< Matthew 27 >
1 When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people conspired against Jesus to put Him to death.
Mpobwalaca mumene, beshimilumbo bonse, ne bamakulene Baciyuda balapangana kayi sha kumushina Yesu.
2 They bound Him, led Him away, and handed Him over to Pilate the governor.
Balamusunga ne kumutwala kuli Pilato Mwendeleshi wa Ciloma.
3 When Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was filled with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders.
Yuda, usa walaulisha Yesu mpwalaboneti mulandu ulaba wakumushina Yesu, walalisenda mwine, neco walababweshela bamakulene beshimilumbo, ne bamakulene Baciyuda, mali asa akwana makumi atatu a silifa.
4 “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” he said. “What is that to us?” they replied. “You bear the responsibility.”
Walambeti, “Ndepisha kulisha muntu wabula mulandu kwambeti ayafwe.” Nomba balo balambeti, “Ulayandanga twinseconi? Awo nimakani akobe omwine.”
5 So Judas threw the silver into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
Yuda walamanta mali ne kuya kwawala mu Ng'anda ya Lesa, kufumapo wakalisungilila.
6 The chief priests picked up the pieces of silver and said, “It is unlawful to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.”
Basa bamakulene beshimilumbo balabwesa mali, ne kwambeti, “Milawo yetu nkayasuminisha kwabika mali awa mu kabokoshi nkotukute kubikamo mali muno mu Ng'anda ya Lesa, pakwinga ni mali amilopa.”
7 After conferring together, they used the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners.
Neco balapanganeti mali awa baule libala lya mubumbi wanongo, kwambeti kube kunamaumbwe abensu.
8 That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day.
Ecebo cakendi libala ilyo mpaka lelo likute kukwiweti libala lya milopa.
9 Then what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: “They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on Him by the people of Israel,
Neco, kwalikuba kukwanilisha calamba mushinshimi Yelemiya uyo walambeti, “balamanta asa mali makumi atatu amukuba, mulo bana Baislayeli ngobalapangana palyendiye
10 and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord had commanded me.”
balaula libala lya mubumbi wanongo, mbuli Lesa ncalang'ambila.”
11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, who questioned Him: “Are You the King of the Jews?” “You have said so,” Jesus replied.
Lino Yesu walemana pamenso pa Pilato Mwendeleshi, uyo walamwipusheti, “Sena njobe Mwami wa Bayuda?” Yesu walakumbuleti, “Mulamba mobene.”
12 And when He was accused by the chief priests and elders, He gave no answer.
Nomba mpobali kumubepesha bamakulene beshimilumbo, ne bamakulene Baciyuda, Yesu nkali kubakumbulapo sobwe.
13 Then Pilate asked Him, “Do You not hear how many charges they are bringing against You?”
Pilato mpwalaboneco, walamwipusha Yesu, “Sena nkolabinyumfunga mbyobala kubepeshenga?”
14 But Jesus gave no answer, not even to a single charge, much to the governor’s amazement.
Yesu uliya kumukumbula. Neco Pilato walakankamana kwine.
15 Now it was the governor’s custom at the feast to release to the crowd a prisoner of their choosing.
Pacindi cakusekelela Pasika, Mwendeleshi Pilato, walikukute cinga cakusungulula kaili umo, uyo bantu ngobalayandanga.
16 At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner named Barabbas.
Kwalikuba kaili umo pacindico wayampuyo, walikuwiweti Balaba.
17 So when the crowd had assembled, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?”
Mpobalabungana, Pilato walabepusheti, “Inga mulayandanga upeyo ngoti nsungulule, ‘Balaba,’ Nambi Yesu, lakwiwangeti Klistu?”
18 For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him.
Walambeco pakwinga walikwinshiba kwambeti, bantu balamuleta Yesu kulyendiye cebo ca minyono yabo.
19 While Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him this message: “Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered terribly in a dream today because of Him.”
Pilato kacili wekala pa cipuna cakomboloshela milandu, mukashendi walamutumina maswi, walambeti, “Kamutengililapo pankani ya muntuyo walulama, ame lelo mashiku ndapenge ne maloto pacebo ca muntuyo.”
20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus put to death.
Bamakulene beshimilumbo, ne bamakulene Baciyuda, balatatika kuyungaula bantu kwambeti, basenge Pilato asungulule Balaba, ne kwambeti Yesu afwe.
21 “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor. “Barabbas,” they replied.
Lino Pilato walabepusheti, “Pa bantu babili aba mulayandanga ndimusungulwilepo upeyo?” Balo balambeti, “Balaba!”
22 “What then should I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify Him!”
