< Isaiah 1 >

1 This is the vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
I aroñaroñe nioni’Iesaià ana’ i Amotse ty am’ Iehodà naho Ierosalaime tañ’andro’ i Ozià, Iotame, Iakaze, naho Iekizkia mpanjaka’ Iehodà.
2 Listen, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me.
Mitsanoña ry likerañeo, manolora sofiñe ty tane toy, fa mitsara t’Iehovà. Nañabey naho nampi­tombo anake iraho, f’ie niola.
3 The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s manger, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.”
Apota ty añombelahy ty tompo’e, naho ty borìke ty lokaloka’ i mpanehak’ azey; fe tsy mahafohiñe t’Israele, tsy maharendreke ondatikoo.
4 Alas, O sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children of depravity! They have forsaken the LORD; they have despised the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on Him.
Ry boriza aman-kakeo, ondaty mijiny tahiñeo, tirim-panao raty, anake mitolon-kamengohañe! fa nifarie’ iereo t’Iehovà, nitsambolitio’ iereo t’i Masi’ Israele, aliheñe iereo vaho midisa-voly.
5 Why do you want more beatings? Why do you keep rebelling? Your head has a massive wound, and your whole heart is afflicted.
Ino ty mbe hanilofañe anahareo, ie mbe mitolom-piola avao? Marare iaby ty añambone, hene toirañe ty arofo.
6 From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there is no soundness— only wounds and welts and festering sores neither cleansed nor bandaged nor soothed with oil.
Boak’an-dela-pandia pak’añambone’e, tsy ama’e ty janga, fa fere, vonotroboke naho bae miborentatse: tsy nitindrieñe, tsy nibandieñe, tsy nihosoren-tsolike.
7 Your land is desolate; your cities are burned with fire. Foreigners devour your fields before you— a desolation demolished by strangers.
Mangoakoake ty tane’ areo; finorototo’ ty afo ty rova’ areo; fa nabotse’ ty ambahiny añatrefa’ areo ty tane’ areo; le koake, hoe t’ie navalitaboam-pisorotombahañe.
8 And the Daughter of Zion is abandoned like a shelter in a vineyard, like a shack in a cucumber field, like a city besieged.
Le nengañe hoe kijà an-tetem-bahe ey ty anak’ampela’ i Tsione, hoe kibohotse an-tanem-bazavo ao, hoe rova arikatohem-paname.
9 Unless the LORD of Hosts had left us a few survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have resembled Gomorrah.
Naho tsy sinisa’ Iehovà’ i Màroy sehanga’e tikañe, le ho ni-hoe Sedome, ho nanahake i Amorà.
10 Hear the word of the LORD, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah!
Janjiño ty tsara’ Iehovà, ry mpifehe’ i Sedome; toloro ravembia i Tsaran’ Añaharen-tikañey, ry nte-Amorà.
11 “What good to Me is your multitude of sacrifices?” says the LORD. “I am full from the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed cattle; I take no delight in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
Inoñ’amako o soroñe mitozantozañeo? Hoe t’Iehovà: Fa mahaetsak’ahy o añondrilahy engaeñe horoañeo, naho o safom-biby vinondrakeo; tsy mahafale ahy ty liom-bania ndra o vik’añondrio, ndra o añondrilahio.
12 When you come to appear before Me, who has required this of you— this trampling of My courts?
Ie mb’etoa nahareo hiatrek’ amako, ia ty nipay am-pità’ areo te ho lialià’ areo o kiririsakoo?
13 Bring your worthless offerings no more; your incense is detestable to Me— your New Moons, Sabbaths, and convocations. I cannot endure iniquity in a solemn assembly.
Ko añenga’areo raha koake ka; ie enga tiva amako; O jiribolañeo, o Sabatao, o fivory koiheñeo: Tsy leoko o fivori-miavake milaro haratiañeo.
