< Hosea 4 >

1 Hear the word of the LORD, O children of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the people of the land: “There is no truth, no loving devotion, and no knowledge of God in the land!
Hør, Israeliter, HERRENS Ord, thi HERREN gaar i rette med Landets Folk. Thi ej er der Troskab, ej Godhed, ej kender man Gud i Landet.
2 Cursing and lying, murder and stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.
Man sværger og lyver, myrder og stjæler, horer, gør Indbrud, og Blodskyld følger paa Blodskyld.
3 Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it will waste away with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air; even the fish of the sea disappear.
Derfor sørger Landet, og alt, hvad der bor der, sygner, Markens Dyr og Himlens Fugle; selv Havets Fisk svinder bort.
4 But let no man contend; let no man offer reproof; for your people are like those who contend with a priest.
Dog skænde man ej, dog revse man ej, naar mit Folk kun er som dets Præster.
5 You will stumble by day, and the prophet will stumble with you by night; so I will destroy your mother—
Du skal styrte ved Dag, og med dig Profeten ved Nat....
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as My priests. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.
Mit Folk skal gaa til Grunde, fordi det er uden Kundskab. Da du har vraget Kundskab, vrager jeg dig som Præst; du glemte din Guds Aabenbaring, saa glemmer og jeg dine Sønner.
7 The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me; they exchanged their Glory for a thing of disgrace.
Jo fler, des mere de synded, ombytted deres Ære med Skændsel;
8 They feed on the sins of My people and set their hearts on iniquity.
mit Folks Synd lever de af, dets Brøde hungrer de efter.
9 And it shall be like people, like priest. I will punish both of them for their ways and repay them for their deeds.
Men Præst skal det gaa som Folk; jeg hjemsøger ham for hans Færd, hans Id gengælder jeg ham.
10 They will eat but not be satisfied; they will be promiscuous but not multiply. For they have stopped obeying the LORD.
De skal spise, men ikke mættes, hore, men ej blive fler; thi de har sveget HERREN og holder fast ved Hor.
11 Promiscuity, wine, and new wine take away understanding.
Vin og Most tager Forstanden.
12 My people consult their wooden idols, and their divining rods inform them. For a spirit of prostitution leads them astray and they have played the harlot against their God.
Mit Folk raadspørger sit Træ, og Svaret giver dets Stok; thi Horeaand ledte dem vild, de boler sig bort fra deres Gud.
13 They sacrifice on the mountaintops and burn offerings on the hills, under oak, poplar, and terebinth, because their shade is pleasant. And so your daughters turn to prostitution and your daughters-in-law to adultery.
De ofrer paa Bjergenes Tinder, paa Højene brænder de Ofre under en Eg, en Poppel, en Terebinte, thi Skyggen er god. Saa horer jo og eders Døtre, saa boler jo og eders Kvinder;
14 I will not punish your daughters when they prostitute themselves, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery. For the men themselves go off with prostitutes and offer sacrifices with shrine prostitutes. So a people without understanding will come to ruin.
jeg straffer ej Døtrenes Hor, ej Kvinderne for deres Bolen; thi selv gaar de bort med Horer, ofrer sammen med Skøger; og det uvise Folk drages ned.
15 Though you prostitute yourself, O Israel, may Judah avoid such guilt! Do not journey to Gilgal, do not go up to Beth-aven, and do not swear on oath, ‘As surely as the LORD lives!’
Men selv om du, Israel, horer, maa Juda ej gøre sig skyldigt. Gaa ikke over til Gilgal, drag ikke op til Bet-Aven, sværg ikke: »Saa sandt HERREN lever!«
16 For Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn heifer. Can the LORD now shepherd them like lambs in an open meadow?
Thi som en uvan Ko er Israel uvan, skal HERREN saa lade dem græsse i Frihed som Lam?
17 Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone!
Efraim er bundet til Afgudsbilleder; lad ham fare!
18 When their liquor is gone, they turn to prostitution; their rulers dearly love disgrace.
Deres Drikken er skejet ud. Hor har de bedrevet; højt har deres Skjolde elsket Skændsel.
19 The whirlwind has wrapped them in its wings, and their sacrifices will bring them shame.
Et Vejr har omspændt dem med sine Vinger, og de skal blive til Skamme for deres Ofre.

< Hosea 4 >