< Job 14 >

1 “Man, who is born of woman, is short of days and full of trouble.
स्‍त्रीबाट जन्मेको मानिस थोरै दिन बाँच्‍छ, अनि दुखैदुखले भरिएको हुन्छ ।
2 Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.
ऊ फुलझैं जमिनबाट उम्रिन्‍छ र काटिन्छ । ऊ छायाझैं भाग्छ, र रहँदैन ।
3 Do You open Your eyes to one like this? Will You bring him into judgment before You?
के तपाईंले यीमध्ये कुनैलाई हेर्नुहुन्छ? के तपाईंले मलाई आफूसँगै न्यायमा ल्याउनुहुन्छ?
4 Who can bring out clean from unclean? No one!
अशुद्ध कुराबाट कसले शुद्ध कुरा ल्याउन सक्छ र? कसैले सक्दैन ।
5 Since his days are determined and the number of his months is with You, and since You have set limits that he cannot exceed,
मानिसको दिनहरू निर्धारित छन् । उसका महिनाहरूका सङ्ख्या तपाईंसितै छन् । तपाईंले उसका सिमाहरू तोक्‍नुभएको छ, जसलाई उसले नाघ्न सक्दैन ।
6 look away from him and let him rest, so he can enjoy his day as a hired hand.
ऊबाट आफ्नो दृष्‍टि हटाउनुहोस्, यसैले कि उसले विश्राम पाओस्, यसरी उसले सक्‍छ भने, ज्यालाको मानिस झैं आफ्नो दिनमा रमाउन सकोस् ।
7 For there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its tender shoots will not fail.
एउटा रुखको लागि आशा हुन सक्छ । त्‍यो काटियो भने, त्‍यो फेरि पलाउन सक्‍छ, जसको कारणले त्‍यसका कोमल पालुवा लोप हुँदैनन् ।
8 If its roots grow old in the ground and its stump dies in the soil,
त्‍यसको जरा जमिनभित्र बुढो हुन्‍छ, त्‍यसको फेद जमिनमा मर्छ,
9 at the scent of water it will bud and put forth twigs like a sapling.
तापनि त्‍यसले पानीको ओस मात्र पायो भने, त्यो फेरि पलाउँछ, र रुखले झैं हाँगाहरू फिंजाउँछ ।
10 But a man dies and is laid low; he breathes his last, and where is he?
तर मानिसचाहिं मर्छ । त्यो कमजोर हुन्छ । वास्तवमा मानिसले सास फेर्न छोड्छ र फेरि ऊ कहाँ हुन्छ?
11 As water disappears from the sea and a river becomes parched and dry,
जसरी एउटा तलाउबाट पानी लोप हुन्छ, र जसरी नदीको पानी घट्छ र सुक्छ,
12 so a man lies down and does not rise. Until the heavens are no more, he will not be awakened or roused from sleep.
त्यसरी नै मानिसहरू ढल्‍किन्छन्, र फेरि उठ्दैनन् । आकाशहरू लोप नभएसम्म तिनीहरू ब्युँझने छैनन्, न त तिनीहरू आफ्‍ना निद्राबाट उठ्नेछन् ।
13 If only You would hide me in Sheol and conceal me until Your anger has passed! If only You would appoint a time for me and then remember me! (Sheol h7585)
दुखबाट टाढा तपाईंले मलाई पातालमा लुकाउनुहुन्‍छ, र तपाईंको रिस नमरेसम्म तपाईंले मलाई गुप्‍तमा राख्‍नुहुन्‍छ, र त्यहाँ म रहने समय तपाईंले तोक्‍नुहुन्‍छ, र मलाई याद गर्नुहुन्‍छ । (Sheol h7585)
14 When a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, until my renewal comes.
एक जना मानिस मर्‍यो भने, के ऊ फेरि बाँच्‍नेछ र? त्यसो हो भने, मेरो छुटकारा नआएसम्म, मेरा सबै दुखको समयमा म त्‍यहाँ पर्खेर बिताउन चाहान्‍छु ।
15 You will call, and I will answer; You will desire the work of Your hands.
तपाईंले मलाई बोलाउनुहुन्‍छ, र म जवाफ दिन्‍छु । आफ्‍नो हातको कामको लागि तपाईंको इच्छा हुन्‍छ ।
16 For then You would count my steps, but would not keep track of my sin.
तपाईंले मेरा पाइला गन्‍नुहुन्‍छ, र वास्ता गर्नुहुन्‍छ । तपाईंले मेरो पापको लेखा राख्‍नुहुन्‍न ।
17 My transgression would be sealed in a bag, and You would cover over my iniquity.
मेरो अपराध थैलोमा बन्‍द गरिन्‍छ । तपाईंले मेरो अधर्म ढाक्‍नुहुन्‍छ ।
18 But as a mountain erodes and crumbles and a rock is dislodged from its place,
तर पहाडहरू खस्‍छन् र कतै पुग्‍दैनन्, चट्टानहरू आफ्नो ठाउँबाट हटेर जान्‍छन्,
19 as water wears away the stones and torrents wash away the soil, so You destroy a man’s hope.
नदीहरूले ढुङ्गाहरूलाई खियाउँछन्, तिनीहरूमा भएको बाढीले जमिनको धूलो बगाउँछन्। त्‍यसरी नै तपाईंले मानिसको आशालाई नाश गर्नुहुन्छ ।
20 You forever overpower him, and he passes on; You change his countenance and send him away.
तपाईंले सधैं उसलाई हराउनुहुन्छ, र ऊ मर्छ । तपाईंले उसको अनुहारको बद्लनुहुन्छ, र उसलाई मर्न दिनुहुन्छ ।
21 If his sons receive honor, he does not know it; if they are brought low, he is unaware.
उसका छोराहरूको आदर भयो कि भएन भनेर उसलाई जान्‍दैन । र तिनीहरू होच्याइएका छन् कि छैन् उसले त्‍यो देख्दैन ।
22 He feels only the pain of his own body and mourns only for himself.”
उसले आफ्नो शरीरको दुखलाई अनुभव गर्छ, र उसले आफ्नै निम्‍ति शोक गर्छ ।

< Job 14 >