< Isaiah 37 >
1 On hearing this report, King Hezekiah tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and entered the house of the LORD.
2 And he sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the scribe, and the leading priests, all wearing sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz
3 to tell him, “This is what Hezekiah says: Today is a day of distress, rebuke, and disgrace; for children have come to the point of birth, but there is no strength to deliver them.
かれらイザヤにいひけるは ヒゼキヤ如此いへり けふは患難と責と辱かしめの日なり そは子うまれんとして之をうみいだすの力なし
4 Perhaps the LORD your God will hear the words of the Rabshakeh, whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to defy the living God, and He will rebuke him for the words that the LORD your God has heard. Therefore lift up a prayer for the remnant that still survives.”
なんぢの神ヱホバあるひはラブシヤケがもろもろの言をききたまはん 彼はその君アツスリヤ王につかはされて活る神をそしれり なんぢの神ヱホバその言をききて或はせめたまふならん されば請なんぢこの遺れるもののために祈禱をささげよと
5 So the servants of King Hezekiah went to Isaiah,
6 who replied, “Tell your master that this is what the LORD says: ‘Do not be afraid of the words you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me.
イザヤかれらに言けるは なんぢらの君につげよ ヱホバ斯いひたまへり曰く アツスリヤ王のしもべら我をののしりけがせり なんぢらその聞しことばによりて懼るるなかれ
7 Behold, I will put a spirit in him so that he will hear a rumor and return to his own land, where I will cause him to fall by the sword.’”
視よわれかれが意をうごかすべければ 一つの風聲をききておのが國にかへらん かれをその國にて劍にたふれしむべし
8 When the Rabshakeh heard that the king of Assyria had left Lachish, he withdrew and found the king fighting against Libnah.
9 Now Sennacherib had been warned about Tirhakah king of Cush: “He has set out to fight against you.” On hearing this, Sennacherib sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying,
このときエテオピアの王テルハカの事についてきけり云く かれいでて汝とたたかふべしと このことをききて使者をヒゼキヤに遣していふ
10 “Give this message to Hezekiah king of Judah: ‘Do not let your God, in whom you trust, deceive you by saying that Jerusalem will not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria.
なんぢらユダの王ヒゼキヤにつげて如此いへ なんぢが賴める神なんぢを欺きてヱルサレムはアツスリヤ王の手にわたされじといふを聽ことなかれ
11 Surely you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the other countries, devoting them to destruction. Will you then be spared?
視よアツスリヤの王等もろもろの國にいかなることをおこなひ如何してこれを悉くほろぼししかを汝ききしならん されば汝すくはるることを得んや
12 Did the gods of the nations destroyed by my fathers rescue those nations—the gods of Gozan, Haran, and Rezeph, and of the people of Eden in Telassar?
13 Where are the kings of Hamath, Arpad, Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah?’”
14 So Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers, read it, and went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD.
ヒゼキヤつかひの手より書をうけて之を讀り しかしてヒゼキヤ、ヱホバの宮にのぼりゆきヱホバの前にこのふみを展ぶ
15 And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD:
16 “O LORD of Hosts, God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You made the heavens and the earth.
ケルビムの上に坐したまふ萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神よ ただ汝のみ地のうへなるよろづの國の神なり なんぢは天地をつくりたまへり
17 Incline Your ear, O LORD, and hear; open Your eyes, O LORD, and see. Listen to all the words that Sennacherib has sent to defy the living God.
ヱホバよ耳をかたむけて聽たまへ ヱホバよ目をひらきて視たまへ セナケリブ使者して活る神をそしらしめし言をことごとくききたまへ
18 Truly, O LORD, the kings of Assyria have laid waste all these countries and their lands.
19 They have cast their gods into the fire and destroyed them, for they were not gods, but only wood and stone—the work of human hands.
かれらの神たちを火になげいれたり これらのものは神にあらず 人の手の工にして あるひは木あるひは石なり 斯るがゆゑに滅ぼされたり
20 And now, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, O LORD, are God.”
さればわれらの神ヱホバよ 今われらをアツスリヤ王の手より救ひいだして 地のもろもろの國にただ汝のみヱホバなることを知しめたまへ
21 Then Isaiah son of Amoz sent a message to Hezekiah: “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Because you have prayed to Me concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria,
ここにアモツの子イザヤ人をつかはしてヒゼキヤにいはせけるは イスラエルの神ヱホバかくいひたまふ 汝はアツスリヤ王セナケリブのことにつきて我にいのれり
22 this is the word that the LORD has spoken against him: ‘The Virgin Daughter of Zion despises you and mocks you; the Daughter of Jerusalem shakes her head behind you.
