< Genesis 46 >

1 So Israel set out with all that he had, and when he came to Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.
Basa naa ma, Yakob naꞌalilinuꞌ sudꞌiꞌ a saa nara, de lao hela Kanaꞌan. Losa kambo Berseba, ana hala banda tao tutunu-hohotuꞌ fee Lamatualain, fo mia dalahulu na aman Isak namahereꞌ a.
2 And that night God spoke to Israel in a vision: “Jacob, Jacob!” He said. “Here I am,” replied Jacob.
Tetembaꞌ sa, nalamein. Sia meit naa, ana rena Lamatualain noꞌe nae, “Wei! Yakob! Yakob! Fela fo rena dei!” Boe ma ana nataa nae, “Taꞌo bee?”
3 “I am God,” He said, “the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.
Lamatualain nae, “Au ia, Lamatualain fo ama ma namahere mia maꞌahulu na. Afiꞌ mumutau Masir muu. Te dei fo Au tao tititi-nonosi mara dadꞌi leo monaeꞌ sia naa.
4 I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will surely bring you back. And Joseph’s own hands will close your eyes.”
Au o nggo Masir muu boe. Ma dei fo Au o baliꞌ tititi-nonosi mara risiꞌ Kanaꞌan fai. Leleꞌ ho mate, naa, ana ma Yusuf sia bobꞌoa ma.”
5 Then Jacob departed from Beersheba, and the sons of Israel took their father Jacob in the wagons Pharaoh had sent to carry him, along with their children and wives.
De Yakob no ana nara lao hela kambo Berseba. Ara fua e, no sao-ana nara, reu kareta fo mane Masir haituaꞌ ra.
6 They also took the livestock and possessions they had acquired in the land of Canaan, and Jacob and all his offspring went to Egypt.
Ara rendi hata-heto nara, ma basa banda mana dadꞌi sira ena na mia Kanaꞌan. No taꞌo naa, Yakob no ana mone nara, ana feton, ma basa umbu nara ma sufe nara, lao Masir reu.
7 Jacob took with him to Egypt his sons and grandsons, and his daughters and granddaughters—all his offspring.
8 Now these are the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob and his descendants) who went to Egypt: Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn.
Yakob no bobꞌonggi nara mana lao Masir reu, naeni: Ruben, ana uluꞌ a,
9 The sons of Reuben: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
no ana nara Henok, Palu, Hesron, ma Karmi.
10 The sons of Simeon: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman.
Simeon, no ana nara Yemuel, Yamin, Ohad, Yakin, ma Sohar. No Saul, fo Simeon ana na mia sao ina Kanaꞌan.
11 The sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
Lewi, no ana nara Gerson, Kehat, ma Merari.
12 The sons of Judah: Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah; but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. The sons of Perez: Hezron and Hamul.
Yahuda, no ana nara Sela, Peres ma Sera. Yahuda ana feaꞌ na, Er ma Onan, mate se mia Kanaꞌan. Ana o no Peres ana nara Hesron ma Hamul.
13 The sons of Issachar: Tola, Puvah, Job, and Shimron.
Isaskar, no ana nara Tola, Pua, Ayub, ma Simron.
14 The sons of Zebulun: Sered, Elon, and Jahleel.
Sebulon, no ana nara Sered, Elon, ma Yahleel.
15 These are the sons of Leah born to Jacob in Paddan-aram, in addition to his daughter Dinah. The total number of sons and daughters was thirty-three.
Basa se, Yakob no Lea ana nara. Ara bꞌonggi se mia Mesopotamia. Ara o ma ana inaꞌ esa, nara na Dina. Dadꞌi Yakob no Lea tititi-nonosi nara, basa se atahori telu nulu telu.
16 The sons of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli.
Boe ma, Yakob ana nara mia sao esa fai, naeni: Gad no ana nara Sifion, Hagi, Suni, Esbon, Eri, Arodi, ma Areli.
17 The children of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, Beriah, and their sister Serah. The sons of Beriah: Heber and Malchiel.
Aser, no ana nara Yimna, Yiswa, Yiswi, Beria, no feto na, naran Sera. Ma Beria ana nara Heber no Malkiel.
18 These are the sons of Jacob born to Zilpah—whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah—sixteen in all.
Basa se, atahori sanahulu nee. Sira, Yakob no sao na Silpa umbu-ana nara. Silpa naa, ate fo Labꞌan fee neu anan Lea, Yakob sao ulu na.
