< Mark 3 >
1 Once again Jesus entered the synagogue, and a man with a withered hand was there.
Jeesus läks taas sünagoogi. Seal oli üks mees, kellel oli vigane käsi.
2 In order to accuse Jesus, they were watching to see if He would heal on the Sabbath.
Seal oli ka neid, kes jälgisid, kas Jeesus teeb mehe hingamispäeval terveks, sest nad otsisid põhjust, et teda seaduserikkumises süüdistada.
3 Then Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, “Stand up among us.”
Jeesus ütles vigase käega mehele: „Tule ja seisa siia kõikide ette.“
4 And He asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?” But they were silent.
„Kas hingamispäeval on seaduslik teha head või halba? Kas peaks elu säästma või tapma?“küsis ta neilt. Kuid nemad ei vastanud sõnagi.
5 Jesus looked around at them with anger and sorrow at their hardness of heart. Then He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” So he stretched it out, and it was restored.
Ta vaatas neid ärritunult ja nende halastamatuse pärast ägestudes. Seejärel ütles ta mehele: „Siruta käsi välja.“Mees sirutas käe välja ja käsi sai terveks.
6 At this, the Pharisees went out and began plotting with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.
Variserid lahkusid ja hakkasid kohe Heroodese pooldajatega salaplaane pidama, kuidas nad saaksid Jeesuse tappa.
7 So Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the sea, accompanied by a large crowd from Galilee, Judea,
Vahepeal läks Jeesus tagasi mere äärde ja suur hulk rahvast järgnes talle. Nad olid pärit Galileast, Juudamaalt,
8 Jerusalem, Idumea, the region beyond the Jordan, and the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon. The large crowd came to Him when they heard what great things He was doing.
Jeruusalemmast, Idumeast, Jordani-taguselt alalt ning Tüürose ja Siidoni piirkonnast. Nii palju rahvast tuli teda vaatama sellepärast, et nad olid kuulnud kõigest, mida ta teeb.
9 Jesus asked His disciples to have a boat ready for Him so that the crowd would not crush Him.
Jeesus käskis oma jüngritel väikese paadi valmis panna juhuks, kui rahvas talle väga peale tungib,
10 For He had healed so many that all who had diseases were pressing forward to touch Him.
sest ta oli nii paljud terveks teinud, et haiged tunglesid tema poole, et nad saaksid teda puudutada.
11 And when the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cried out, “You are the Son of God!”
Iga kord kui kurjad vaimud teda nägid, langesid nad tema ette maha ja kisendasid: „Sina oled Jumala Poeg!“
12 But He warned them sternly not to make Him known.
Kuid ta keelas neil avaldada, kes ta on.
13 Then Jesus went up on the mountain and called for those He wanted, and they came to Him.
Seejärel läks Jeesus mägismaale. Ta kutsus need, keda ta soovis, enda juurde, ja nad tulid tema juurde.
14 He appointed twelve of them, whom He designated as apostles, to accompany Him, to be sent out to preach,
Ta valis neist kaksteist, kes oleksid temaga koos, ja nimetas nad apostliteks. Nad pidid olema temaga koos ning ta kavatses nad saata välja head sõnumit kuulutama
15 and to have authority to drive out demons.
ja nad pidid saama voli kurje vaime välja ajada.
16 These are the twelve He appointed: Simon (whom He named Peter),
Need on kaksteist, kelle ta valis: Siimon (kelle ta nimetas Peetruseks),
17 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (whom He named Boanerges, meaning “Sons of Thunder”),
Sebedeuse poeg Jaakobus ja tema vend Johannes (kelle kohta ta ütles Boanerges, mis tähendab „kõuepojad“),
18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot,
Andreas, Filippus, Bartolomeus, Matteus, Toomas, Alfeuse poeg Jaakobus, Taddeus, revolutsionäär Siimon
19 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus.
ja Juudas Iskariot (kes ta reetis).
20 Then Jesus went home, and once again a crowd gathered, so that He and His disciples could not even eat.
Jeesus läks koju, kuid taas kogunes nii suur rahvahulk, et temal ja ta jüngritel ei olnud isegi aega süüa.
21 When His family heard about this, they went out to take custody of Him, saying, “He is out of His mind.”
Kui Jeesuse perekond sellest kuulis, tulid nad talle järele, öeldes: „Ta on aru kaotanud.“
22 And the scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and, “By the prince of the demons He drives out demons.”
Ent Jeruusalemma vaimulikud juhid ütlesid: „Ta on Peltsebuli võimuses! Ta ajab kurje vaime välja kurjade vaimude valitseja abil!“
23 So Jesus called them together and began to speak to them in parables: “How can Satan drive out Satan?
Aga Jeesus kutsus nad enda juurde ning näitlikku selgitust kasutades küsis neilt: „Kuidas saab Saatan Saatanat välja ajada?
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
Kuningriik, mis on iseendaga sõjajalal, ei jää püsima.
25 If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
Riidlev leibkond on hukule määratud.
26 And if Satan is divided and rises against himself, he cannot stand; his end has come.
Kui Saatan on iseendaga riius ja sõjajalal, ei kesta ta kaua − peagi oleks tal lõpp.
27 Indeed, no one can enter a strong man’s house to steal his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder his house.
Kindel on see, et kui keegi murrab tugeva mehe majja ja üritab tema asju võtta, ei jõua ta röövsaagiga kaugele, kui ta seda tugevat meest kõigepealt kinni ei seo.
28 Truly I tell you, the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies, as many as they utter.
Ma räägin teile tõtt: kõik patud ja jumalateotus on võimalik andeks saada,
29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
aga kui inimesed teotavad Jumalat sellega, et lükkavad tagasi Püha Vaimu, siis ei saa nad kunagi andeks, sest nad on süüdi igaveses patus.“ (aiōn , aiōnios )
30 Jesus made this statement because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Jeesus ütles nii sellepärast, et nad ütlesid: „Tal on kuri vaim.“)
31 Then Jesus’ mother and brothers came and stood outside. They sent someone in to summon Him,
Seejärel jõudsid kohale Jeesuse ema ja vennad. Nad ootasid väljas ja saatsid talle teate, milles palusid tal välja tulla.
32 and a crowd was sitting around Him. “Look,” He was told, “Your mother and brothers are outside, asking for You.”
Tema ümber istuv rahvas ütles talle: „Sinu ema ja vennad küsivad väljas sinu järele.“
33 But Jesus replied, “Who are My mother and My brothers?”
„Kes on mu ema? Kes on mu vennad?“vastas ta.
34 Looking at those seated in a circle around Him, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers!
Heitnud pilgu kõigile, kes istusid tema ümber ringis, ütles ta: „Siin on mu ema! Siin on mu vennad!
35 For whoever does the will of God is My brother and sister and mother.”
Kes iganes teeb seda, mis on Jumala tahtmine, on minu vend, õde ja ema.“