< Micah 3 >

1 Then I said: “Hear now, O leaders of Jacob, you rulers of the house of Israel. Should you not know justice?
Potom rekoh: “Čujte sada, glavari kuće Jakovljeve, suci doma Izraelova! Nije li na vama da znate što je pravo? Ali vi mrzite dobro, a ljubite zlo!
2 You hate good and love evil. You tear the skin from my people and strip the flesh from their bones.
Vi ljudima derete kožu s tijela i meso s kosti njihovih.
3 You eat the flesh of my people after stripping off their skin and breaking their bones. You chop them up like flesh for the cooking pot, like meat in a cauldron.”
Oni proždiru tijelo moga naroda i deru mu kožu, lome kosti. Oni ih komadaju kao u loncu, kao meso u punom kotlu!
4 Then they will cry out to the LORD, but He will not answer them. At that time He will hide His face from them because of the evil they have done.
Zato, oni će Jahvu zazivati, a on im neće odgovoriti. Sakrit će, u ono vrijeme, lice od njih zbog zločina koje su počinili.”
5 This is what the LORD says: “As for the prophets who lead My people astray, who proclaim peace while they chew with their teeth, but declare war against one who puts nothing in their mouths:
Ovako govori Jahve protiv prorokÄa koji moj narod zavode: “Ako imaju zalogaj u zubima, proglašuju: 'Mir!' Ali protiv onoga koji im ništa ne stavlja u usta naviještaju sveti rat.
6 Therefore night will come over you without visions, and darkness without divination. The sun will set on these prophets, and the daylight will turn black over them.
Zato ćete imati noć mjesto vaših viđenja i tminu mjesto proricanja. Zaći će sunce tim prorocima i dan će za njih pomrčati.
7 Then the seers will be ashamed and the diviners will be disgraced. They will all cover their mouths because there is no answer from God.”
Tada će se posramiti vidovnjaci i zblaniti vračari. Svi će oni pokriti gubice, jer odgovora Božjeg neće biti.
8 As for me, however, I am filled with power by the Spirit of the LORD, with justice and courage, to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin.
Ali ja sam pun snage i duha Jahvina, pun pravde i jakosti da objavim Jakovu opačinu njegovu, Izraelu njegov grijeh.
9 Now hear this, O leaders of the house of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel, who despise justice and pervert all that is right,
Čujte dakle ovo, glavari kuće Jakovljeve, suci doma Izraelova, vi kojima se pravda gadi te izvrćete sve što je ispravno!
10 who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with iniquity.
Vi koji gradite Sion u krvi i Jeruzalem u zločinu!
11 Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets practice divination for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD, saying, “Is not the LORD among us? No disaster can come upon us.”
Glavari njegovi sude prema mitu, svećenici njegovi poučavaju radi zarade, proroci njegovi bale za novac. A na Jahvu se oni pozivaju i govore: 'Nije li Jahve u našoj sredini? Neće na nas zlo navaliti.'
12 Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, and the temple mount a wooded ridge.
Poradi vas i vaše krivnje Sion će biti polje preorano, Jeruzalem ruševina, a Goru Doma prekrit će šuma.”

< Micah 3 >