< Isaiah 42 >

1 “Here is My Servant, whom I uphold, My Chosen One, in whom My soul delights. I will put My Spirit on Him, and He will bring justice to the nations.
Laba omuweereza wange gwe mpanirira, omulonde wange gwe nsanyukira ennyo. Ndimuwa Omwoyo wange era alireeta obwenkanya eri amawanga.
2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, nor make His voice heard in the streets.
Talireekaana wadde okuyimusa eddoboozi lye mu luguudo.
3 A bruised reed He will not break and a smoldering wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice.
Talimenya lumuli lubetentefu oba okuzikiza olutambi olwaka empola ennyo; mu bwesigwa alireeta obwenkanya.
4 He will not grow weak or discouraged before He has established justice on the earth. In His law the islands will put their hope.”
Taliremererwa oba okuggwaamu essuubi okutuusa ng’aleesewo obutebenkevu ku nsi. N’ebizinga eby’ewala biririndirira amateeka ge.
5 This is what God the LORD says— He who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it and life to those who walk in it:
Bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda, eyatonda eggulu n’alibamba. Eyayanjuluza ensi ne byonna ebigivaamu; awa omukka abantu baakwo era n’obulamu eri bonna abagitambulirako.
6 “I, the LORD, have called you for a righteous purpose, and I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and appoint you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the nations,
“Nze Mukama, nakuyita mu butuukirivu. Ndikukwata ku mukono era ndikukuuma. Ndikufuula okuba endagaano eri abantu, era omusana eri bannamawanga.
7 to open the eyes of the blind, to bring prisoners out of the dungeon and those sitting in darkness out from the prison house.
Okuzibula amaaso g’abazibe, okuta abasibe okuva mu makomera n’okuggya abo abali mu bunnya, abo abali mu kizikiza.
8 I am the LORD; that is My name! I will not yield My glory to another or My praise to idols.
“Nze Mukama, eryo lye linnya lyange, n’ekitiibwa kyange sirikiwa mulala, newaakubadde ettendo lyange okukiwa bakatonda abalala.
9 Behold, the former things have happened, and now I declare new things. Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”
Laba, ebyo bye nagamba nti biribaawo bituuse, kaakano mbabuulira ku bigenda okujja; mbibategeeza nga tebinnabaawo.”
10 Sing to the LORD a new song— His praise from the ends of the earth— you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who dwell in them.
Muyimbire Mukama oluyimba oluggya, ettendo lye okuva ku nkomerero y’ensi! Mmwe abasaabala ku nnyanja ne byonna ebigirimu, mmwe ebizinga ne bonna ababibeeramu.
11 Let the desert and its cities raise their voices; let the villages of Kedar cry aloud. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them cry out from the mountaintops.
Leka eddungu n’ebibuga byamu biyimuse amaloboozi gaabyo, ebyalo Kedali mw’atuula. Leka abantu b’e Seera bayimbe n’essanyu. Leka baleekaanire waggulu ku ntikko z’ensozi.
12 Let them give glory to the LORD and declare His praise in the islands.
Leka Mukama bamuwe ekitiibwa era balangirire ettendo lye mu bizinga.
13 The LORD goes forth like a mighty one; He stirs up His zeal like a warrior. He shouts; yes, He roars in triumph over His enemies:
Mukama, anafuluma okulwana ng’omutabaazi ow’amaanyi, era ng’omutabaazi ow’amaanyi alijja yeeswanta, n’okuleekaana ng’alangirira olutalo. Era aliwangula abalabe be.
14 “I have kept silent from ages past; I have remained quiet and restrained. But now I will groan like a woman in labor; I will at once gasp and pant.
“Ebbanga ggwanvu nga siriiko kye ŋŋamba, nga nsirise neekuumye. Naye okufaanana ng’omukazi alumwa okuzaala, nkaaba, mpejjawejja era nzisa ebikkowe.
15 I will lay waste the mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation. I will turn the rivers into dry land and drain the marshes.
Ndizikiriza ensozi n’obusozi, egyo emiddo gyakwo gyonna ndi wakugiwotosa. Era ndikaza ebinywa byabwe byonna n’emigga ndigifuula ebizinga.
16 I will lead the blind by a way they did not know; I will guide them on unfamiliar paths. I will turn darkness into light before them and rough places into level ground. These things I will do for them, and I will not forsake them.
Era ndikulembera abantu bange abazibe ba maaso mu kkubo lye batamanyi n’abayise mbaluŋŋamize mu makubo ge batamanyidde. Ndifuula ekizikiza okuba omusana mu maaso gaabwe n’ebifo ebizibu okuyitamu ndibirongoosa. Ebyo by’ebintu bye ndikola, sirireka bantu bange.
17 But those who trust in idols and say to molten images, ‘You are our gods!’ will be turned back in utter shame.
Naye abo abeesiga bakatonda abalala, ababagamba nti, ‘Mwe bakatonda baffe,’ balikwasibwa ensonyi, era baligobebwa, mu buswavu obungi.”
18 Listen, you deaf ones; look, you blind ones, that you may see!
“Muwulire mmwe bakiggala, mutunule mmwe bamuzibe, mulabe.
19 Who is blind but My servant, or deaf like the messenger I am sending? Who is blind like My covenant partner, or blind like the servant of the LORD?
Ani muzibe okuggyako omuweereza wange, oba kiggala okuggyako omubaka wange gwe ntuma? Eriyo eyaziba amaaso asinga oyo eyeewaayo gye ndi, oba omuzibe ng’omuweereza wa Mukama?
20 Though seeing many things, you do not keep watch. Though your ears are open, you do not hear.”
Olabye ebintu bingi naye tobifuddeko, amatu go maggule naye tolina ky’owulira.”
21 The LORD was pleased, for the sake of His righteousness, to magnify His law and make it glorious.
Kyasanyusa Mukama olw’obulungi obw’obutuukirivu bwe okukuza amateeka ge n’okugassaamu ekitiibwa.
22 But this is a people plundered and looted, all trapped in caves or imprisoned in dungeons. They have become plunder with no one to rescue them, and loot with no one to say, “Send them back!”
Naye bano, bantu be, ababbibwa ne banyagibwa bonna ne basibibwa mu binnya oba abasibibwa mu makomera. Bafuuka munyago nga tewali n’omu abanunula, bafuuliddwa abanyage nga tewali n’omu agamba nti, “Bateebwe baddeyo.”
23 Who among you will pay attention to this? Who will listen and obey hereafter?
Ani ku mmwe anaawuliriza kino, oba anaafaayo ennyo n’awuliriza mu biro ebigenda okujja?
24 Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and Israel to the plunderers? Was it not the LORD, against whom we have sinned? They were unwilling to walk in His ways, and they would not obey His law.
Ani eyawaayo Yakobo okuba omunyago ne Isirayiri eri abanyazi? Teyali Mukama gwe twayonoona? Ekyo yakikola kubanga tebaagoberera makubo ge. Tebaagondera mateeka ge.
25 So He poured out on them His furious anger and the fierceness of battle. It enveloped them in flames, but they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.
Kyeyava abafukako obusungu bwe obubuubuuka n’obulumi bw’entalo. Beebungululwa ennimi z’omuliro naye tebaategeera. Gwabookya naye ne batakissaako mwoyo.

< Isaiah 42 >