Kayi Pilato walabepusheti, “Inga lino uyu Yesu, lakwiwangeti, Klistu ndimwinseconi?” Bantu bonse balambeti, “Mupopeni!”
23 “Why?” asked Pilate. “What evil has He done?” But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!”
Kayi Pilato, walabepusheti, “Inga ukute mulandu cini?” Bantu basa balapitilisha kubilikisheti, “Mupopeni!”
24 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You bear the responsibility.”
Lino Pilato mpwalaboneti bantu ngabatatika mipyopyongano, na upitilisha kwambapo, walamanta menshi, walasamba kumakasa pamenso pabantu bonse. Walambeti, “Ame ndiya mulandu wa lufu lwa muntuyu. Mulandu niwenu mobene.”
25 All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”
Basa bantu bonse pamo balambeti, “Mulandu walufulo ube pamitwi yetu ne ya bana betu.”
26 So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified.
Popelapo Pilato walabasungulwila Balaba, ne kumukwapula Yesu, panyuma pakendi balamutwala kuya kumupopa palusanda.
27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company around Him.
Popelapo bashilikali ba Mwendeleshi Pilato, balamumanta Yesu, nekuya nendi mulubuwa lwang'anda ya Pilato. Umo mobalabunganya bashilikali banabo ne kumushunguluka Yesu.
28 They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him.
Balamufulula byakufwala byakendi, ne kumufwalika mwinjila ufubeluka.
29 And they twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on His head. They put a staff in His right hand and knelt down before Him to mock Him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
Balapomba munshini wamyunga ne kumufwalika kumutwi, kayi balamwikatisha nkoli ya litete kucikasa cakululyo, balatatika kumusuntamina kwakumuwela, ne kumufukanya mwalisongwe, kabambeti, “Mitende Mwami wa Bayuda.”
30 Then they spit on Him and took the staff and struck Him on the head repeatedly.
Balamusankila mata, balamanta nkoli yalitete ne kumuma nayo mu mutwi.
31 After they had mocked Him, they removed the robe and put His own clothes back on Him. Then they led Him away to crucify Him.
Mpobalacileka kumufukanya mwalisongwe, balamufulula mwinjila ufubeluka usa, ne kumufwalika mwinjila wakendi. Panyuma pakendi balamumanta kuya kumupopa.
32 Along the way they found a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross of Jesus.
Cindi ncobalikufuma mu munshi umo, balakumanya muntu, lina lyakendi, Shimoni waku Kulene. Bashilikali balamukakatisha kunyamuna lusanda lwa Yesu.
33 And when they came to a place called Golgotha, which means The Place of the Skull,
Balashika pamusena walikukwiweti, Gologota, ekwambeti musena wacifupa camutwi.
34 they offered Him wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, He refused to drink it.
Uko nkobalamupa Yesu, waini wasankanishiwako ne ntulukishi, kwambeti anwe. Nomba mpwalasupitamo, walakana kunwa.
35 When they had crucified Him, they divided up His garments by casting lots.
Yesu mpobalamupopa pa lusanda, balauma nsolo kwambeti baboneti nibani beti bayabane byakufwala byakendi,
36 And sitting down, they kept watch over Him there.
Panyuma pakendi balekala panshi kabamupembelela.
37 Above His head they posted the written charge against Him: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Pelu pamutwi wakendi Yesu, balalembapo mulandu ngobalamushinina, balalembeti, “Uyu e Yesu Mwami wa Bayuda.”
38 Two robbers were crucified with Him, one on His right hand and the other on His left.
Kayi kopeloko kwalikuba kwapopwa kapondo babili, umo kucikasa ca kululyo, naumbi kucikasa ca kucipiko.
39 And those who passed by heaped abuse on Him, shaking their heads
Nomba bantu balikupita pepi bali kumutukana, kabapukumuna mitwi yabo,
40 and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross!”
kabambeti, “Sena obe ntobe walikwambeti, ‘Ni nkamwaye Ng'anda ya Lesa, ne kuyibaka pamasuba atatu’ Na cakubinga njobe Mwanendi Lesa, kolipulusha ufumepo pa lusandapo.”
41 In the same way, the chief priests, scribes, and elders mocked Him, saying,
Nabo bamakulene beshimilumbo pamo ne beshikwiyisha milawo ya Mose, ne bamakulene Baciyuda, balikumuseka kabambeti,
42 “He saved others, but He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel! Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him.
Walikupulusha bantu bambi, nsombi lalilwanga kulipulusha mwine, sena nte Mwami wa Baislayeli? Kaselukapo pa lusandapo kwambeti afwe tumushome.
43 He trusts in God. Let God deliver Him now if He wants Him. For He said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”
Walikuba wacinka manungo muli Lesa, kamupulushani Lesa uyo na umusuni nte walikambeti, “Njame Mwanendi Lesa!”
