< Mark 12 >
1 Then Jesus began to speak to them in parables: “A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a wine vat, and built a watchtower. Then he rented it out to some tenants and went away on a journey.
Vbvrikunamv Jisu bunuam minchisinam lokv mintoku: “Kvvlo nyi ako dooto hv anggor rongo ako mvtoku, hum svlung rakyum toku, anggor nyumjit kobv ungrung ako dutoku okv kaaya koku taabio akochin bioto. Vbvrigvrila nw rwktinnam nyi lo tinlwk toku okv naam a mooying vngyu toku.
2 At harvest time, he sent a servant to the tenants to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard.
Vdwlo anggor a naakumdw hv aato kudw, nw pakbua rwktin gvlo vngmu toku ninyigv paase nga bunu gvlo naarwk simudubv vla.
3 But they seized the servant, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed.
Rwktin tinam vdwv pakbu nga naatungto, ninyia jvngto, okv arochoko bv vngkur motoku.
4 Then he sent them another servant, and they struck him over the head and treated him shamefully.
Vbvrikunamv atu v pakbu gonvnyi vngmuto; rwktin tinam vdwv ninyia dumpo lokv jvngrap toku okv ninyia achialvbv nyarjikaola mvtungmvre toku.
5 He sent still another, and this one they killed. He sent many others; some they beat and others they killed.
Atu hv pakbu ako godv vngmuto, okv ninyia bunu mvki toku; okv bunu achialvbv kvvgo nyika vbvdvdvbv mvto, kvgonyi jvngto kvgonyi mvkito.
6 Finally, having one beloved son, he sent him to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
Akin mvngchik go doomwng toku vngjikunv hv rongo atugv paknam kuunyilo ngv. Vbvrikunamv, atar anyabv, nw ninyigv kuunyilo nga rwktin vdwgvlo vngmu toku. Nw minto ‘Ngo jvjvbv mvngdunv bunu ngoogv kuunyilo nga mvngdvri.’
7 But the tenants said to one another, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’
Vbvritola rwktin vdwv bunugv arwnglo raamisito, ‘So si rongo atu gv kuunyilo ngv. Klai, aakumto ninyia mvki laju, okv ninyigv yikungyira ngv ngonu gvbv rireku!’
8 So they seized the son, killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.
Vkvlvgabv bunu kuunyilo anga naatungto okv ninyia mvki toku okv ninyigv svma nga rongo agumlo joa toku.”
9 What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill those tenants, and will give the vineyard to others.
“Vbvrikubolo, rongo atu v ogu rirekudw?” Jisu Tvvkato. “Nw aareku okv ho nyi vdwa mvkire okv rongo nga kvvbi rwktin lo tinriku.
10 Have you never read this Scripture: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
Darwknv Kitaplo nonu sum puri rirung pvnvri? ‘Naam mvnv vdwgv anyung kaama vla daranam vlwng ngv mvnwng a alvyachok nvgobv rito.
11 This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”
Si Ahtu lokv ritoku; Si ogu kaasartabobv kaanam go!’”
12 At this, the leaders sought to arrest Jesus, for they knew that He had spoken this parable against them. But fearing the crowd, they left Him and went away.
Jius rigvnv vdwv Jisunyi naatung tvvtoku, ogulvgavbolo ninyigv minchisinam minam v bunuam minikla mindu vla bunu ho tvchinto, vbvritola bunu nyitwng nga busunyato, vkvlvgabv bunu ninyia kayula okv vngyutoku.
13 Later, they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to catch Jesus in His words.
Parisis nyi megola okv Herod gv nyi megola Jisu gvlo vngmuto ninyia tvu svgo tvka gvrila naatung dubv vla.
14 “Teacher,” they said, “we know that You are honest and seek favor from no one. Indeed, You are impartial and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay them or not?”
Bunu nw gvlo aala minto, “Tamsarnv, ngonu chindu no jvjv a mindunv, nyi vdwv ogugo mvngdu ho lvkwngbv mvngdwk mabv. No nyi vdwgv mvngnam lokv vngma, vbvritola nyi lvgabv Pwknvyarnv gv ogugo mvngnam jvjv nga tamsaryado. Ngonua minpalabv, Roman Dvbvyachok ka lampu dornam si ngonugv Pvbv nga rinying dunvri? Ngonu dordu bri vmalo dorma dubvri?”
