< Job 38 >

1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:
Tad Tas Kungs Ījabam atbildēja no vētras un sacīja:
2 “Who is this who obscures My counsel by words without knowledge?
Kas tas tāds, kas (Dieva) padomu aptumšo ar neprātīgiem vārdiem?
3 Now brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall inform Me.
Apjoz jel kā vīrs savus gurnus, tad Es tev gribu vaicāt, un tu Mani māci.
4 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.
Kur tu biji, kad Es zemei liku pamatu? Izteic to, ja tev ir tāds gudrs prāts.
5 Who fixed its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched a measuring line across it?
Vai tu zini, kas viņai mēru licis, jeb kas pār viņu ir vilcis mēra auklu?
6 On what were its foundations set, or who laid its cornerstone,
Uz ko viņas pamati ierakti, jeb kas licis viņas stūra akmeni,
7 while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Kad rīta zvaigznes kopā priecīgi dziedāja, un visi Dieva bērni gavilēja?
8 Who enclosed the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb,
Jeb kas jūru aizslēdzis ar durvīm, kad tā izlauzās, un iznāca kā no mātes miesām,
9 when I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its blanket,
Kad Es to ģērbu ar padebešiem, un krēslībā ietinu tā kā tinamos autos,
10 when I fixed its boundaries and set in place its bars and doors,
Kad Es tai noliku Savu robežu, un liku aizšaujamos un durvis,
11 and I declared: ‘You may come this far, but no farther; here your proud waves must stop’?
Un sacīju: tiktāl tev būs nākt un ne tālāki, un še būs apgulties taviem lepniem viļņiem?
12 In your days, have you commanded the morning or assigned the dawn its place,
Vai tu savā mūžā rītam licis aust, vai auseklim rādījis savu vietu,
13 that it might spread to the ends of the earth and shake the wicked out of it?
Lai satver zemes stūrus, ka tie bezdievīgie no tās top izkratīti;
14 The earth takes shape like clay under a seal; its hills stand out like the folds of a garment.
Ka tā pārvēršas kā zieģeļa vasks un visas lietas rādās kā apģērbā,
15 Light is withheld from the wicked, and their upraised arm is broken.
Un bezdievīgiem zūd viņu gaišums, un pacelts elkonis salūst?
16 Have you journeyed to the vents of the sea or walked in the trenches of the deep?
Vai tu esi nācis līdz jūras avotam un staigājis bezdibeņu dziļumos?
17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?
Vai tev atdarījušies nāves vārti, un vai tu esi redzējis nāves ēnas vārtus?
18 Have you surveyed the extent of the earth? Tell Me, if you know all this.
Vai esi skatījies līdz pasaules malām? Stāsti, ja tu visu to zini.
19 Where is the way to the home of light? Do you know where darkness resides,
Kur ir tas ceļš, kur gaisma mājo, un tumsa - kur ir viņas vieta?
20 so you can lead it back to its border? Do you know the paths to its home?
Vai tu to varētu pārvest viņas robežā un izzināt viņas nama ceļus?
21 Surely you know, for you were already born! And the number of your days is great!
Tu to zini, jo tai laikā tu biji piedzimis, un tev ir daudz to gadu!
22 Have you entered the storehouses of snow or observed the storehouses of hail,
Vai tu esi nācis, kur tie sniega krājumi, un vai esi redzējis krusas krājumus,
23 which I hold in reserve for times of trouble, for the day of war and battle?
Ko Es taupu uz spaidu laiku, uz kaušanas un kara dienu?
24 In which direction is the lightning dispersed, or the east wind scattered over the earth?
Pa kuru ceļu gaisma dalās un kā austrenis izplešas virs zemes?
25 Who cuts a channel for the flood or clears a path for the thunderbolt,
Kas lietum rādījis, kur lai gāžas, un ceļu zibeņiem un pērkoniem,
26 to bring rain on a barren land, on a desert where no man lives,
Ka lietus līst, kur cilvēka nav, tuksnesī, kur neviens nedzīvo,
27 to satisfy the parched wasteland and make it sprout with tender grass?
Ka viņš dzirdina tukšo posta vietu un zālītei liek dīgt?
28 Does the rain have a father? Who has begotten the drops of dew?
Vai lietum ir tēvs, vai kas dzemdinājis rasas lāsi?
29 From whose womb does the ice emerge? Who gives birth to the frost from heaven,
No kura klēpja cēlies ledus, un no kā dzimusi debess salna,
30 when the waters become hard as stone and the surface of the deep is frozen?
Ka ūdeņi sastingst kā akmens, un jūras dziļumi aizsalst cieti?
31 Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion?
Vai tu vari sasiet Sietiņa saites, vai atraisīt Orijona zvaigžņu saiti?
32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear and her cubs?
Vai tu zvaigznes vari izvest savā laikā un vadīt debess vāģus un viņu ratus?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?
Vai tu zini debess likumus, jeb vai proti, kā tie valda virs zemes?
34 Can you command the clouds so that a flood of water covers you?
Vai tu savu balsi vari pacelt uz padebešiem, lai ūdeņi plūst zemē uz tevi?
35 Can you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?
Vai vari sūtīt zibeņus, ka tie iet un uz tevi saka: redzi, še mēs esam?
36 Who has put wisdom in the heart or given understanding to the mind?
Kas lika gudrību tumšos mākoņos un prātu debess spīdumos?
37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds? Or who can tilt the water jars of the heavens
Kas skaita mākoņus ar gudrību, un kas māk apgāzt padebešus,
38 when the dust hardens into a mass and the clods of earth stick together?
Ka pīšļi top aplieti, ka tie saskrien un salīp pītēs?
39 Can you hunt the prey for a lioness or satisfy the hunger of young lions
Vai tu māki medīt laupījumu priekš lauvas un pildīt jauno lauvu tukšo vēderu,
40 when they crouch in their dens and lie in wait in the thicket?
Kad tie nogulstas alās un biezos krūmos glūn?
41 Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God as they wander about for lack of food?
Kas gādā krauklim barību, kad viņa bērni uz Dievu brēc un šurpu turpu skraida, kad nav ko ēst?

< Job 38 >