< Genesis 50 >

1 Then Joseph fell upon his father’s face, wept over him, and kissed him.
UJosefa wasewela phezu kobuso bukayise, wakhala inyembezi phezu kwakhe, wamanga.
2 And Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. So they embalmed him,
UJosefa waselaya inceku zakhe abelaphi ukuthi baqhole uyise ngomuthi; labelaphi bamqhola uIsrayeli ngomuthi.
3 taking the forty days required to complete the embalming. And the Egyptians mourned for him seventy days.
Zagcwaliseka kuye insuku ezingamatshumi amane, ngoba ngokunjalo zazigcwaliseka insuku zabaqholwe ngomuthi. LamaGibhithe amlilela insuku ezingamatshumi ayisikhombisa.
4 When the days of mourning had passed, Joseph said to Pharaoh’s court, “If I have found favor in your eyes, please tell Pharaoh that
Kwathi sezidlulile insuku zokumkhalela, uJosefa wakhuluma lendlu kaFaro esithi: Uba-ke ngithole umusa emehlweni enu, ake likhulume endlebeni zikaFaro, lisithi:
5 my father made me swear an oath when he said, ‘I am about to die. You must bury me in the tomb that I dug for myself in the land of Canaan.’ Now let me go and bury my father, and then return.”
Ubaba wangifungisa esithi: Khangela, ngiyafa; engcwabeni engazigebhela lona elizweni leKhanani, lapho ungingcwabe. Khathesi-ke, ake ngenyuke ngiyengcwaba ubaba, besengibuya.
6 Pharaoh replied, “Go up and bury your father, as he made you swear to do.”
UFaro wasesithi: Yenyuka uyengcwaba uyihlo njengokukufungisa kwakhe.
7 Then Joseph went to bury his father, and all the servants of Pharaoh accompanied him—the elders of Pharaoh’s household and all the elders of the land of Egypt—
UJosefa wasesenyuka ukuyangcwaba uyise, kwenyuka kanye laye zonke izinceku zikaFaro, abadala bendlu yakhe, labo bonke abadala belizwe leGibhithe,
8 along with all of Joseph’s household, and his brothers, and his father’s household. Only their children and flocks and herds were left in Goshen.
lendlu yonke kaJosefa, labafowabo, lendlu kayise; kuphela abantwana babo abancinyane lezimvu zabo lenkomo zabo bakutshiya elizweni leGosheni.
9 Chariots and horsemen alike went up with him, and it was an exceedingly large procession.
Kwasekusenyuka kanye laye konke izinqola labagadi bamabhiza, kwaba liviyo elinzima kakhulu.
10 When they reached the threshing floor of Atad, which is across the Jordan, they lamented and wailed loudly, and Joseph mourned for his father seven days.
Kwathi sebefike esizeni seAtadi, eliphetsheya kweJordani, balila khona, isililo esikhulu lesinzima kakhulu, bamenzela uyise isililo insuku eziyisikhombisa.
11 When the Canaanites of the land saw the mourning at the threshing floor of Atad, they said, “This is a solemn ceremony of mourning by the Egyptians.” Thus the place across the Jordan is called Abel-mizraim.
Kwathi abakhileyo belizwe, amaKhanani, bebona ukulila esizeni seAtadi, bathi: Lesi yisililo esinzima samaGibhithe. Ngakho basebesitha ibizo laso iAbeli-Mizirayimi, eliphetsheya kweJordani.
12 So Jacob’s sons did as he had charged them.
Amadodana akhe asemenzela njalo njengalokhu ewalayile;
13 They carried him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave at Machpelah in the field near Mamre, which Abraham had purchased from Ephron the Hittite as a burial site.
ngoba amadodana akhe amthwalela elizweni leKhanani, amngcwaba obhalwini lwensimu yeMakaphela, uAbrahama aluthenga lensimu, lube yindawo yakhe yokungcwabela, kuEfroni umHethi, eqondane leMamre.
14 After Joseph had buried his father, he returned to Egypt with his brothers and all who had gone with him to bury his father.
UJosefa wasebuyela eGibhithe, yena labafowabo labo bonke abenyuka laye ukuyangcwaba uyise, esemngcwabile uyise.
15 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph bears a grudge? Then he will surely repay us for all the evil that we did to him.”
Kwathi abafowabo bakaJosefa sebebonile ukuthi uyise usefile bathi: Mhlawumbe uJosefa uzasizonda, ngoqotho asiphindisele ububi bonke esabenza kuye.
16 So they sent word to Joseph, saying, “Before he died, your father commanded,
Basebenika isilayezelo kuJosefa besithi: Uyihlo walaya engakafi, esithi:
17 ‘This is what you are to say to Joseph: I beg you, please forgive the transgression and sin of your brothers, for they did you wrong.’ So now, Joseph, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father.” When their message came to him, Joseph wept.
Lizakutsho kanje kuJosefa lithi: Ngiyakucela, akuxolele isiphambeko sabafowenu lesono sabo, ngoba bakwenzela okubi; khathesi-ke ake uxolele isiphambeko sezinceku zikaNkulunkulu kayihlo. UJosefa wasekhala inyembezi nxa bekhuluma kuye.
18 His brothers also came to him, bowed down before him, and said, “We are your slaves!”
Labafowabo labo beza, bawa phansi phambi kwakhe, bathi: Khangela, siyizinceku zakho.
19 But Joseph replied, “Do not be afraid. Am I in the place of God?
Kodwa uJosefa wathi kibo: Lingesabi, ngoba kanti ngisendaweni kaNkulunkulu yini?
20 As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this—to preserve the lives of many people.
Kodwa lina laceba okubi kimi, uNkulunkulu waceba ngokuhle, ukuze enze njengalamuhla, ukuze alondoloze abantu abanengi bephila.
21 Therefore do not be afraid. I will provide for you and your little ones.” So Joseph reassured his brothers and spoke kindly to them.
Khathesi-ke lingesabi; mina ngizalondla lina labantwanyana benu. Wasebaduduza, wakhuluma labo ngomusa.
22 Now Joseph and his father’s household remained in Egypt, and Joseph lived to the age of 110.
UJosefa wasehlala eGibhithe, yena lendlu kayise. Njalo uJosefa waphila iminyaka elikhulu letshumi.
23 He saw Ephraim’s sons to the third generation, and indeed the sons of Machir son of Manasseh were brought up on Joseph’s knees.
UJosefa wasebona abantwana bakaEfrayimi abesizukulwana sesithathu; labantwana bakaMakiri indodana kaManase bazalelwa emadolweni kaJosefa.
24 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die, but God will surely visit you and bring you up from this land to the land He promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
UJosefa wasesithi kubafowabo: Ngiyafa, kodwa uNkulunkulu uzalihambela isibili, alenyuse kulelilizwe alise elizweni alifungela oAbrahama, uIsaka loJakobe.
25 And Joseph made the sons of Israel take an oath and said, “God will surely attend to you, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.”
UJosefa wafungisa amadodana kaIsrayeli esithi: UNkulunkulu uzalihambela isibili, njalo lizakwenyusa amathambo ami asuke lapha.
26 So Joseph died at the age of 110. And they embalmed his body and placed it in a coffin in Egypt.
UJosefa wasesifa, eleminyaka elikhulu letshumi; basebemqhola ngomuthi, wafakwa ebhokisini eGibhithe.

< Genesis 50 >