< Hosea 8 >

1 Put the ram’s horn to your lips! An eagle looms over the house of the LORD, because the people have transgressed My covenant and rebelled against My law.
Kanayni aghzinggha salghin! Perwerdigarning öyi üstide bir qorultaz aylinip yüridu! Chünki ular Méning ehdemni buzghan, Tewrat-qanunumgha itaetsizlik qilghan.
2 Israel cries out to Me, “O our God, we know You!”
Ular Manga: «I Xudayim, biz Israil xelqi Séni tonuymiz!» dep warqiraydu.
3 But Israel has rejected good; an enemy will pursue him.
Israil yaxshiliq-méhribanliqni tashliwetken; Shunga düshmen uni qoghlaydu.
4 They set up kings, but not by Me. They make princes, but without My approval. With their silver and gold they make themselves idols, to their own destruction.
Ular özliri padishahlarni tikligen, biraq Men arqiliq emes; Ular bezilerni emir qilghan, biraq uningdin xewirim yoq; Ular öz jénigha zamin bolush üchün, Özlirige butlarni kümüsh-altunliridin yasighan.
5 He has rejected your calf, O Samaria. My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of innocence?
I Samariye, séning moziying séni tashliwetti! Méning ghezipim ulargha qozghaldi; Ular qachan’ghiche pakliqtin yiraq turidu?
6 For this thing is from Israel— a craftsman made it, and it is not God. It will be broken to pieces, that calf of Samaria.
Shu nerse Israildin chiqqan’ghu — Uni bir hünerwen yasighan, xalas; u Xuda emes; Samariyening moziyi derweqe pare-pare chéqiwétilidu!
7 For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. There is no standing grain; what sprouts fails to yield flour. Even if it should produce, the foreigners would swallow it up.
Chünki ular shamal téridi, shunga qara quyunni oridu! Ularning shadisida héch bashaqlar yoq, u héch ash bermeydu; Hetta ash bergen bolsimu, yat ademler uni yutuwalghan bolatti.
8 Israel is swallowed up! Now they are among the nations like a worthless vessel.
Israil yutuwélindi; Ular yat eller arisida yarimas bir qacha bolup qaldi;
9 For they have gone up to Assyria like a wild donkey on its own. Ephraim has hired lovers.
Chünki ular yalghuz yürgen yawayi éshektek Asuriyeni izdep chiqti; Efraim «ashna»larni yalliwaldi.
10 Though they hire allies among the nations, I will now round them up, and they will begin to diminish under the oppression of the king of princes.
Gerche ular eller arisidin «yalliwalghan» bolsimu, Emdi Men ularni yighip bir terep qilimen; Ular tézla «Emirlerning shahi»ning bésimi astida tolghinip kétidu.
11 Though Ephraim multiplied the altars for sin, they became his altars for sinning.
Efraim «gunah qurbanliq»liri üchün qurban’gahlarni köpeytkini bilen, Bular gunah qozghaydighan qurban’gahlar bolup qaldi.
12 Though I wrote for them the great things of My law, they regarded them as something strange.
Men uning üchün Tewrat-qanunumda köp tereplime nersilerni yazghan bolsammu, Ular yat bir nerse dep hésablanmaqta.
13 Though they offer sacrifices as gifts to Me, and though they eat the meat, the LORD does not accept them. Now He will remember their iniquity and punish their sins: They will return to Egypt.
Ular qurbanliqlargha amraq! Ular Manga qurbanliqlarni qilip, göshidin yeydu, Biraq Perwerdigar bulardin héch xursenlik almaydu; U ularning qebihlikini hazir ésige keltürüp, Gunahlirini öz béshigha chüshüridu; Ular Misirgha qaytidu!
14 Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces; Judah has multiplied its fortified cities. But I will send fire upon their cities, and it will consume their citadels.
Chünki Israil öz Yasighuchisini untup, «ibadetxana»larni quridu; Yehuda bolsa istihkamlashturulghan sheherlerni köpeytken; Biraq Men ularning sheherliri üstige ot ewetimen, Ot bularning qel’e-ordilirini yep kétidu.

< Hosea 8 >