< Luke 14 >

1 One Sabbath, Jesus went to eat in the home of a leading Pharisee, and those in attendance were watching Him closely.
Agus tarla, ar dteachd dhó go tighdhuine áirghe dúachdaránuibh na Bhpairísíneach a lá na sábbóidedo chaitheamh bídh, go rabhadar a coimhéd air.
2 Right there before Him was a man with dropsy.
Agus, féuch do bhí duine áirighe a nioropuis ná fhiadhnuisi.
3 So Jesus asked the experts in the law and the Pharisees, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?”
Achd ar bhfreagra Díosado labhair sé ris an luchd dlighe agus ris ná Phairsíneachaibh, ag radh, An ceaduigheach leigheas do dhéanamh lá na sábbóide?
4 But they remained silent. Then Jesus took hold of the man, healed him, and sent him on his way.
Achd do thochdadarsan. Agus ar mbreith ar a nóglach dhósan, do leighis sé é, agus do leig sé úadh é;
5 And He asked them, “Which of you whose son or ox falls into a pit on the Sabbath day will not immediately pull him out?”
Agus ag freagra dhóibhsean, a dubhairt sé, Ciá aguibhsi agá dtuitfaedh a asal nó a ddhamh a ndíg, nach dtoígeabhadh a níos é a lá na sábboíde?
6 And they were unable to answer these questions.
Agus níor bheídir léo freagra do thabhairt air ann sna neithibhsi.
7 When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, He told them a parable:
Agus do laibhair sé cosamhlachd ris an muinntir thainic ar cuireadh, ar na thabhairt dá aire mar do bhádar ag togha an chedionuidshuighe; ag rádh riú,
8 “When you are invited to a wedding banquet, do not sit in the place of honor, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited.
An tan do ghéabha tú cuireadh ó neach ar bith chum bainnsi, ná suidh ann sa chéadaít; ar eagla go bhfúair duine as onó ruighe ná thusa cuireadh úadh mar an gcéadna;
9 Then the host who invited both of you will come and tell you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ And in humiliation, you will have to take the last place.
Agus go dtiocfadh an tí do ghoir thusa agus eision agus go naibhéoradhsé riot, Tabhair ionad dó so; agus ann sin do thoiseóchthá maille le náire suidhe ann sa nionad is ísle.
10 But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you.
Achd an tan ghoirfidhthear thú, imthigh agus suidh ann sá nionad is ísle; ionnus an tan thiocfas an títhug cuireadh ó dhuit, go naiheóradh sé riot, A chara, suidh ní áirde suás ná sin: Ann sin do gheabha tú onóir a bhfiadhnuisi a mbiá na suidhe maile riot.
11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Oír gidh bé áduigheas é féin ísleóchthar é; agus gidh bé ísligheas é féin, áirdeóchthar é.
12 Then Jesus said to the man who had invited Him, “When you host a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or brothers or relatives or rich neighbors. Otherwise, they may invite you in return, and you will be repaid.
Agus fós a dubhairt sé ris an té thug cuireadh dhó, An tráth do dhéanas tú dInnéir nó suipéir, ná goir do cháirde ná do dhearbhraithre, ná do dháoine gáoil, ná do chomh arsanna saidhbhre; ar eagla go dtiobhradh siadsan fós cuireadhdhuitse arís, agus go bhfúoghtheá an chomaom chéadna.
13 But when you host a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind,
Achd an tan do ní tú féasda, goir na bcichd, na dáoine ciorthuimeacha, na bacaigh, agus na doill:
14 and you will be blessed. Since they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Agus biádh tú beannuighe; do bhrigh nach bhfuil acfuinn aca an chomáoin cheadna do thabhairt dhuit: ó do bhéarthar a luáidheachd dhuit a neiséirghe na bhfíréun.
15 When one of those reclining with Him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is everyone who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
Agus an tan do chúalaidh duine áirighe dá raibh raibh ar áonbhord ris na neithesi, a dubhairt sé ris, Is beannaighe an té itheas arán a bhflaitheas Dé.
16 But Jesus replied, “A certain man prepared a great banquet and invited many guests.
Achd a dubhairt seision rís Do rinne duine áirighe suipéir mhór, agus do ghoir sé mórán:
17 When it was time for the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
A gus do chuir sé a shearbhfhoghantaidh a nam suipéir dá rádh ris an muinntir fnáir cuireadh, Tiagidh: Oir atAid na huile neithe a nois ullamh.