19 The sons of Jacob’s wife Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin.
Boe ma, hambu Yakob sao feaꞌ na fai, naran Rahel. Ana bꞌonggi anaꞌ rua, nara nara Yusuf no Benyamin.
20 Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On.
Leleꞌ naa, Yusuf sao nala Asnat mia Masir. Ama ari na, malangga agama sia kamboꞌ On, naran Potifera. Yusuf no Asnat ana nara, Efraim no Manase.
21 The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard.
Benyamin o tungga Masir neu no ana nara Bela, Beker, Asibel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Ros, Mupim, Hupim, ma Ared.
22 These are the sons of Rachel born to Jacob—fourteen in all.
De Yakob no sao na Rahel tititi-nonosi na, atahori sanahulu haa.
23 The son of Dan: Hushim.
Yakob sao na feꞌe esa fai, naran Bilha. Ana nara, Dan no Naftali. Dan o tungga Masir neu no ana na Husim.
24 The sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem.
Ma Naftali no ana nara Yasel, Guni, Yeser ma Silem.
25 These are the sons of Jacob born to Bilhah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel—seven in all.
Yakob no Bilha tititi-nonosi na, atahori hitu. Bilha naa, Rahel ate na fo ana hambu ma ama na Labꞌan.
26 All those belonging to Jacob who came to Egypt—his direct descendants, besides the wives of Jacob’s sons—numbered sixty-six persons.
Dadꞌi Yakob tititi-nonosi nara fo mana risiꞌ Masir reu a, atahori nee nulu nee. Nda feꞌe ana mone-ana feto feu nara sa.
27 And with the two sons who had been born to Joseph in Egypt, the members of Jacob’s family who went to Egypt were seventy in all.
Tamba Yusuf no ana na rua fo bꞌonggi se sia Masir, de reken naa Yakob no basa bobꞌonggi nara mana leo sia Masir, atahori hitu nulu.
28 Now Jacob had sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph to get directions to Goshen. When Jacob’s family arrived in the land of Goshen,
Ara rae deka Masir ma, Yakob denu ana na Yahuda laoꞌ naꞌahuluꞌ, neu noꞌe Yusuf, nema nandaa no e sia Gosen. Ara losa Gosen boe ma,
29 Joseph prepared his chariot and went there to meet his father Israel. Joseph presented himself to him, embraced him, and wept profusely.
Yusuf sae kareta na, de neu nandaa no aman sia naa. Ara randaa ma, Yusuf holu aman, de nggae doo na seli.
30 Then Israel said to Joseph, “Finally I can die, now that I have seen your face and know that you are still alive!”
Yakob olaꞌ no Yusuf nae, “Ana Yusuf e! Ia naa, au ita nggo ena. Ma bubꞌuluꞌ ho feꞌe masodꞌaꞌ. Naa de, mae au mate oras ia o, malole.”
31 Joseph said to his brothers and to his father’s household, “I will go up and inform Pharaoh: ‘My brothers and my father’s household from the land of Canaan have come to me.
Basa de, Yusuf nafadꞌe basa odꞌi-aꞌa nara nae, “Au musi uu ufadꞌe maneꞌ a, ae bobꞌonggi nggara rema mia Kanaꞌan.
32 The men are shepherds; they raise livestock, and they have brought their flocks and herds and all that they own.’
Dei fo au ufadꞌe ae hei ia, atahori mana maꞌaboi bibꞌi lombo ma sapi. Naa de hei mendi banda ma hata-hetoꞌ mara mia Kanaꞌan.
33 When Pharaoh summons you and asks, ‘What is your occupation?’
Mete ma maneꞌ a noꞌe hei, ma natane ue-tatao mara saa,
34 you are to say, ‘Your servants have raised livestock ever since our youth—both we and our fathers.’ Then you will be allowed to settle in the land of Goshen, since all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians.”
na mitaa mae, basa hai mana miꞌiboi banda mia anadikiꞌ ima, onaꞌ hei bei-baꞌi mara boe. No naa, dei fo ana fee hei leo sia Gosen.” Yusuf nafadꞌe taꞌo naa, huu atahori Masir ra melumudꞌu, leo raꞌabꞌue ro atahori manatadꞌa ra.

< Genesis 46 >