< Joshua 14 >

1 Now these are the portions that the Israelites inherited in the land of Canaan, as distributed by Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the heads of the families of the tribes of Israel.
Følgende er de Landstrækninger, Israeliterne fik til Arvelod i Kana'ans Land, som Præsten Eleazar og Josua, Nuns Søn, og Overhovederne for de israelitiske Stammers Fædrenehuse tildelte dem
2 Their inheritance was assigned by lot for the nine and a half tribes, as the LORD had commanded through Moses.
ved Lodkastning som deres Ejendom i Overensstemmelse med det Paabud, HERREN havde givet Moses om de halvtiende Stammer.
3 For Moses had given the inheritance east of the Jordan to the other two and a half tribes. But he granted no inheritance among them to the Levites.
Thi Moses havde givet de halvtredje Stammer Arvelod hinsides Jordan; men Leviterne gav han ikke Arvelod iblandt dem.
4 The descendants of Joseph became two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. And no portion of the land was given to the Levites, except for cities in which to live, along with pasturelands for their flocks and herds.
Josefs Efterkommere udgjorde nemlig to Stammer, Manasse og Efraim; og Leviterne fik ikke Del i Landet, men kun Byer at bo i tillige med de tilhørende Græsmarker til deres Hjorde og Kvæg.
5 So the Israelites did as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they divided the land.
Hvad HERREN havde paalagt Moses, gjorde Israeliterne, og de udskiftede Landet.
6 Then the sons of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You know what the LORD said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh-barnea about you and me.
Da traadte Judæerne frem for Josua i Gilgal, og Kenizziten Kaleb, Jefunnes Søn, sagde til ham: »Du ved, hvad det var, HERREN talede til den Guds Mand Moses i Kadesj-Barnea om mig og dig.
7 I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I brought back to him an honest report.
Fyrretyve Aar gammel var jeg, dengang HERRENS Tjener Moses udsendte mig fra Kadesj-Barnea for at udspejde Landet; og jeg aflagde ham Beretning efter bedste Overbevisning.
8 Although my brothers who went with me made the hearts of the people melt with fear, I remained loyal to the LORD my God.
Men mine Brødre, som var draget med mig, gjorde Folket modløst, medens jeg viste HERREN min Gud fuld Lydighed.
9 On that day Moses swore to me, saying, ‘Surely the land on which you have set foot will be an inheritance to you and your children forever, because you have wholly followed the LORD my God.’
Og Moses svor den Dag: Sandelig, det Land, din Fod har betraadt, skal være din og dine Efterkommeres Arvelod til evig Tid, fordi du har vist HERREN min Gud fuld Lydighed!
10 Now behold, as the LORD promised, He has kept me alive these forty-five years since He spoke this word to Moses, while Israel wandered in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old,
Og se, nu har HERREN opfyldt sit Ord og holdt mig i Live fem og fyrretyve Aar, siden dengang HERREN talede dette Ord til Moses, al den Tid Israel vandrede i Ørkenen, og se, jeg er nu fem og firsindstyve Aar.
11 still as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me out. As my strength was then, so it is now for war, for going out, and for coming in.
Endnu den Dag i Dag er jeg rask og rørig som paa hin Dag, da Moses udsendte mig; nu som da er min Kraft den samme til Kamp og til at færdes omkring.
12 Now therefore give me this hill country that the LORD promised me on that day, for you yourself heard then that the Anakim were there, with great and fortified cities. Perhaps with the LORD’s help I will drive them out, as the LORD has spoken.”
Saa giv mig da dette Bjergland, som HERREN dengang talede om; du hørte det jo selv. Thi der bor Anakiter der, og der er store, befæstede Byer; maaske vil HERREN være med mig, saa jeg kan drive dem bort, som HERREN har sagt!«
13 Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance.
Da velsignede Josua ham, og han gav Kaleb, Jefunnes Søn, Hebron til Arvelod.
14 Therefore Hebron belongs to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite as an inheritance to this day, because he wholly followed the LORD, the God of Israel.
Derfor tilfaldt Hebron Kenizziten Kaleb, Jefunnes Søn, som Arvelod, og den hører ham til den Dag i Dag, fordi han viste HERREN, Israels Gud, fuld Lydighed.
15 (Hebron used to be called Kiriath-arba, after Arba, the greatest man among the Anakim.) Then the land had rest from war.
Men Hebron hed forhen Arbas By; han var den største Mand blandt Anakiterne. Og Landet fik Ro efter Krigen.

< Joshua 14 >