< Jeremiah 37 >
1 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made Zedekiah son of Josiah the king of Judah, and he reigned in place of Coniah son of Jehoiakim.
Potom carova Sedekija sin Josijin mjesto Honije sina Joakimova, kojega postavi carem u zemlji Judinoj Navuhodonosor car Vavilonski.
2 But he and his officers and the people of the land refused to obey the words that the LORD had spoken through Jeremiah the prophet.
Ali ni on ni sluge njegove ni narod zemaljski ne slušahu rijeèi Gospodnjih koje govoraše preko Jeremije proroka.
3 Yet King Zedekiah sent Jehucal son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the priest, the son of Maaseiah, to Jeremiah the prophet with the message, “Please pray to the LORD our God for us!”
I posla car Sedekija Jeuhala sina Selemijina, i Sofoniju sina Masijina sveštenika k Jeremiji proroku, te mu rekoše: pomoli se za nas Gospodu Bogu našemu.
4 Now Jeremiah was free to come and go among the people, for they had not yet put him in prison.
I Jeremija iðaše meðu narod i još ga ne bjehu metnuli u tamnicu.
5 Pharaoh’s army had left Egypt, and when the Chaldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard the report, they withdrew from Jerusalem.
I vojska Faraonova izide iz Misira, a Haldejci koji bijahu Jerusalim èuvši glas o njoj otidoše od Jerusalima.
6 Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet:
A rijeè Gospodnja doðe Jeremiji proroku govoreæi:
7 “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says that you are to tell the king of Judah, who sent you to Me: Behold, Pharaoh’s army, which has marched out to help you, will go back to its own land of Egypt.
Ovako veli Gospod Bog Izrailjev: ovako recite caru Judinu, koji vas je poslao k meni da me pitate: evo vojska Faraonova koja poðe vama u pomoæ, vratiæe se u svoju zemlju, u Misir.
8 Then the Chaldeans will return and fight against this city. They will capture it and burn it down.
A Haldejci æe opet doæi i opkoliæe taj grad i uzeæe ga i spaliæe ga ognjem.
9 This is what the LORD says: Do not deceive yourselves by saying, ‘The Chaldeans will go away for good,’ for they will not!
Ovako veli Gospod: ne varajte se govoreæi: otiæi æe od nas Haldejci; jer neæe otiæi.
10 Indeed, if you were to strike down the entire army of the Chaldeans that is fighting against you, and only wounded men remained in their tents, they would still get up and burn this city down.”
I da pobijete svu vojsku Haldejsku, koja æe se biti s vama, i da ih ostane nekoliko ranjenika, i oni æe ustati iz svojih šatora i spaliti taj grad ognjem.
11 When the Chaldean army withdrew from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh’s army,
A kad otide vojska Haldejska od Jerusalima radi vojske Faraonove,
12 Jeremiah started to leave Jerusalem to go to the land of Benjamin to claim his portion there among the people.
Izide Jeremija iz Jerusalima da bi otišao u zemlju Venijaminovu i uklonio se odande meðu narod.
13 But when he reached the Gate of Benjamin, the captain of the guard, whose name was Irijah son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, seized him and said, “You are deserting to the Chaldeans!”
Ali kad bijaše na vratima Venijaminovijem, ondje bijaše starješina stražarski po imenu Jereja sin Selemije sina Ananijina, te uhvati Jeremiju proroka govoreæi: ti bježiš ka Haldejcima.
14 “That is a lie,” Jeremiah replied. “I am not deserting to the Chaldeans!” But Irijah would not listen to him; instead, he arrested Jeremiah and took him to the officials.
A Jeremija reèe: nije istina, ne bježim ka Haldejcima. Ali ga ne htje slušati, nego uhvati Jereja Jeremiju i odvede ka knezovima.
15 The officials were angry with Jeremiah, and they beat him and placed him in jail in the house of Jonathan the scribe, for it had been made into a prison.
A knezovi se razgnjeviše na Jeremiju, i izbiše ga, i metnuše ga u tamnicu u kuæi Jonatana pisara, jer od nje bijahu naèinili tamnicu.
16 So Jeremiah went into a cell in the dungeon and remained there a long time.
A kad Jeremija uljeze u jamu, u tamnicu, osta ondje dugo vremena.
17 Later, King Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah and received him in his palace, where he asked him privately, “Is there a word from the LORD?” “There is,” Jeremiah replied. “You will be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.”
Potom posla car Sedekija, te ga izvadi, i upita ga u svojoj kuæi nasamo, i reèe mu govoreæi: ima li rijeè od Gospoda? A Jeremija reèe: ima. Još reèe: biæeš predan u ruke caru Vavilonskomu.
18 Then Jeremiah asked King Zedekiah, “How have I sinned against you or your servants or these people, that you have put me in prison?
Potom reèe Jeremija caru Sedekiji: šta sam ti skrivio ili slugama tvojim ili tomu narodu, te me metnuste u tamnicu?
19 Where are your prophets who prophesied to you, claiming, ‘The king of Babylon will not come against you or this land’?
I gdje su vaši proroci koji vam prorokuju govoreæi: neæe doæi car Vavilonski na vas ni na ovu zemlju?
20 But now please listen, O my lord the king. May my petition come before you. Do not send me back to the house of Jonathan the scribe, or I will die there.”
Sada dakle poslušaj, care gospodaru moj, pusti preda se molbu moju, nemoj me vraæati u kuæu Jonatana pisara, da ne umrem ondje.
21 So King Zedekiah gave orders for Jeremiah to be placed in the courtyard of the guard and given a loaf of bread daily from the street of the bakers, until all the bread in the city was gone. So Jeremiah remained in the courtyard of the guard.
Tada zapovjedi car Sedekija da zatvore Jeremiju u trijem od tamnice i da mu daju svaki dan po hljeb s ulice hljebarske, dokle traje hljeba u gradu. Tako sjeðaše Jeremija u trijemu od tamnice.