< Judges 17 >
1 Now a man named Micah from the hill country of Ephraim
एफ्राइमको पहाडी देशमा एक जना मानिस थिए, र तिनको नाउँ मीका थियो ।
2 said to his mother, “The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse—I have the silver here with me; I took it.” Then his mother said, “Blessed be my son by the LORD!”
तिनले आफ्नी आमालाई भने, “तपाईंबाट लगिएका १,१०० चाँदीका सिक्का, जसको विषयमा तपाईंले सराप दिनुभएको थियो, र जुन मैले सुनेको थिएँ, हेर्नुहोस् । त्यो चाँदी मसँग छन् । त्यो मैले ती चोरें ।” तिनकी आमाले भनिन्, “मेरो छोरा, परमप्रभुले तिमीलाई आशिष् दिऊन्!”
3 And when he had returned the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she said, “I wholly dedicate the silver to the LORD for my son’s benefit, to make a graven image and a molten idol. Therefore I will now return it to you.”
तिनले ती चाँदीका १,१०० सिक्काहरू आफ्नी आमालाई दिए र तिनकी आमाले भनिन्, “खोपिएको र ढलौटे मूर्तिहरू बनाउनलाई मेरो छोराको निम्ति यो चाँदी म परमप्रभुमा अलग गर्छु । यसैले अब यो म तिमीलाई दिन्छु ।”
4 So he returned the silver to his mother, and she took two hundred shekels of silver and gave them to a silversmith, who made them into a graven image and a molten idol. And they were placed in the house of Micah.
जब तिनले त्यो पैसा आफ्नी आमालाई दिए, तब तिनकी आमाले चाँदीका दुई सय सिक्का लिईन् र त्यो शिल्पकारलाई दिईन् जसले तीबाट खोपिएको र ढलौटे मूर्तिहरू बनाए, र ती मीकाको घरमा राखियो ।
5 Now this man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and some household idols, and ordained one of his sons as his priest.
त्यो मानिस मीकासित मूर्तिहरूको एउटा घर थियो र तिनले एउटा एपोद र घर-देवताहरू बनाए, र तिनले आफ्ना छोरामध्ये एक जनालाई पुजारी हुनको निम्ति नियुक्त गरे ।
6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
ती दिनहरूमा इस्राएलमा कोही राजा थिएन, र हरेकले आफ्नो दृष्टिमा जे ठिक लाग्थ्यो त्यही गर्थ्यो ।
7 And there was a young Levite from Bethlehem in Judah who had been residing within the clan of Judah.
यहूदाको बेथलेहेमका यहूदाका वंशका एक जना जवान मानिस थिए जो एक जना लेवी थिए । आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पुरा गर्न तिनी त्यहाँ बसे ।
8 This man left the city of Bethlehem in Judah to settle where he could find a place. And as he traveled, he came to Micah’s house in the hill country of Ephraim.
ती मानिसले यहूदाको बेथलेहेमलाई छोडेर गए र बस्ने एउटा ठाउँ खोजे । तिनले यात्रा गर्दै जाँदा, तिनी एफ्राइमको पहाडी देशमा भएको मीकाको घरमा आए ।
9 “Where are you from?” Micah asked him. “I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah,” he replied, “and I am on my way to settle wherever I can find a place.”
मीकाले तिनलाई भने, “तिमी कहाँबाट आएका हौ?” ती मानिसले तिनलाई भने, “म यहूदाको बेथलेहेमको एउटा लेवी हुँ, र बसोबास गर्नको निम्ति ठाउँ खोज्न भनेर म यात्रा गरिरहेको छु ।”
10 “Stay with me,” Micah said to him, “and be my father and priest, and I will give you ten shekels of silver per year, a suit of clothes, and your provisions.” So the Levite went in
मीकाले तिनलाई भने, “मसँग बस, र मेरो निम्ति बुबा र पुजारी होऊ । म तिमीलाई वर्षको दश सिक्का चाँदी, एक जोर लुगा र तिम्रो खाना दिनेछु ।” यसैले ती लेवी तिनको घरभित्र गए ।
11 and agreed to stay with him, and the young man became like a son to Micah.
ती लेवी मीकासँग बस्न सन्तुष्ट भए, र ती जवान मानिस मीकाका छोरामध्ये एक जनाझैं भए ।
12 Micah ordained the Levite, and the young man became his priest and lived in his house.
मीकाले ती लेवीलाई पवित्र जिम्मेवारीका लागि अलग गरे, र ती जवान मानिस तिनको पुजारी भए, र मीकाको घरमा बसे ।
13 Then Micah said, “Now I know that the LORD will be good to me, because a Levite has become my priest.”
तब मीकाले भने, “अब मलाई थाहा छ, कि परमप्रभुले मेरो निम्ति असल गर्नुहुनेछ, किनभने त्यो लेवी मेरो पुजारी बनेको छ ।”