< Genesis 31 >

1 Now Jacob heard that Laban’s sons were saying, “Jacob has taken away all that belonged to our father and built all this wealth at our father’s expense.”
A Jakov èu gdje sinovi Lavanovi govore: Jakov uze sve što bješe našega oca, i od onoga što bješe našega oca steèe sve ovo blago.
2 And Jacob saw from the countenance of Laban that his attitude toward him had changed.
I vidje Jakov gdje lice Lavanovo nije prema njemu kao prije.
3 Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”
I Gospod reèe Jakovu: vrati se u zemlju otaca svojih i u rod svoj, i ja æu biti s tobom.
4 So Jacob sent word and called Rachel and Leah to the field where his flocks were,
I poslav Jakov dozva Rahilju i Liju u polje k stadu svojemu.
5 and he told them, “I can see from your father’s countenance that his attitude toward me has changed; but the God of my father has been with me.
I reèe im: vidim gdje lice oca vašega nije prema meni kao prije; ali je Bog oca mojega bio sa mnom.
6 You know that I have served your father with all my strength.
I vi znate da sam služio ocu vašemu kako sam god mogao;
7 And although he has cheated me and changed my wages ten times, God has not allowed him to harm me.
A otac me je vaš varao i mijenjao mi platu deset puta; ali mu Bog ne dade da me ošteti;
8 If he said, ‘The speckled will be your wages,’ then the whole flock bore speckled offspring. If he said, ‘The streaked will be your wages,’ then the whole flock bore streaked offspring.
Kad on reèe: što bude šareno neka ti je plata, onda se mladilo sve šareno; a kad reèe: s biljegom što bude neka ti je plata, onda se mladilo sve s biljegom.
9 Thus God has taken away your father’s livestock and given them to me.
Tako Bog uze stoku ocu vašemu i dade je meni;
10 When the flocks were breeding, I saw in a dream that the streaked, spotted, and speckled males were mating with the females.
Jer kad se upaljivaše stoka, podigoh oèi svoje i vidjeh u snu, a to ovnovi i jarci što skaèu na ovce i koze bijahu šareni, s biljegama prutastim i kolastim.
11 In that dream the angel of God said to me, ‘Jacob!’ And I replied, ‘Here I am.’
A anðeo Gospodnji reèe mi u snu: Jakove! A ja odgovorih: evo me.
12 ‘Look up,’ he said, ‘and see that all the males that are mating with the flock are streaked, spotted, or speckled; for I have seen all that Laban has done to you.
A on reèe: podigni sad oèi svoje i gledaj, ovnovi i jarci što skaèu na ovce i koze, šareni su, s biljegama prutastim i kolastim; jer vidjeh sve što ti èini Lavan.
13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and made a solemn vow to Me. Now get up and leave this land at once, and return to your native land.’”
Ja sam Bog od Vetilja, gdje si prelio kamen i uèinio mi zavjet; ustani sada i idi iz ove zemlje, i vrati se na postojbinu svoju.
14 And Rachel and Leah replied, “Do we have any portion or inheritance left in our father’s house?
Tada odgovori Rahilja i Lija, i rekoše mu: eda li još imamo kakav dio i našljedstvo u domu oca svojega?
15 Are we not regarded by him as outsiders? Not only has he sold us, but he has certainly squandered what was paid for us.
Nije li nas držao kao tuðinke kad nas je prodao? pa je još i naše novce jednako jeo.
16 Surely all the wealth that God has taken away from our father belongs to us and to our children. So do whatever God has told you.”
Jer sve ovo blago što uze Gospod ocu našemu, naše je i naše djece. Zato èini sve što ti je Gospod kazao.
17 Then Jacob got up and put his children and his wives on camels,
I podiže se Jakov, i metnu djecu svoju i žene svoje na kamile;
18 and he drove all his livestock before him, along with all the possessions he had acquired in Paddan-aram, to go to his father Isaac in the land in Canaan.
I odvede svu stoku svoju i sve blago što bješe stekao, stoku koju bješe stekao u Padan-Aramu, i poðe k Isaku ocu svojemu u zemlju Hanansku.
19 Now while Laban was out shearing his sheep, Rachel stole her father’s household idols.
A Lavan bješe otišao da striže ovce svoje; i Rahilja ukrade idole ocu svojemu.
20 Moreover, Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was running away.
I Jakov otide kradom od Lavana Sirina ne javivši mu da hoæe da ide.
