< Jeremiah 10 >
1 Hear the word that the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel.
Winji gima Jehova Nyasaye wachoni, yaye od Israel.
2 This is what the LORD says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by the signs in the heavens, though the nations themselves are terrified by them.
Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: “Kik ipuonjri yore ogendini kata ibed gi bwok gi ranyisi manie kor polo, kata obedo ni gibwogo ogendini.
3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut down a tree from the forest; it is shaped with a chisel by the hands of a craftsman.
Nimar kit jogi kod timbegi onge tiende; gingʼado yien koa e bungu, bangʼe japecho paye gi koyo mare.
4 They adorn it with silver and gold and fasten it with hammer and nails, so that it will not totter.
Giwire gi fedha gi dhahabu; giriwe motegno gi musmal ka gigoye gi nyundo, mondo kik oyiengni.
5 Like scarecrows in a cucumber patch, their idols cannot speak. They must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them, for they can do no harm, and neither can they do any good.”
Mana kaka gima ibwogogo gik moko e puothe mag budho, e kaka nyisechegi manonogo ok nyal wuoyo; nyaka tingʼ-gi nikech ok ginyal wuotho. Kik uluorgi; ok ginyal hinyou kata timonu gima ber.”
6 There is none like You, O LORD. You are great, and Your name is mighty in power.
Onge ngʼama chalo kodi, yaye Jehova Nyasaye; iduongʼ, kendo nyingi maratego nigi teko.
7 Who would not fear You, O King of nations? This is Your due. For among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like You.
En ngʼa ma ok onego miyi luor, yaye Ruodh ogendini? Ma gima iwinjori godo. Kuom jorieko duto mag ogendini kod kuom pinjeruodhigi duto, onge ngʼama chalo kodi.
8 But they are altogether senseless and foolish, instructed by worthless idols made of wood!
Giduto gionge paro kendo gifuwo; ipuonjogi gi nyiseche manono mag bepe mopa maonge tich.
9 Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz— the work of a craftsman from the hands of a goldsmith. Their clothes are blue and purple, all fashioned by skilled workers.
Fedha mothedhi ikelo koa Tarshish kendo dhahabu koa Ufaz. Gima japecho kod jatheth oseloso irwako gi lewni marambulu gi maralik, giduto olosgi gi jotich molony.
10 But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and eternal King. The earth quakes at His wrath, and the nations cannot endure His indignation.
To Jehova Nyasaye e Nyasaye madieri; en e Nyasaye mangima, Ruoth manyaka chiengʼ. Ka iye owangʼ, to piny tetni; ogendini ok nyal mirimbe.
11 Thus you are to tell them: “These gods, who have made neither the heavens nor the earth, will perish from this earth and from under these heavens.”
“Nyisgi ma: ‘Nyiseche manonogi, mane ok ochweyo polo gi piny, nolal nono e piny kendo e bwo polo.’”
12 The LORD made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.
To Nyasaye nochweyo piny gi tekone; ne ochako piny gi riekone, kendo oyaro polo gi ngʼeyo mare.
13 When He thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; He causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth. He generates the lightning with the rain and brings forth the wind from His storehouses.
Ka omor ka polo, to pige manie polo wuo; omiyo boche polo dhwolore koa e giko piny. Ooro mil polo gi koth kendo okelo yamo koa e kuondege mag keno.
14 Every man is senseless and devoid of knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols. For his molten images are a fraud, and there is no breath in them.
Ji duto parogi ok ti kendo gionge ngʼeyo; jotheth duto wigi kuot gi nyisechegi manono ma githedho. Kido mage moloso gin gik manono; gionge muya eigi.
15 They are worthless, a work to be mocked. In the time of their punishment they will perish.
Gionge tich, gin gik minyiero; ka ndalogi mar ngʼado bura ochopo, to ginilal nono.
16 The Portion of Jacob is not like these, for He is the Maker of all things, and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance— the LORD of Hosts is His name.
Jalno ma en Pok mar Jakobo ok chal kodgi, nimar en e Jachwech mar gik moko duto, nyaka Israel, ma en dhood girkeni mare, Jehova Nyasaye Maratego e nyinge.
17 Gather up your belongings from this land, you who live under siege.
Chokuru giu duto mondo ua e pinyno, un joma ogengʼnigi.
18 For this is what the LORD says: “Behold, at this time I will sling out the inhabitants of the land and bring distress upon them so that they may be captured.”
Nimar ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: “E kindeni machalo kama, abiro daro ji modak e pinyni; anakel sandruok kuomgi mondo mi omakgi.”
19 Woe to me because of my brokenness; my wound is grievous! But I said, “This is truly my sickness, and I must bear it.”
To mano kaka litna nikech hinyruok mara! Adhonda ok thiedhre! Kata kamano awacho ne an owuon ni, “Ma en twona, kendo nyaka angʼi kode.”
20 My tent is destroyed, and all its ropes are snapped. My sons have departed from me and are no more. I have no one left to pitch my tent or set up my curtains.
Hemba okethi; tonde mitweyego duto ochodi. Yawuota oweya kendo ok gin koda; onge ngʼama odongʼ manyalo gurona hemba kata gerona kambi.
21 For the shepherds have become senseless; they do not seek the LORD. Therefore they have not prospered, and all their flock is scattered.
Jokwath onge rieko to bende ok gipenj Jehova Nyasaye wach; mano emomiyo ok gidhi nyime maber kendo rombe mag-gi duto oke.
22 Listen! The sound of a report is coming— a great commotion from the land to the north. The cities of Judah will be made a desolation, a haunt for jackals.
Chik iti! Wach biro niya, tungni maduongʼ koa e piny man yo nyandwat! Anami dala mag Juda odongʼ nono, kama ondiegi ema odakie.
23 I know, O LORD, that a man’s way is not his own; no one who walks directs his own steps.
Angʼeyo, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, ni ngima dhano ok en mare owuon; ok en mar dhano mondo ochik yorene.
24 Correct me, O LORD, but only with justice— not in Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.
Rieya, Jehova Nyasaye, to mana gi bura makare ma ok e ich wangʼ, ka ok kamano to ditieka chuth.
25 Pour out Your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge You, and on the families that do not call on Your name. For they have devoured Jacob; they have consumed him and finished him off; they have devastated his homeland.
Ol mirimbi kuom ogendini ma ok ongʼeyi, kuom ji ma ok luong nyingi. Nimar gisetieko Jakobo; gisetieke chuth kendo giseketho dalane.