< Genesis 48 >

1 Some time later Joseph was told, “Your father is ill.” So he set out with his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia nisy nilaza tamin’ i Josefa, hoe: Indro marary ny rainao. Dia nentiny niaraka taminy Manase sy Efraima, zanany mirahalahy.
2 When Jacob was told, “Your son Joseph has come to you,” Israel rallied his strength and sat up in bed.
Ary nisy nilaza tamin’ i Jakoba ka nanao hoe: Indro, Josefa zanakao tamy ho etỳ aminao; dia nanatanja-tena Isiraely ka niarina teo ambonin’ ny farafara.
3 Jacob said to Joseph, “God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and there He blessed me
Ary hoy Jakoba tamin i Josefa: Andriamanitra Tsitoha efa niseho tamiko tany Lozy any amin’ ny tany Kanana ary nitahy ahy ka nanao tamiko hoe:
4 and told me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you; I will make you a multitude of peoples, and will give this land to your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.’
Indro, Izaho hahamaro ny taranakao, dia hampitombo anao sy hanao anao ho firenena maro; dia homeko ny taranakao mandimby anao ity tany ity ho lovany mandrakizay.
5 And now your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here shall be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine.
Ary ankehitriny, ny zanakao mirahalahy, izay efa naterakao tatỳ amin’ ny tany Egypta, fony tsy mbola tonga tatỳ aminao eto Egypta aho, dia ho ahy ireo: eny, Efraima sy Mariase dia ho ahy, tahaka an’ i Robena sy Simeona.
6 Any children born to you after them shall be yours, and they shall be called by the names of their brothers in the territory they inherit.
Fa ny zanakao izay haterakao aorian’ izy mirahalahy dia ho anao kosa, ary ny anarany hatao araka ny an’ ny rahalahiny eo amin’ ny zara-taniny.
7 Now as for me, when I was returning from Paddan, to my sorrow Rachel died along the way in the land of Canaan, some distance from Ephrath. So I buried her there beside the road to Ephrath” (that is, Bethlehem).
Ary izaho, raha niala tany Mesopotamia aho, dia maty teo anatrehako Rahely tany amin’ ny tany Kanana, tany an-dalana, rehefa kely foana no sisa tsy nahatongavana tao Efrata, ary nandevina azy aho teo amoron’ ny lalana mankany Efrata (Betlehema izany).
8 When Israel saw the sons of Joseph, he asked, “Who are these?”
Ary rehefa hitan’ Isiraely ny zanak’ i Josefa, dia hoy izy: Iza moa ireo?
9 Joseph said to his father, “They are the sons God has given me in this place.” So Jacob said, “Please bring them to me, that I may bless them.”
Ary hoy Josefa tamin-drainy: Zanako ireto, izay nomen’ Andriamanitra ahy tatỳ. Ary hoy izy: Masìna ianao, ento eto amiko izy, dia hotsofiko rano.
10 Now Israel’s eyesight was poor because of old age; he could hardly see. Joseph brought his sons to him, and his father kissed them and embraced them.
Ary efa pahina ny mason’ Isiraely noho ny fahanterany, ka tsy nahita izy; dia nentin’ i Josefa nanatona azy izy mirahalahy; ary Isiraely nanoroka sy namihina azy.
11 “I never expected to see your face again,” Israel said to Joseph, “but now God has let me see your children as well.”
Dia hoy Isiraely tamin’ i Josefa; Tsy nanampo izay hahita ny tavanao intsony aho; kanjo, indro, Andriamanitra efa nampahita ahy ny zanakao koa aza.
12 Then Joseph removed his sons from his father’s knees and bowed facedown.
Ary Josefa nampiala azy mirahalahy teo anelanelan’ ny lohalik’ Isiraely, dia niankohoka tamin’ ny tany izy.
13 And Joseph took both of them—with Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel’s right hand—and brought them close to him.
Dia notantanan’ i Josefa izy mirahalahy: Efraima tamin’ ny ankavanany ho eo amin’ ny ankavian’ Isiraely, ary Manase tamin’ ny ankaviany ho eo amin’ ny ankavanan’ Isiraely, ka nentiny nanatona azy.
14 But Israel stretched out his right hand and put it on the head of Ephraim, the younger; and crossing his hands, he put his left on Manasseh’s head, although Manasseh was the firstborn.
Dia nahinjitr’ Isiraely ny tanany ankavanana ka napetrany tamin’ ny lohan’ i Efraima, nefa izy no zandriny, fa ny tànany ankavia kosa teo amin’ ny lohan’ i Manase; fa niniany natao toy izany ny tànany, nefa Manase no lahimatoa.
15 Then he blessed Joseph and said: “May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day,
Dia nitso-drano an’ i Josefa izy ka nanao hoe: Andriamanitra, Izay nandehanan’ i Abrahama sy Isaka razako teo anatrehany, Andriamanitra, Izay Mpiandry ahy hatrizay niainako ka mandraka androany,
16 the angel who has redeemed me from all harm— may He bless these boys. And may they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they grow into a multitude upon the earth.”
ny Anjely Izay Mpamonjy ahy tamin’ ny loza rehetra: Izy anie hitahy ireto zaza ireto; ary aoka ny anarako sy ny anaran’ i Abrahama sy Isaka raiko no hanononana azy, ary hitombo ho maro dia maro eo amin’ ny tany anie izy.
17 When Joseph saw that his father had placed his right hand on Ephraim’s head, he was displeased and took his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s.
Ary rehefa hitan’ i Josefa fa ny rainy nametraka ny tànany ankavanana teo amin’ ny lohan’ i Efraima, dia tsy sitrany izany; ka noraisiny ny tanan’ ny rainy, mba hampiala azy amin’ ny lohan’ i Efraima ho amin’ ny lohan’ i Manase,
18 “Not so, my father!” Joseph said. “This one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.”
ka hoy Josefa tamin’ ny rainy: Tsy izao no izy, ry ikaky; fa ity no lahimatoa, ka apetraho eo amin’ ny lohany ny tananao ankavanana.
19 But his father refused. “I know, my son, I know!” he said. “He too shall become a people, and he too shall be great; nevertheless, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his offspring shall become a multitude of nations.”
Fa tsy nety ny rainy, fa nanao hoe: Fantatro ihany, anaka, fantatro ihany, izy koa ho tonga firenena, ary izy koa ho lehibe; kanefa ny zandriny ho lehibe noho izy, ary ny taranany ho firenena maro.
20 So that day Jacob blessed them and said: “By you shall Israel pronounce this blessing: ‘May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.’” So he put Ephraim before Manasseh.
Dia nitso-drano azy tamin’ izany andro izany izy ka nanao hoe: Hianao no hitsofan’ ny Isiraely rano hoe: Hataon’ Andriamanitra tahaka an’ i Efraima sy tahaka an’ i Manase anie ianao. Ary Efraima no nataony alohan’ i Manase.
21 Then Israel said to Joseph, “Look, I am about to die, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers.
Ary hoy Isiraely tamin’ i Josefa: Indro, ho faty aho, nefa Andriamanitra homba anareo ka hampody anareo indray ho any amin’ ny tanindrazanareo.
22 And to you, as one who is above your brothers, I give the ridge of land that I took from the Amorites with my sword and bow.”
Ary izaho manome anao zara-tany iray ho tombon-dahinao amin’ ny rahalahinao, izay nalaiko tamin’ ny sabatro sy ny tsipikako teo an-tànan’ ny Amorita.

< Genesis 48 >