< Job 13 >
1 “Indeed, my eyes have seen all this; my ears have heard and understood.
“Meso angu akaona izvi zvose, nzeve dzangu dzakanzwa dzikazvinzwisisa.
2 What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you.
Zvamunoziva imi, neniwo ndinozviziva; handisi muduku kwamuri.
3 Yet I desire to speak to the Almighty and argue my case before God.
Asi ndinoshuva kutaura naWamasimba Ose uye ndigozvidavirira nyaya yangu kuna Mwari.
4 You, however, smear with lies; you are all worthless physicians.
Kunyange zvakadaro, imi munondizora nhema; muri varapi vasina maturo, imi mose!
5 If only you would remain silent; for that would be your wisdom!
Haiwa, dai bedzi mainyarara henyu! Nokuti hungava uchenjeri kwamuri.
6 Hear now my argument, and listen to the plea of my lips.
Chinzwai zvino kuzvidavirira kwangu; teererai munzwe kudemba kwemiromo yangu.
7 Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf or speak deceitfully for Him?
Ko, mungataura zvakaipa muchimiririra Mwari here? Ko, mungataura zvinonyengera muchiti matumwa naye here?
8 Would you show Him partiality or argue in His defense?
Mungamuitira rusaruro here? Mungamiririra Mwari here?
9 Would it be well when He examined you? Could you deceive Him like a man?
Ko, zvingabuda zvakanaka here kana akakuedzai? Ko, mungamunyengera sokunyengera kwamunoita vanhu here?
10 Surely He would rebuke you if you secretly showed partiality.
Zvirokwazvo iye angakutsiurai kana mukaratidza rusaruro muchivande.
11 Would His majesty not terrify you? Would the dread of Him not fall upon you?
Ko, kubwinya kwake hakungakutyisei here? Ko, kutyisa kwake hakungawiri pamusoro penyu here?
12 Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay.
Mashoko enyu anotendwa itsumo dzamadota; nhare dzenyu inhare dzevhu.
13 Be silent, and I will speak. Then let come to me what may.
“Nyararai uye regai nditaure; ipapo chinouya kwandiri ngachiuye hacho.
14 Why do I put myself at risk and take my life in my own hands?
Ko, ndinozviisirei munjodzi ndichibatira upenyu hwangu mumaoko angu?
15 Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. I will still defend my ways to His face.
Kunyange akandiuraya hake, asi ini ndichavimba naye; zvirokwazvo ndichadzivirira nzira dzangu pamberi pake.
16 Moreover, this will be my salvation, for no godless man can appear before Him.
Zvirokwazvo, uku ndiko kuchava kuponeswa kwangu, nokuti hakuna munhu asina umwari achasvika pamberi pake!
17 Listen carefully to my words; let my declaration ring in your ears.
Teereresai kumashoko angu, nzeve dzenyu ngadzigamuchire zvandinoreva.
18 Behold, now that I have prepared my case, I know that I will be vindicated.
Zvino ndagadzirisa nyaya yangu, ndinoziva kuti ndichashayirwa mhosva.
19 Can anyone indict me? If so, I will be silent and die.
Pane angagona kundipa mhaka here? Kana aripo, ndichanyarara ndigofa hangu.
20 Only grant these two things to me, so that I need not hide from You:
“Haiwa Mwari, nditsidzirei hangu zvinhu zviviri izvi. Uye ipapo handingavandi pamberi penyu.
21 Withdraw Your hand from me, and do not let Your terror frighten me.
Bvisai ruoko rwenyu rwuve kure neni, uye murege kundivhundutsa nokutyisa kwenyu.
22 Then call me, and I will answer, or let me speak, and You can reply.
Ipapo mukandidana ndichadavira. Kana kuti murege nditaure, imi mugopindura.
23 How many are my iniquities and sins? Reveal to me my transgression and sin.
Zvivi zvandakaita nezvikanganiso zvangu zvinganiko? Ndiratidzei kudarika kwangu nechivi changu.
24 Why do You hide Your face and consider me as Your enemy?
Munovanzireiko chiso chenyu muchindiona somuvengi wenyu?
25 Would You frighten a windblown leaf? Would You chase after dry chaff?
Ko, muchatambudza shizha rinopeperetswa nemhepo here? Ko, muchadzingana nehundi yakaoma here?
26 For You record bitter accusations against me and bequeath to me the iniquities of my youth.
Nokuti munonyora zvinhu zvinovava pamusoro pangu, uye munondigarisa nhaka yezvivi zvoujaya hwangu.
27 You put my feet in the stocks and stand watch over all my paths; You set a limit for the soles of my feet.
Munosunga tsoka dzangu nezvisungo; munocherechedza nzira dzangu dzose nokuisa mutaro panotsika tsoka dzangu.
28 So man wastes away like something rotten, like a moth-eaten garment.
“Saizvozvo munhu anopera kufanana nechinhu chakaora, senguo yakadyiwa nezvipfukuto.