< Job 8 >

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
Saa tog Sjuhiten Bildad til Orde og sagde:
2 “How long will you go on saying such things? The words of your mouth are a blustering wind.
Hvor længe taler du saa, hvor længe skal Mundens Uvejr rase?
3 Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?
Mon Gud vel bøjer Retten, bøjer den Almægtige Retfærd?
4 When your children sinned against Him, He gave them over to their rebellion.
Har dine Sønner syndet imod ham, og gav han dem deres Brøde i Vold,
5 But if you would earnestly seek God and ask the Almighty for mercy,
saa søg du nu hen til Gud og bed hans Almagt om Naade!
6 if you are pure and upright, even now He will rouse Himself on your behalf and restore your righteous estate.
Saafremt du er ren og oprigtig, ja, da vil han vaage over dig, genrejse din Retfærds Bolig;
7 Though your beginnings were modest, your latter days will flourish.
din fordums Lykke vil synes ringe, saare stor skal din Fremtid blive.
8 Please inquire of past generations and consider the discoveries of their fathers.
Thi spørg dog den henfarne Slægt, læg Mærke til Fædrenes Granskning!
9 For we were born yesterday and know nothing; our days on earth are but a shadow.
Vi er fra i Gaar, og intet ved vi, en Skygge er vore Dage paa Jord.
10 Will they not teach you and tell you, and speak from their understanding?
Mon ej de kan lære dig, sige dig det og give dig Svar af Hjertet:
11 Does papyrus grow where there is no marsh? Do reeds flourish without water?
Vokser der Siv, hvor der ikke er Sump, gror Nilgræs frem, hvor der ikke er Vand?
12 While the shoots are still uncut, they dry up quicker than grass.
Endnu i Grøde, uden at høstes, visner det før alt andet Græs.
13 Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so the hope of the godless will perish.
Saa gaar det enhver, der glemmer Gud, en vanhelligs Haab slaar fejl:
14 His confidence is fragile; his security is in a spider’s web.
som Sommerspind er hans Tilflugt, hans Tillid er Spindelvæv;
15 He leans on his web, but it gives way; he holds fast, but it does not endure.
han støtter sig til sit Hus, det falder, han klynger sig til det, ej staar det fast.
16 He is a well-watered plant in the sunshine, spreading its shoots over the garden.
I Solskinnet vokser han frodigt, hans Ranker breder sig Haven over,
17 His roots wrap around the rock heap; he looks for a home among the stones.
i Stendynger fletter hans Rødder sig ind, han hager sig fast mellem Sten;
18 If he is uprooted from his place, it will disown him, saying, ‘I never saw you.’
men rives han bort fra sit Sted, fornægter det ham: »Jeg har ikke set dig!«
19 Surely this is the joy of his way; yet others will spring from the dust.
Se, det er Glæden, han har af sin Vej, og af Jorden fremspirer en anden!
20 Behold, God does not reject the blameless, nor will He strengthen the hand of evildoers.
Se, Gud agter ej den uskyldige ringe, han holder ej fast ved de ondes Haand.
21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with a shout of joy.
End skal han fylde din Mund med Latter og dine Læber med Jubel;
22 Your enemies will be clothed in shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more.”
dine Avindsmænd skal klædes i Skam og gudløses Telt ej findes mer!

< Job 8 >