ヱホバが彼のことにつきて語り給へるみことばは是なり いはくシオンの處女はなんぢを侮りなんぢをあざけり ヱルサレムの女子はなんぢの背後より頭をふれり
23 Whom have you taunted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against the Holy One of Israel!
汝がそしりかつ罵れるものは誰ぞ なんぢが聲をあげ目をたかく向てさからひたるものはたれぞ イスラエルの聖者ならずや
24 Through your servants you have taunted the Lord, and you have said: “With my many chariots I have ascended to the heights of the mountains, to the remote peaks of Lebanon. I have cut down its tallest cedars, the finest of its cypresses. I have reached its farthest heights, the densest of its forests.
なんぢその使者によりて主をそしりていふ 我はおほくの戰車をひきゐて山々のいただきに登りレバノンの奧にまでいりぬ 我はたけたかき香柏とうるはしき松樹とをきり またその境なるたかき處にゆき腴たる地の林にゆかん
25 I have dug wells and drunk foreign waters. With the soles of my feet I have dried up all the streams of Egypt.”
我は井をほりて水をのみたり われは足跖をもてエジプトの河々をからさんと
26 Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it; in days of old I planned it. Now I have brought it to pass, that you should crush fortified cities into piles of rubble.
なんぢ聞ずや これらのことはわが昔よりなす所 いにしへの日よりさだめし所なり 今なんぢがこの堅城をこぼちあらして石堆となすも亦わがきたらしし所なり
27 Therefore their inhabitants, devoid of power, are dismayed and ashamed. They are like plants in the field, tender green shoots, grass on the rooftops, scorched before it is grown.
そのなかの民はちから弱くをののきて恥をいだき 野草のごとく靑き菜のごとく屋蓋の草のごとく未だそだたざる苗のごとし
28 But I know your sitting down, your going out and coming in, and your raging against Me.
29 Because your rage and arrogance against Me have reached My ears, I will put My hook in your nose and My bit in your mouth; I will send you back the way you came.’
30 And this will be a sign to you, O Hezekiah: This year you will eat what grows on its own, and in the second year what springs from the same. But in the third year you will sow and reap; you will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
ヒゼキヤよ我がなんぢにたまふ徴はこれなり なんぢら今年は落穂より生たるものを食ひ 明年は糵生より出たるものを食はん 三年にあたりては種ことをなし收ことをなし 葡萄ぞのを作りてその果を食ふべし
31 And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah will again take root below and bear fruit above.
32 For a remnant will go forth from Jerusalem, and survivors from Mount Zion. The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this.
そは遺るものはヱルサレムよりいで脱るるものはシオンの山よりいづるなり 萬軍のヱホバの熱心これを成たまふべし
33 So this is what the LORD says about the king of Assyria: ‘He will not enter this city or shoot an arrow into it. He will not come before it with a shield or build up a siege ramp against it.
この故にヱホバ、アツスリヤの王については如此いひたまふ 彼はこの城にいらず ここに箭をはなたず盾を城のまへにならべず 壘をきづきて攻ることなし
34 He will go back the way he came, and he will not enter this city,’
35 ‘I will defend this city and save it for My own sake and for the sake of My servant David.’”
我おのれの故によりて僕ダビデの故によりて この城をまもり この城をすくはん これヱホバ宣給るなり
36 Then the angel of the LORD went out and struck down 185,000 men in the camp of the Assyrians. When the people got up the next morning, there were all the dead bodies!
37 So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. He returned to Nineveh and stayed there.
38 One day, while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer put him to the sword and escaped to the land of Ararat. And his son Esar-haddon reigned in his place.
一日おのが神ニスロクのみやにて禮拜をなし居しにその子アデランメレクとシヤレゼルと劍をもて彼をころし而してアララテの地ににげゆけり かれが子エサルハドンつぎて王となりぬ