< Job 22 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:
Respondens autem Eliphaz Themanites, dixit:
2 “Can a man be of use to God? Can even a wise man benefit Him?
Numquid Deo potest comparari homo, etiam cum perfectae fuerit scientiae?
3 Does it delight the Almighty that you are righteous? Does He profit if your ways are blameless?
Quid prodest Deo si iustus fueris? aut quid ei confers si immaculata fuerit via tua?
4 Is it for your reverence that He rebukes you and enters into judgment against you?
Numquid timens arguet te, et veniet tecum in iudicium,
5 Is not your wickedness great? Are not your iniquities endless?
Et non propter malitiam tuam plurimam, et infinitas iniquitates tuas?
6 For you needlessly demanded security from your brothers and deprived the naked of their clothing.
Abstulisti enim pignus fratrum tuorum sine causa, et nudos spoliasti vestibus.
7 You gave no water to the weary and withheld food from the famished,
Aquam lasso non dedisti, et esurienti subtraxisti panem.
8 while the land belonged to a mighty man, and a man of honor lived on it.
In fortitudine brachii tui possidebas terram, et potentissimus obtinebas eam.
9 You sent widows away empty-handed, and the strength of the fatherless was crushed.
Viduas dimisisti vacuas, et lacertos pupillorum comminuisti.
10 Therefore snares surround you, and sudden peril terrifies you;
Propterea circumdatus es laqueis, et conturbat te formido subita.
11 it is so dark you cannot see, and a flood of water covers you.
Et putabas te tenebras non visurum, et impetu aquarum inundantium non oppressum iri?
12 Is not God as high as the heavens? Look at the highest stars, how lofty they are!
An non cogitas quod Deus excelsior caelo sit, et super stellarum verticem sublimetur?
13 Yet you say: ‘What does God know? Does He judge through thick darkness?
Et dicis: Quid enim novit Deus? et quasi per caliginem iudicat.
14 Thick clouds veil Him so He does not see us as He traverses the vault of heaven.’
Nubes latibulum eius, nec nostra considerat, et circa cardines caeli perambulat.
15 Will you stay on the ancient path that wicked men have trod?
Numquid semitam saeculorum custodire cupis, quam calcaverunt viri iniqui?
16 They were snatched away before their time, and their foundations were swept away by a flood.
Qui sublati sunt ante tempus suum, et fluvius subvertit fundamentum eorum:
17 They said to God, ‘Depart from us. What can the Almighty do to us?’
Qui dicebant Deo: Recede a nobis: et quasi nihil posset facere Omnipotens, aestimabant eum:
18 But it was He who filled their houses with good things; so I stay far from the counsel of the wicked.
Cum ille implesset domos eorum bonis, quorum sententia procul sit a me.
19 The righteous see it and are glad; the innocent mock them:
Videbunt iusti, et laetabuntur, et innocens subsannabit eos.
20 ‘Surely our foes are destroyed, and fire has consumed their excess.’
Nonne succisa est erectio eorum, et reliquias eorum devoravit ignis?
21 Reconcile now and be at peace with Him; thereby good will come to you.
Acquiesce igitur ei, et habeto pacem: et per haec habebis fructus optimos.
22 Receive instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart.
Suscipe ex ore illius legem, et pone sermones eius in corde tuo.
23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored. If you remove injustice from your tents
Si reversus fueris ad Omnipotentem, aedificaberis, et longe facies iniquitatem a tabernaculo tuo.
24 and consign your gold to the dust and the gold of Ophir to the stones of the ravines,
Dabit pro terra silicem, et pro silice torrentes aureos.
25 then the Almighty will be your gold and the finest silver for you.
Eritque Omnipotens contra hostes tuos, et argentum coacervabitur tibi.
26 Surely then you will delight in the Almighty and lift up your face to God.
Tunc super Omnipotentem deliciis afflues, et elevabis ad Deum faciem tuam.
27 You will pray to Him, and He will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows.
Rogabis eum, et exaudiet te, et vota tua reddes.
28 Your decisions will be carried out, and light will shine on your ways.
Decernes rem, et veniet tibi, et in viis tuis splendebit lumen.
29 When men are brought low and you say, ‘Lift them up!’ then He will save the lowly.
Qui enim humiliatus fuerit, erit in gloria: et qui inclinaverit oculos, ipse salvabitur.
30 He will deliver even one who is not innocent, rescuing him through the cleanness of your hands.”
Salvabitur innocens, salvabitur autem in munditia manuum suarum.

< Job 22 >