Ansigter blegner.
11 Where is the lions’ lair or the feeding ground of the young lions, where the lion and lioness prowled with their cubs, with nothing to frighten them away?
Hvor er nu Løvernes Bo, Ungløvernes Hule, hvor Løven frak sig tilbage, hvor Ungløven ej kunde skræmmes?
12 The lion mauled enough for its cubs and strangled prey for the lioness. It filled its dens with the kill, and its lairs with mauled prey.
Den røved til Ungernes Tarv og myrded til Løvinderne, fyldte sine Hier med Bytte. sit Bo med Rov.
13 “Behold, I am against you,” declares the LORD of Hosts. “I will send your chariots up in smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voices of your messengers will no longer be heard.”
Se, jeg kommer over dig, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE, dit Lejrsted lader jeg gå op i Røg. Dine Ungløver skal Sværdet fortære; jeg rydder din Røverfærd bort fra Jorden. Dine Sendebuds Røst skal aldrig høres mer.

< Nahum 2 >