18 But one after another they all began to make excuses. The first one said, ‘I have bought a field, and I need to go see it. Please excuse me.’
Agus do thionnsgnadar uile dáonghuth a leithsgéul do ghabháil. A ddubhairt an céadduine ris, Do cheannaigh mé fearann, agus is éigin damh dhul amach agus a fhéachain: íarruim ort gabh mo leithsgéul.
19 Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out. Please excuse me.’
Agus a dubhairt fear eile, Do chéannaigh mécúig cuingealuigh do dhaimhuibh, agus atáim ag dul dá ndearbh- adhíaruim ort gabh mo gabh mo leithssgéul.
20 Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, so I cannot come.’
Agus a dubhairt fear eile, Do phós mé bean, ar a nadhbhairsin ní fhéaduim theachd.
21 The servant returned and reported all this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.’
Agus ar dteachd don tsearbhfoghautidhe, dinnis sé na neithesi dhá thighearna. Ann sin ar ngabháil feirge dfear an tighe a dubhairt sé ré ná óglach, Imthigh go tapuidh fá shráidibh agus tabhair leachd a sdeach annsona boichd, agus na bacaigh, agus na doill.
22 ‘Sir,’ the servant replied, ‘what you ordered has been done, and there is still room.’
Agus a dubhairt an searbhfoghautidhe, A tighearna, do rinneadh mar a duirt, gidheadh atá ann fós.
23 So the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.
Agus a dubhairt an tighearna ris a nóglach, imitigh fá ná fálfuibh, agus coimhéignidh íad do theadh a sdeach, do chum go lionfuidhe mo thigh.
24 For I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will taste my banquet.’”
Oír a derim ribh, Nach blaifidh, aon nduine do na fearuibh úd fuáir cuireadh dom shuipéarsa.
25 Large crowds were now traveling with Jesus, and He turned and said to them,
Agus do bhí slúagh mór na chuideachda: agus ar bhfilleadh dho, a dubhairt ríu,
26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be My disciple.
Gidh bé thig chugamasa, agus nach bhfUathuigheann sé a athair, agus a mhathair, agus a bhean, agus a chlann, agus a dhearbhraithreacha, agus a dheirbhsiúreacha, agus fós a anam fein, ní heidir leis bheith na dheiscipbal agamsa.
27 And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.
Agus gidh bé nach iomchrann a chros déin, agus nach leanann mise, ní héidir leis bheith ná dheisciobal agamsa.
28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it?
Oír cía agaibhsi duine le madh mian tor do dheanamh, nach suidhfeadh ar tús, do theilgean cuntais an chosdúis, an mbiadh acfuinn aige chum críche do chur air?
29 Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him,
Ar eagla, déis na funndameinte do dhó, agus gan chumas aige críoch do chur air, go dtoiséochadh gach áon nduine dhá bhfaicfeadh é, fonomhad do dhéanamh faói,
30 saying, ‘This man could not finish what he started to build.’
Ag rádh, Do thionnsgainn an fearsa obair do chur ar siobhal, agus fhéd sé críoch do chuir uirrthe.
31 Or what king on his way to war with another king will not first sit down and consider whether he can engage with ten thousand men the one coming against him with twenty thousand?
Nó cia an rí rachadh do dhéanamh coguidh a naghaidh rígh eile, nach suidhfeadh ar tús, do dhéanamh comhairle nar bhéidir leis le deich míle teagmháil don té thig na aghaidh lé fichthe míle?
32 And if he is unable, he will send a delegation while the other king is still far off, to ask for terms of peace.
Nó, ar mbeith dhósan fós a bhfad úadh, cuiridh sé teachdaireachd chuige, agus iarruidh sé siothcháith.
33 In the same way, any one of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple.
Mar an gcéadna, gach uile dhuine agaibhsi nach díultanndhá bhfuil aige, uí héidir dhó bheith na dheisciobal agamsa.
34 Salt is good, but if the salt loses its savor, with what will it be seasoned?
Is maith an salann: achd má bhiónn an salann gan bhlas, créd lé gcuirfidh blás air?
35 It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile, and it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Ní bhfuil féidim air chum na talmhon, ná chum a naóiligh; teilid daoine amach é. Gidh bé agá bhfuilid clusa chum éisdeachda, éisdeadh sé.

< Luke 14 >