15 But Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to inspect.”
Vbvritola Jisu bunugv gwngsi nama kaapatvla mirwksito, “Nonu ogubv nga naatung dubv gwngdunv? Ain lokdwng lo chargo bvnglwkjilabv, okv um nga kaamulabv.”
16 So they brought it, and He asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they answered.
Bunu charkin go ninyigvlo bvnglwk jito, okv Jisu tvvkato, “Si yvvgv nyukmu vla okv aminv?” Bunu mirwkto “Dvbvyachok gv.”
17 Then Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they marveled at Him.
Vkvlvgabv Jisu minto, “Alvdo, vbvrinamv, Dvbvyachok gvnga Dvbvyachoknyi jitoka, okv Pwknvyarnv gvnga Pwknvyarnvnyi jilaka.” Hoka bunu Jisunyi lamngak panyatoku.
18 Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus and questioned Him:
Vbvrikunamv nyi sinv, turkur madunv vnv Sadusis mego, Jisu gvlo aato okv minto.
19 “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man is to marry his brother’s widow and raise up offspring for him.
“Tamsarnv, ngonugv lvgabv Moses so Pvbv nga lvkpv jito: ‘Nyi gunv atugv nywng nga kuu bvngma dwbv siyu bolo ho nyi gv boruv hvngmi nga nywng mvla doogv gvrila siyunv nyi ho gvbv kuu bvngji motoka’
20 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married and died, leaving no children.
Lvko nvnga achiboru kanw go dooto; Achi yachokkv nywng naatoku okv kuu dooma dwbv siyuto.
21 Then the second one married the widow, but he also died and left no children. And the third did likewise.
Vbvrikunamv boru yangv nywng nga doogv toku, okv nw ka kuu bvngma dwbv siyutoku. Boru aom nvnv vka vbvdvdvbv ritoku,
22 In this way, none of the seven left any children. And last of all, the woman died.
okv vbvrikunamv boru dvdv ngv: boru kanw mvnwngngv nyimvmvvga anga nywng mvto okv kuu bvngma dwbv siyu nyatoku. Atar anyabv nyimvmvvga angv sitoku.
23 In the resurrection, then, whose wife will she be? For all seven were married to her.”
Vjak, bunu kanw mvnwngngv ninyia nywng mvto, turkurdw alu lo vdwlo sinv mvnwngngv turkur rikunyi, nyimvmvvga angv yvvgv nywngbv rirekudw?”
24 Jesus said to them, “Aren’t you mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?
Jisu bunua mirwk toku, “Vdwgo nonu mvngmur nyadunv! Okv nonu chindure ogulvgabv? So si ogulvgavbolo nonu Darwknv Kitap a vmalo Pwknvyarnv gv jwkrw nga chima namv.
25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven.
Vdwlo sinv vdwv turkur rikudw, bunu nyidogindung jvbv ririku okv nywngnyilu naami sikumare.
26 But concerning the dead rising, have you not read about the burning bush in the Book of Moses, how God told him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?
Vjak, sinv ngv turkur nama: nonu lvkoka Moses gv Kitaplo singnv amwng nga vmv gunam lvkwng nga puri rika mapv nvri? Hoka svbv lvkdu Pwknvyarnv Mosesnyi minto, ‘Ngo kuna Abraham gv, Isaak gv okv Jakob gv Pwknvyarnv ngv,’
27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”
Pwknvyarnv turnv vdwgv Pwknvyarnv ngv, sinv gvngvma. Nonu achialvbv mvngmordu!” Pwknvyarnv turnv nyi vdwgv Pwknvyarnv ngv, bunu siro kujvka, turdunv. Nonu achialvbv mvngmordu!”
28 Now one of the scribes had come up and heard their debate. Noticing how well Jesus had answered them, he asked Him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?”
Vbv raami sirilo Pvbv tamsarnv ako hoka tvvla dakto. Nw kaatoku Jisu sadusis vdwa alvrungbv mirwk gvnyibv vla, vkvlvgabv nw Jisu gvlo tvusvgo mvngla aatoku: “Gamkinam mvnwng lokv kaiyachoknv gamlo yachokkv ogolo angv?”
29 Jesus replied, “This is the most important: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.
Jisu mirwkto, “Gamlo yachoknv sinv ‘Tvvgap tvka, Israel! Ahtu ngonugv Pwknvyarnv mvngchik Ahtuv.
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
Ahtunyi paklaka noogv Pwknvyarnvnyi noogv haapok mvnwnglo, noogv dow mvnwnglo, noogv mongrumara mvnwnglo, okv noogv gwlwk mvnwnglo.’