44 In the same way, even the robbers who were crucified with Him berated Him.
Nabo kapondo babili basa balikuba bapopwa pamo ne Yesu balikumutukana.
45 From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.
Kufuma cindi ca muma 12 koloko mpaka 3 koloko munshi palaba mushinshe pacishi conse.
46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
Cindi camuma 3 koloko munshi, Yesu walabilikisheti, “Eloi, Eloi, Lama sabakatani?” Uku ekwambeti, “Lesa wakame, Lesa wakame, mulanshili cani ndenka!”
47 When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He is calling Elijah.”
Nabambi balikuba bemana pepi mpobalanyumfwa maswi awo balambeti, “Muntuyu lakunga Eliya.”
48 One of them quickly ran and brought a sponge. He filled it with sour wine, put it on a reed, and held it up for Jesus to drink.
Popelapo naumbi walafwamba kuya kumanta cisambo, walacisabika mu waini wasasa, ne kucibika ku kalutele ne kumupa kwambeti anwe.
49 But the others said, “Leave Him alone. Let us see if Elijah comes to save Him.”
Nsombi nabambi balambeti, “Koleka nanshi, tubone na Eliya nese amupulushe!”
50 When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit.
Yesu walakuluma cangofu, popelapo walataya moyo.
51 At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.
Lino kamubonani, cisa cikwisa calikuba mu Ng'anda ya Lesa, calatwamuka pakati kufumina pelu mpaka panshi. Kwalaba mukunkumo, ne mabwe alapasauka.
52 The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised.
Manda alacaluka ne mibili yabantu ba Lesa bangi bona mu manda balapundushiwa.
53 After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people.
Mpolabapula mu manda, Panyuma pa kupunduka kwa Yesu, balaya kwingila mu Yelusalemu Mushi Waswepa. Ne kuboneka ku bantu bangi.
54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and said, “Truly this was the Son of God.”
Abo balikuba ne mushilikali mukulene kabapembelela Yesu, mpobalabona mukunkumo ne bintu nabimbi byalenshika, balaba ne buyowa bunene, balambeti, “Cakubinga muntuyu wanga Mwanendi Lesa.”
55 And many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to minister to Him.
Palikuba batukashi bangi balikuba bemana capataliko balikwebelela. Aba ebalamukonkela Yesu kufuma ku Galileya, kabamunyamfwilisha.
56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.
Pakati pabatukashi aba palikuba Maliya waku Magadala, Maliya banyina Jemusi ne Yosefe, ne mukashendi Sebedayo.
57 When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who himself was a disciple of Jesus.
Cindi camansailo pamuntu ngulya, kwalashika Yosefe waku Alimateya, walikuba mubile, neye walikuba shikwiya wa Yesu.
58 He went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him.
Walaya kusenga mubili wa Yesu kuli Pilato, nendi Pilato walasuminisheti, Yosefe apewe uwo mubili.
59 So Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,
Neco Yosefe walamanta mubili ne kufungaila mucikwisa caswepa calinolino cituba,
60 and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut into the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance to the tomb and went away.
ne kuya kubika mu manda ngwalalibesela calinolino mulibwe ne kunkulushilapo cilibwe pacishinga camanda ne kufumako.
61 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb.
Maliya waku Magadala, ne Maliya naumbi usa balikuba bekala panshi kabali balangila kumanda.
62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and Pharisees assembled before Pilate.
Mpobwalaca mumene pa Sabata, bamakulene beshimilumbo, pamo ne Bafalisi balakabungana kuli Pilato
63 “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while He was alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’
ne kumwambileti, “Nkambo, twanuka kwambeti kacili muyumi muntu mubepeshi usa, walikwambeti, ‘Pakapita masuba atatu ninkapundushiwe.’
64 So give the order that the tomb be secured until the third day. Otherwise, His disciples may come and steal Him away and tell the people He has risen from the dead. And this last deception would be worse than the first.”
Neco, kamubambilani bamalonda benga bapembelele pamanda kwa masuba atatu, kutineti kabatesa bamwibe beshikwiya bakendi, ne kutatika kwambila bantu, eti lapundushiwa kubafu. Pakwinga kubepa uku ngakukonempa kupita kubepa kusa kwakutanguna.”
65 “You have a guard,” Pilate said. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.”
Nendi Pilato walabambileti, “Nenjamwe mukute bamalonda, mucinshi ncomwelela kwinsa, kamuyani mupembelele pamandapo.”
66 So they went and secured the tomb by sealing the stone and posting the guard.
Balaya, balashinkashinka pamanda ne kushapo cishibisho pacilibweco. Ne kushiyapo bamalonda babo.