14 I hate your New Moons and your appointed feasts. They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.
Heje’ ty troko o jiri’bola’ areoo naho o takataka-tinendre’ areoo; Ie manosots’ ahy, hejeko ho vaveñe.
15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.
Naho amelara’areo tañañe, le ho takonako ty masoko; Eka ndra t’ie mitolon-kalaly, tsy ho tsanoñeko, fa pea lio o fità’ areoo.
16 Wash and cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil!
Miandroa, miliova; asitaho tsy ho aolo’ masoko ty halò-tserem-pitoloña’ areo; mijihera amo fanoañe ratio.
17 Learn to do right; seek justice and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.”
Mianara hanao ty soa; tsoeho ty hato, avotsoro o forekekeñeo, omeo to ty bode rae, mihalalia ho a o vantotseo.
18 “Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will become like wool.
Antao hisafiry arè, hoe t’Iehovà: ndra te mena mandofiry ty hakeo’ areo, le ho foty matsatsaoke; ndra t’ie mena mañabasà, le hanahake volon’añondry.
19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the land.
Ie miato naho tsy manjehatse, ro hikama ty hasoa’ i taney.
20 But if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.”
F’ie mandietse vaho miola, le habotse’ ty fibara; izay ty nitsaraem-palie’ Iehovà.
21 See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She once was full of justice; righteousness resided within her, but now only murderers!
Akore te nanjare karapilo i rova matoey! ie nilifotse ty hatò, nimoneñe an-kavañonañe, te mone mpañoho-doza henaneo.
22 Your silver has become dross; your fine wine is diluted with water.
Fa tai’e avao ty volafoti’o, botsa-drano ty divai’o.
23 Your rulers are rebels, friends of thieves. They all love bribes and chasing after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless, and the plea of the widow never comes before them.
Mpikitro-karatiañe o ana-dona’oo, mpirañetse ami’ty malaso; songa mpitea vokàñe naho mpañori-tambe; tsy mea’ iereo to ty bode rae, vaho tsy atrefe’ iareo ty entam-bantotse.
24 Therefore the Lord GOD of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, declares: “Ah, I will be relieved of My foes and avenge Myself on My enemies.
Aa le hoe t’i Talè, Iehovà’ i Màroy, i Hafatrara’ Israeley: Hete! Hafahako amako o rafelahikoo, vaho ho valèko o malaiñe ahikoo;
25 I will turn My hand against you; I will thoroughly purge your dross; I will remove all your impurities.
Le hahimpako ama’o ty tañako, naho ho lioveko hoe amañ’asidra ty taim-bi’o, vaho hafahako iaby o kanki’oo;
26 I will restore your judges as at first, and your counselors as at the beginning. After that you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City.”
Le hampoliko o mpizaka’oo manahake tam-baloha’e añe, naho o mpanolo-keve’oo hambañe am-pifotora’e añe: vaho hatao ty hoe irehe: Rova-Kavantañañe, Posetse Matoe.
27 Zion will be redeemed with justice, her repentant ones with righteousness.
Ho jebañeñe ami’ty hatò ty Tsione, naho an-­kavantañañe o aze mimpolio.
28 But rebels and sinners will together be shattered, and those who forsake the LORD will perish.
Fe hitrao-pirotsahañe o mpanan-kakeo naho mpanan-tahiñeo, vaho ho hotomomoheñe ze mienga Iehovà.
29 Surely you will be ashamed of the sacred oaks in which you have delighted; you will be embarrassed by the gardens that you have chosen.
Toe hisalara’ iereo o kile nisalalaeñeo, vaho himeñara’ areo o goloboñe nivihañeo.
30 For you will become like an oak whose leaves are withered, like a garden without water.
Hanahake ty kile aman-drave’e miheatse nahareo, naho hoe goloboñe tsy aman-drano.
31 The strong man will become tinder and his work will be a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the flames.
Ho pipìke ty maozatse, ho tsipelats’afo o tolon-draha’eo; hiharo hiforehetse iereon-droroe, le tsy eo ty hampikipeke.

< Isaiah 1 >