31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
Gamnyi nvnv gamlo yachokkv si, ‘No kvvbinyi haka paktoka oguaingbv no atu nvnga paksudvdw.’ So gv gamlo gamnyi so lvvyabv ho kaiyanv gamkinam yagu kaama.”
32 “Right, Teacher,” the scribe replied. “You have stated correctly that God is One and there is no other but Him,
Pvbv tamsarnv Jisunyi minto, “Tamsarnv, Alvbv ripv, so si jvjv ngvrung no mingvnyibv, ho Ahtu mwng Pwknvyarnv ngv okv ho hokaka kvvbi Pwknvyarnv yago kaama vbvritola nw mwng.
33 and to love Him with all your heart and with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, which is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”
Okv nyi v Pwknvyarnvnyi haapok mvnwnglo pakrung laka, okv mongrumara mvnwng loka okv ninyigv gwlwk mvnwng loka; okv kvvbinyi haka no atu v oguaingbv paksudvdw vbv pakmin sirung laka. Svnwngsvmin okv kvvbi go Pwknvyarnvnyi erin rinji mamsenga so gv gamkinam gaam anyi sum achialv bvya tvvgap mvnggapla rise gorung.”
34 When Jesus saw that the man had answered wisely, He said, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And no one dared to question Him any further.
Jisu kaapa toku vdwgo alvrungdo ninyigv mirwknamv, okv vkvlvgabv Jisu ninyia minpa toku, “No Pwknvyarnv gv Karv lokv adu ma.” So kochingbv yvvka Jisunyi tvu svnga choopu nyuma toku.
35 While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, He asked, “How can the scribes say that the Christ is the Son of David?
Pwknvyarnvnaam lo Jisu tamsar sardungla ririlo, nw tvunam go tvvkato, “Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv Kristonyi Dabid gv husi gubv rire vla oguaingbv mindu nvdw?
36 Speaking by the Holy Spirit, David himself declared: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand until I put Your enemies under Your feet.”’
Dabidnyi Darwknv Dow lokv mimuto: ‘Ahtu ngoogv Ahtunyi minto: Ngo noogv nyimak vdwa noogv lvpa lvkwnglo domuma dvdvlo ngoogv lakbiklo dootoka.’
37 David himself calls Him ‘Lord.’ So how can He be David’s son?” And the large crowd listened to Him with delight.
Dabid atubongv ninyia ‘Ahtu’ vla gokto; vkvlvgabv Kristo oguaingbv Dabid gv husi bv ridubv?” Nyitwng kairungnv go Jisu gv minam a tvvpubv tvvria nyato.
38 In His teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the scribes. They like to walk around in long robes, to receive greetings in the marketplaces,
Nw gv bunuam tamsar rilo, nw minto, “Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv jvtvlaklwk asudubv gvtola vngnwng nyanv okv piokpamdorpamlo mvngdv konwng nyanv vdwa himasuto laka,
39 and to have the chief seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.
Yvv jius kumkunaam vdwlo alvnv dooging nga okv dvpam dvkulo alvyachoknv dooku haka gaknv.
40 They defraud widows of their houses, and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will receive greater condemnation.”
Bunu hvngmi vdwa rinvnvmindu okv bunugv naam a dvritpapidu, okv vbvrikunamv kaatamdu kumnam a asudvbv kumdu. Bunugv hiru rusengv sinama lvyabv rire!”
41 As Jesus was sitting opposite the treasury, He watched the crowd putting money into it. And many rich people put in large amounts.
Jisu Pwknvyarnvnaam lo morko lwkku jampa nvchilo dooto, nyi vdwgv morko paalwk nama nw kaayato. Nyitvnv nyi vdwv achialv kaibv morko nga paalwk nyato;
42 Then one poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amounted to a small fraction of a denarius.
vbvrikunamv nyima harianv hvngmi go aalwk toku okv lokdwng charchingnv charnyi go hikki arv go paalwk ngurvto.
43 Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury.
Jisu ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwa goklwkla bunuam minto, “Ngo nonua minpa dunv so nyima harianv hvngmi angv mvnwngnga kaiyabv Daan jampa so paalwk gvnyibv.
44 For they all contributed out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”
Kvvbbi vdwv bunugv nyitvla lvvlin kunam a paalwk nyato; vbvritola hvngmi v, nyimaharia bv rirung dvlachin, nw vdwgo doopvdw hum lwknya chekato—nw ninyigv turgv nvvse ngaaka lwktar jito.”