< Joel 2 >

1 Blow the ram’s horn in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy mountain! Let all who dwell in the land tremble, for the Day of the LORD is coming; indeed, it is near—
Tsofy ao Ziona ny anjomara! Ary miantsoa mafy ao an-tendrombohitro masìna! Aoka hangovitra ny mponina rehetra amin’ ny tany; Fa avy ny andron’ i Jehovah, eny, efa antomotra izany,
2 a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. Like the dawn overspreading the mountains a great and strong army appears, such as never was of old, nor will ever be in ages to come.
Dia andro maizina sy manjombona, andro mandrahona sy maizim-pito, toy ny fahazavan’ ny maraina miely manerana ny tendrombohitra, dia firenena lehibe sy matanjaka, ka tsy nisy tahaka azy hatrizay hatrizay, sady tsy hisy tahaka azy intsony any aoriany hatramin’ ny taonan’ ny taranaka fara mandimby.
3 Before them a fire devours, and behind them a flame scorches. The land before them is like the Garden of Eden, but behind them, it is like a desert wasteland— surely nothing will escape them.
Eo alohany misy afo mandevona, ary any aoriany misy lelafo mandoro; Tahaka ny saha Edena ny tany eo alohany, fa ny any aoriany kosa dia tahaka ny efitra foana, eny, tsy misy tsy azony.
4 Their appearance is like that of horses, and they gallop like swift steeds.
Mitarehin-tsoavaly ny tarehiny; Ary tahaka ny firiotry ny mpitaingin-tsoavaly ny firiotrany.
5 With a sound like that of chariots they bound over the mountaintops, like the crackling of fire consuming stubble, like a mighty army deployed for battle.
Tahaka ny figorodon’ ny kalesy any an-tampon’ ny tendrombohitra no figorodon’ ny fitsambikimbikiny, sy tahaka ny fipororotry ny lelafo eny amin’ ny hain-tanety, ary tahaka ny firenena mahery voalamina hiady.
6 Nations writhe in horror before them; every face turns pale.
Eo anoloany dia raiki-tahotra indrindra ny firenena; Ny tarehy rehetra mivaloarika;
7 They charge like mighty men; they scale the walls like men of war. Each one marches in formation, not swerving from the course.
Mitsarapaka tahaka ny lehilahy mahery izy ary mananika ny manda tahaka ny mpiady, samy mandroso amin’ izay hitsiny ka tsy vaky laharana;
8 They do not jostle one another; each proceeds in his path. They burst through the defenses, never breaking ranks.
Tsy mifanosika izy, fa samy mandroso amin’ izay hitsiny; Ary na dia miezaka mamaky ny sabatra aza izy, dia tsy voaratra.
9 They storm the city; they run along the wall; they climb into houses, entering through windows like thieves.
Mifamoivoy eran’ ny tanàna izy, mihazakazaka eny amin’ ny manda izy, mananika ny trano izy, miditra ao am-baravarankely toy ny mpangalatra izy.
10 Before them the earth quakes; the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars lose their brightness.
Eo alohany dia mihorohoro ny tany, ary mihozongozona ny lanitra; Ny masoandro sy ny volana tonga maizina, ary ny kintana tsy mamirapiratra.
11 The LORD raises His voice in the presence of His army. Indeed, His camp is very large, for mighty are those who obey His command. For the Day of the LORD is great and very dreadful. Who can endure it?
Ary Jehovah mahatonga kotroka eo alohan’ ny miaramilany; Fa lehibe indrindra ny tobiny ary mahery izay manatanteraka ny teniny; Fa lehibe sy mahatahotra indrindra ny andron’ i Jehovah, ka iza no mahatanty izany?
12 “Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to Me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning.”
Koa na dia ankehitriny aza, hoy Jehovah, miverena amiko amin’ ny fonareo rehetra ary amin’ ny fifadian-kanina sy ny fitomaniana ary ny fitarainana.
13 So rend your hearts and not your garments, and return to the LORD your God. For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion. And He relents from sending disaster.
Ary ny fonareo no triatriaro, fa aza ny fitafianareo, ary miverena amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo; Fa mamindra fo sy miantra Izy, mahari-po sady be famindram-po ary manenina ny amin’ ny loza,
14 Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave a blessing behind Him— grain and drink offerings for the LORD your God.
Fandrao mba hanenina ihany Izy ka hamela fitahiana ao aoriany, dia fanatitra hohanina sy fanatitra aidina ho an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo.
15 Blow the ram’s horn in Zion, consecrate a fast, proclaim a sacred assembly.
Tsofy ao Ziona ny anjomara, ka manamasìna andro fifadian-kanina, miantsoa fivoriana masìna.
16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the aged, gather the children, even those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber.
Angony ny vahoaka, manamasìna fiangonana, vorio ny loholona, angòny ny ankizy madinika mbamin’ ny zaza minono; Aoka ny mpampakatra hiala ao an-efi-tranony, ary aoka ny ampakarina hiala ao an-trano fandriany.
