< Job 9 >

1 Then Job answered:
Y RESPONDIÓ Job, y dijo:
2 “Yes, I know that it is so, but how can a mortal be righteous before God?
Ciertamente yo conozco que es así: ¿y cómo se justificará el hombre con Dios?
3 If one wished to contend with God, he could not answer Him one time out of a thousand.
Si quisiere contender con él, no le podrá responder á una [cosa] de mil.
4 God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has resisted Him and prospered?
El es sabio de corazón, y poderoso en fortaleza: ¿quién se endureció contra él, y quedó en paz?
5 He moves mountains without their knowledge and overturns them in His anger.
Que arranca los montes con su furor, y no conocen quién los trastornó:
6 He shakes the earth from its place, so that its foundations tremble.
Que remueve la tierra de su lugar, y hace temblar sus columnas:
7 He commands the sun not to shine; He seals off the stars.
Que manda al sol, y no sale; y sella las estrellas:
8 He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.
El que extiende solo los cielos, y anda sobre las alturas de la mar:
9 He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, of the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
El que hizo el Arcturo, y el Orión, y las Pléyadas, y los lugares secretos del mediodía:
10 He does great things beyond searching out, and wonders without number.
El que hace cosas grandes é incomprensibles, y maravillosas, sin número.
11 Were He to pass by me, I would not see Him; were He to move, I would not recognize Him.
He aquí que él pasará delante de mí, y yo no lo veré; y pasará, y no lo entenderé.
12 If He takes away, who can stop Him? Who dares to ask Him, ‘What are You doing?’
He aquí, arrebatará; ¿quién le hará restituir? ¿Quién le dirá, Qué haces?
13 God does not restrain His anger; the helpers of Rahab cower beneath Him.
Dios no tornará atrás su ira, y debajo de él se encorvan los que ayudan á los soberbios.
14 How then can I answer Him or choose my arguments against Him?
¿Cuánto menos le responderé yo, y hablaré con él palabras estudiadas?
15 For even if I were right, I could not answer. I could only beg my Judge for mercy.
Que aunque fuese yo justo, no responderé; antes habré de rogar á mi juez.
16 If I summoned Him and He answered me, I do not believe He would listen to my voice.
Que si yo le invocase, y él me respondiese, aun no creeré que haya escuchado mi voz.
17 For He would crush me with a tempest and multiply my wounds without cause.
Porque me ha quebrado con tempestad, y ha aumentado mis heridas sin causa.
18 He does not let me catch my breath, but overwhelms me with bitterness.
No me ha concedido que tome mi aliento; mas hame hartado de amarguras.
19 If it is a matter of strength, He is indeed mighty! If it is a matter of justice, who can summon Him?
Si [habláremos] de [su] potencia, fuerte por cierto es; si de juicio, ¿quién me emplazará?
20 Even if I were righteous, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would declare me guilty.
Si yo me justificare, me condenará mi boca; si [me dijere] perfecto, esto me hará inicuo.
21 Though I am blameless, I have no concern for myself; I despise my own life.
[Bien que] yo [fuese] íntegro, no conozco mi alma: reprocharé mi vida.
22 It is all the same, and so I say, ‘He destroys both the blameless and the wicked.’
Una cosa resta que yo diga: Al perfecto y al impío él los consume.
23 When the scourge brings sudden death, He mocks the despair of the innocent.
Si azote mata de presto, ríese de la prueba de los inocentes.
24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; He blindfolds its judges. If it is not He, then who is it?
La tierra es entregada en manos de los impíos, y él cubre el rostro de sus jueces. Si no [es él], ¿quién [es]? ¿dónde está?
25 My days are swifter than a runner; they flee without seeing good.
Mis días han sido más ligeros que un correo; huyeron, y no vieron el bien.
26 They sweep by like boats of papyrus, like an eagle swooping down on its prey.
Pasaron cual navíos veloces: como el águila que se arroja á la comida.
27 If I were to say, ‘I will forget my complaint and change my expression and smile,’
Si digo: Olvidaré mi queja, dejaré mi aburrimiento, y esforzaréme:
28 I would still dread all my sufferings; I know that You will not acquit me.
Contúrbanme todos mis trabajos; sé que no me darás por libre.
29 Since I am already found guilty, why should I labor in vain?
Yo soy impío, ¿para qué trabajaré en vano?
30 If I should wash myself with snow and cleanse my hands with lye,
Aunque me lave con aguas de nieve, y limpie mis manos con la misma limpieza,
31 then You would plunge me into the pit, and even my own clothes would despise me.
Aun me hundirás en el hoyo, y mis propios vestidos me abominarán.
32 For He is not a man like me, that I can answer Him, that we can take each other to court.
Porque no es hombre como yo, para que yo le responda, y vengamos juntamente á juicio.
33 Nor is there a mediator between us, to lay his hand upon us both.
No hay entre nosotros árbitro que ponga su mano sobre nosotros ambos.
34 Let Him remove His rod from me, so that His terror will no longer frighten me.
Quite de sobre mí su vara, y su terror no me espante.
35 Then I would speak without fear of Him. But as it is, I am on my own.
Entonces hablaré, y no le temeré: porque así no estoy en mí mismo.

< Job 9 >