< Job 26 >

1 Then Job answered:
2 “How you have helped the powerless and saved the arm that is feeble!
なんぢ能力なき者を如何に助けしや 氣力なきものを如何に救ひしや
3 How you have counseled the unwise and provided fully sound insight!
智慧なき者を如何に誨へしや 穎悟の道を如何に多く示ししや
4 To whom have you uttered these words? And whose spirit spoke through you?
なんぢ誰にむかひて言語を出ししや なんぢより出しは誰が靈なるや
5 The dead tremble— those beneath the waters and those who dwell in them.
6 Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering. (Sheol h7585)
かれの御前には陰府も顯露なり 滅亡の坑も蔽ひ匿す所なし (Sheol h7585)
7 He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth upon nothing.
彼は北の天を虚空に張り 地を物なき所に懸けたまふ
8 He wraps up the waters in His clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their own weight.
9 He covers the face of the full moon, spreading over it His cloud.
10 He has inscribed a horizon on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.
11 The foundations of heaven quake, astounded at His rebuke.
12 By His power He stirred the sea; by His understanding He shattered Rahab.
その權能をもて海を靜め その智慧をもてラハブを撃碎き
13 By His breath the skies were cleared; His hand pierced the fleeing serpent.
その氣嘘をもて天を輝かせ 其手をもて逃る蛇を衝とほしたまふ
14 Indeed, these are but the fringes of His ways; how faint is the whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand the thunder of His power?”
視よ是等はただその御工作の端なるのみ 我らが聞ところの者は如何にも微細なる耳語ならずや 然どその權能の雷轟に至りては誰かこれを曉らんや

< Job 26 >