21 So he fled with all his possessions, crossed the Euphrates, and headed for the hill country of Gilead.
I pobježe sa svijem blagom svojim, i podiže se te prijeðe preko vode, i uputi se ka gori Galadu.
22 On the third day Laban was informed that Jacob had fled.
A treæi dan javiše Lavanu da je pobjegao Jakov.
23 So he took his relatives with him, pursued Jacob for seven days, and overtook him in the hill country of Gilead.
I uze sa sobom braæu svoju, i poðe za njim u potjeru, i za sedam dana stiže ga na gori Galadu.
24 But that night God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream and warned him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.”
Ali Bog doðe Lavanu Sirinu noæu u snu, i reèe mu: èuvaj se da ne govoriš s Jakovom ni lijepo ni ružno.
25 Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the hill country of Gilead when Laban overtook him, and Laban and his relatives camped there as well.
I stiže Lavan Jakova; a Jakov bješe razapeo šator svoj na gori, pa i Lavan takoðer razape svoj s braæom svojom na gori Galadu.
26 Then Laban said to Jacob, “What have you done? You have deceived me and carried off my daughters like captives of war!
I Lavan reèe Jakovu: šta uèini te kradom pobježe od mene i odvede kæeri moje kao na maè otete?
27 Why did you run away secretly and deceive me, without even telling me? I would have sent you away with joy and singing, with tambourines and harps.
Zašto tajno pobježe i kradom otide od mene? niti mi reèe da te ispratim s veseljem i s pjesmama, s bubnjima i guslama?
28 But you did not even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters goodbye. Now you have done a foolish thing.
Niti mi dade da izljubim sinove svoje i kæeri svoje? ludo si radio.
29 I have power to do you great harm, but last night the God of your father said to me, ‘Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.’
Mogao bih vam dosaditi; ali Bog oca vašega noæas mi reèe govoreæi: èuvaj se da ne govoriš s Jakovom ni lijepo ni ružno.
30 Now you have gone off because you long for your father’s house. But why have you stolen my gods?”
Idi dakle kad si se tako uželio kuæe oca svojega; ali zašto ukrade bogove moje?
31 “I was afraid,” Jacob answered, “for I thought you would take your daughters from me by force.
A Jakov odgovori i reèe: bojah se i mišljah: hoæeš silom oteti kæeri svoje od mene.
32 If you find your gods with anyone here, he shall not live! In the presence of our relatives, see for yourself if anything is yours, and take it back.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the idols.
A bogove svoje u koga naðeš, onaj neka ne živi više; pred našom braæom traži što je tvoje u mene, pa uzmi. Jer Jakov nije znao da ih je ukrala Rahilja.
33 So Laban went into Jacob’s tent, then Leah’s tent, and then the tents of the two maidservants, but he found nothing. Then he left Leah’s tent and entered Rachel’s tent.
I uðe Lavan u šator Jakovljev i u šator Lijin i u šator dviju robinja, i ne naðe ih; i izašav iz šatora Lijina uðe u šator Rahiljin.
34 Now Rachel had taken Laban’s household idols, put them in the saddlebag of her camel, and was sitting on them. And Laban searched everything in the tent but found nothing.
A Rahilja uze idole i sakri ih pod samar kamile svoje i sjede ozgo; i Lavan pipaše po cijelom šatoru, i ne naðe.
35 Rachel said to her father, “Sir, do not be angry that I cannot stand up before you; for I am having my period.” So Laban searched, but could not find the household idols.
A ona reèe ocu svojemu: nemoj se srditi, gospodaru, što ti ne mogu ustati, jer mi je što u žena biva. Traživ dakle ne naðe idola svojih.
36 Then Jacob became incensed and challenged Laban. “What is my crime?” he said. “For what sin of mine have you so hotly pursued me?
I Jakov se rasrdi, i stade koriti Lavana, i govoreæi reèe mu: šta sam uèinio, šta sam skrivio, te si me tako žestoko tjerao?
37 You have searched all my goods! Have you found anything that belongs to you? Put it here before my brothers and yours, that they may judge between the two of us.
Pipao si sav prtljag moj, pa šta si našao iz svoje kuæe? daj ovamo pred moju i svoju braæu, neka rasude izmeðu nas dvojice.
38 I have been with you for twenty years now. Your sheep and goats have not miscarried, nor have I eaten the rams of your flock.
Evo dvadeset godina bijah kod tebe: ovce tvoje i koze tvoje ne jaloviše se, a ovnova iz stada tvojega ne jedoh.