17 Let the priests who minister before the LORD weep between the portico and the altar, saying, “Spare Your people, O LORD, and do not make Your heritage a reproach, an object of scorn among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’”
Eo anelanelan’ ny lavarangana fidirana sy ny alitara no aoka hitomanian’ ny mpisorona, mpanao fanompoam-pivavahana ho an’ i Jehovah, ka hanao hoe: Iantrao ny olonao, Jehovah, ary aza avela ho latsa ny lovanao, ka hotapahin’ ny jentilisa; Fa nahoana no hataony any amin’ ny firenena hoe: Aiza Izay Andriamaniny?
18 Then the LORD became jealous for His land, and He spared His people.
Ary Jehovah dia saro-piaro ny taniny sady niantra ny olony.
19 And the LORD answered His people: “Behold, I will send you grain, new wine, and oil, and by them you will be satisfied. I will never again make you a reproach among the nations.
Eny, Jehovah namaly ka nanao amin’ ny olony hoe: Indro, hanatitra ny divay sy ny ranom-boaloboka ary ny diloilo ho anareo Aho, ka ho vokin’ izany ianareo; Ary tsy havelako ho latsa any amin’ ny Jentilisa intsony ianareo.
20 The northern army I will drive away from you, banishing it to a barren and desolate land, its front ranks into the Eastern Sea, and its rear guard into the Western Sea. And its stench will rise; its foul odor will ascend. For He has done great things.
Ary ilay avy any avaratra dia hampanalaviriko anareo ka horoahiko ho any amin’ ny tany karankaina sy mariry; Ny loha-lalany ho any amin’ ny ranomasina atsinanana, ary ny vodi-lalany ho any amin’ ny ranomasina andrefana; Ary ny hamaimboany hiakatra, ary ny fofon-dratsiny hisondrotra; Fa efa nanao zava-dehibe izy.
21 Do not be afraid, O land; rejoice and be glad, for the LORD has done great things.
Aza matahotra, ry tany fambolena, miravoravoa sy mifalia; Fa manao zava-dehibe Jehovah.
22 Do not be afraid, O beasts of the field, for the open pastures have turned green, the trees bear their fruit, and the fig tree and vine yield their best.
Aza matahotra, ry biby any an-tsaha, fa mihamaitso ny kijana any an-efitra, mamoa ny hazo, ary vokatra ny aviavy sy ny voaloboka.
23 Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God, for He has given you the autumn rains for your vindication. He sends you showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before.
Ary ianareo, ry zanak’ i Ziona, miravoravoa sy mifalia amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo; Fa hanome anareo ny loha-orana onony Izy, dia handatsaka ranonorana mivatravatra ho anareo, eny, ny loha-orana sy ny fara-orana aloha.
24 The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.
Dia ho feno vary ny famoloana, ary hihoatra ny vata fanantazana ny divay sy ny diloilo.
25 I will repay you for the years eaten by locusts— the swarming locust, the young locust, the destroying locust, and the devouring locust — My great army that I sent against you.
Ary honerako ho anareo ilay taona nohanin’ ny valala, dia ny koraika sy ny sompanga ary ny kijeja, izay miaramilako betsaka nalefako hamely anareo.
26 You will have plenty to eat, until you are satisfied. You will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you. My people will never again be put to shame.
Ary hihinana ianareo ka ho voky dia hidera ny anaran’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo, fa mahagaga ny fitondrany anareo; Ary tsy ho menatra mandrakizay oloko.
27 Then you will know that I am present in Israel and that I am the LORD your God, and there is no other. My people will never again be put to shame.
Dia ho fantatrareo fa ao afovoan’ Isiraely Aho, ary Izaho no Jehovah Andriamanitrareo, fa tsy misy hafa; Ary tsy ho menatra mandrakizay ny oloko.
28 And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia handatsaka ny Fanahiko amin’ ny nofo rehetra Aho; Dia haminany ny zanakalahinareo sy ny zanakavavinareo, ny lahiantitrareo hanonofy, ary ny zatovonareo hahita fahitana;
29 Even on My menservants and maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
Ary na dia ny mpanompolahy sy ny mpanompovavy aza dia handatsahako ny Fanahiko amin’ izany andro izany.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.
Ary hanisy fahagagana eny amin’ ny lanitra sy etỳ amin’ ny tany Aho, dia rà sy afo ary setroka mitankosina.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD.
Ny masoandro hampodina ho aizina, ary ny volana ho rà, alohan’ ny hahatongavan’ ny andron’ i Jehovah, izay sady lehibe no mahatsiravina.
32 And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has promised, among the remnant called by the LORD.
Ary na zovy na zovy no hiantso ny anaran’ i Jehovah dia ho afa-mandositra; Fa ao an-tendrombohitra Ziona sy any Jerosalema dia hisy sisa afaka, araka izay efa voalazan’ i Jehovah, ary izay antsoin’ i Jehovah dia ho isan’ izay afa-mandositra.

< Joel 2 >