39 I did not bring you anything torn by wild beasts; I bore the loss myself. And you demanded payment from me for what was stolen by day or night.
Što bi zvijerje zaklalo nijesam ti donosio, sam sam podmirivao; od mene si iskao što bi mi bilo ukradeno danju ili noæu.
40 As it was, the heat consumed me by day and the frost by night, and sleep fled from my eyes.
Danju me ubijaše vruæina a noæu mraz; i san mi ne padaše na oèi.
41 Thus for twenty years I have served in your household—fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks—and you have changed my wages ten times!
Tako mi je bilo dvadeset godina u tvojoj kuæi; služio sam ti èetrnaest godina za dvije kæeri tvoje i šest godina za stoku tvoju, i platu si mi mijenjao deset puta.
42 If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, surely by now you would have sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my affliction and the toil of my hands, and last night He rendered judgment.”
Da nije Bog oca mojega, Bog Avramov, i strah Isakov bio sa mnom, bi me zacijelo otpustio prazna. Ali je Bog vidio nevolju moju i trud ruku mojih, pa te ukori noæas.
43 But Laban answered Jacob, “These daughters are my daughters, these sons are my sons, and these flocks are my flocks! Everything you see is mine! Yet what can I do today about these daughters of mine or the children they have borne?
A Lavan odgovori Jakovu i reèe: ove su kæeri moje kæeri, i ovi su sinovi moji sinovi, i ova stoka moja stoka, i što god vidiš sve je moje; pa šta bih uèinio danas kæerima svojim ili sinovima njihovijem koje rodiše?
44 Come now, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it serve as a witness between you and me.”
Nego hajde da uhvatimo vjeru, ja i ti, da bude svjedoèanstvo izmeðu mene i tebe.
45 So Jacob picked out a stone and set it up as a pillar,
I Jakov uze kamen i utvrdi ga za spomen.
46 and he said to his relatives, “Gather some stones.” So they took stones and made a mound, and there by the mound they ate.
I reèe Jakov braæi svojoj: nakupite kamenja. I nakupiše kamenja i složiše na gomilu, i jedoše na gomili.
47 Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha, and Jacob called it Galeed.
I Lavan ga nazva Jegar-Sahadut, a Jakov ga nazva Galed.
48 Then Laban declared, “This mound is a witness between you and me this day.” Therefore the place was called Galeed.
I reèe Lavan: ova gomila neka bude svjedok izmeðu mene i tebe danas. Zato se prozva Galed.
49 It was also called Mizpah, because Laban said, “May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are absent from each other.
A prozva se i Mispa, jer reèe Lavan: neka Gospod gleda izmeðu mene i tebe, kad ne uzmožemo vidjeti jedan drugoga.
50 If you mistreat my daughters or take other wives, although no one is with us, remember that God is a witness between you and me.”
Ako ucvijeliš kæeri moje i ako uzmeš žene preko mojih kæeri, neæe èovjek biti izmeðu nas, nego gle Bog svjedok izmeðu mene i tebe.
51 Laban also said to Jacob, “Here is the mound, and here is the pillar I have set up between you and me.
I još reèe Lavan Jakovu: gledaj ovu gomilu i gledaj ovaj spomenik, koji podigoh izmeðu sebe i tebe.
52 This mound is a witness, and this pillar is a witness, that I will not go past this mound to harm you, and you will not go past this mound and pillar to harm me.
Svjedok je ova gomila i svjedok je ovaj spomenik: da ni ja neæu prijeæi preko ove gomile k tebi ni ti k meni da neæeš prijeæi preko ove gomile i spomenika ovoga na zlo.
53 May the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us.” So Jacob swore by the Fear of his father Isaac.
Bog Avramov i bogovi Nahorovi, bogovi oca njihova, neka sude meðu nama. A Jakov se zakle strahom oca svojega Isaka.
54 Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain and invited his relatives to eat a meal. And after they had eaten, they spent the night on the mountain.
I Jakov prinese žrtvu na gori, i sazva braæu svoju na veèeru; i jedoše pa noæiše na gori.
55 Early the next morning, Laban got up and kissed his grandchildren and daughters and blessed them. Then he left to return home.
A ujutru rano usta Lavan, i izljubi svoju unuèad i kæeri svoje, i blagoslovi ih, pa otide i vrati se u svoje mjesto.

< Genesis 31 >