< Ezra 8 >

1 These are the family heads and genealogical records of those who returned with me from Babylon during the reign of King Artaxerxes:
Ti so torej vodje njihovih očetov in to je rodovnik tistih, ki so z menoj odšli gor iz Babilona, v kraljevanju kralja Artakserksa.
2 from the descendants of Phinehas, Gershom; from the descendants of Ithamar, Daniel; from the descendants of David, Hattush
Od Pinhásovih sinov Geršóm. Od Itamárjevih sinov Daniel. Od Davidovih sinov Hatúš.
3 of the descendants of Shecaniah; from the descendants of Parosh, Zechariah, and with him were registered 150 men;
Od Šehanjájevih sinov, od Paróševih sinov Zeharjá, in z njim je bilo po rodovniku preštetih sto petdeset moških.
4 from the descendants of Pahath-Moab, Eliehoenai son of Zerahiah, and with him 200 men;
Od Pahat Moábovih sinov Eljoenáj, Zerahjájev sin in z njim dvesto moških.
5 from the descendants of Zattu, Shecaniah son of Jahaziel, and with him 300 men;
Od Šehanjájevih sinov Jahaziélov sin in z njim tristo moških.
6 from the descendants of Adin, Ebed son of Jonathan, and with him 50 men;
Tudi od Adínovih sinov Jonatanov sin Ebed in z njim petdeset moških.
7 from the descendants of Elam, Jeshaiah son of Athaliah, and with him 70 men;
Od Elámovih sinov Ataljájin sin Ješajá in z njim sedemdeset moških.
8 from the descendants of Shephatiah, Zebadiah son of Michael, and with him 80 men;
Od Šefatjájevih sinov Mihaelov sin Zebadjá in z njim osemdeset moških.
9 from the descendants of Joab, Obadiah son of Jehiel, and with him 218 men;
Od Joábovih sinov Jehiélov sin Obadjá in z njim dvesto osemnajst moških.
10 from the descendants of Bani, Shelomith son of Josiphiah, and with him 160 men;
Od Šelomítovih sinov Josifjájev sin in z njim sto šestdeset moških.
11 from the descendants of Bebai, Zechariah son of Bebai, and with him 28 men;
Od Bebájevih sinov Bebájev sin Zeharjá in z njim osemindvajset moških.
12 from the descendants of Azgad, Johanan son of Hakkatan, and with him 110 men;
Od Azgádovih sinov Katánov sin Johanán in z njim sto deset moških.
13 from the later descendants of Adonikam, these were their names: Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them 60 men;
Od zadnjih sinov Adonikáma, katerih imena so ta: Elifélet, Jeiél, Šemajá in z njimi šestdeset moških.
14 and from the descendants of Bigvai, both Uthai and Zaccur, and with them 70 men.
Tudi od Bigvájevih sinov Utáj in Zabúd in z njima sedemdeset moških.
15 Now I assembled these exiles at the canal that flows to Ahava, and we camped there three days. And when I searched among the people and priests, I found no Levites there.
Zbral sem jih skupaj k reki, ki teče proti Ahaváju in tam smo tri dni ostali v šotorih in opazoval sem ljudstvo in duhovnike, pa tam nisem našel nobenega izmed Lévijevih sinov.
16 Then I summoned the leaders: Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, as well as the teachers Joiarib and Elnathan.
Potem sem poslal po Eliézerja, po Ariéla, po Šemajája, po Elnatána, po Jaríba, po Elnatána, po Natána, po Zeharjá in po Mešuláma, vodilne može. Tudi po Jojaríba in po Elnatána, razumna moža.
17 And I sent them to Iddo, the leader at Casiphia, with a message for him and his kinsmen, the temple servants at Casiphia, that they should bring to us ministers for the house of our God.
Poslal sem jih z zapovedjo k Idóju, vodju pri kraju Kasífja in povedal sem jim, kaj naj rečejo Idóju in njegovim bratom Netinimcem na kraju Kasífja, da naj bi k nam privedli služabnike za hišo našega Boga.
18 And since the gracious hand of our God was upon us, they brought us Sherebiah—a man of insight from the descendants of Mahli son of Levi, the son of Israel—along with his sons and brothers, 18 men;
Z dobro roko našega Boga nad nami so nam privedli razumnega moža izmed Mahlíjevih sinov, sinú Lévijevega, sinú Izraelovega in Šerebjá z njegovimi sinovi in njegovimi brati, osemnajst;
19 also Hashabiah, together with Jeshaiah, from the descendants of Merari, and his brothers and their sons, 20 men.
in Hašabjá in z njim Ješajá izmed Meraríjevih sinov, njegove brate in njegove sinove, dvajset.
20 They also brought 220 of the temple servants, all designated by name. David and the officials had appointed them to assist the Levites.
Tudi od Netinimcev, ki so jih David in princi določili za službo Lévijevcem, dvesto in dvajset Netinimcev. Vsi izmed njih so bili določeni po imenu.
21 And there by the Ahava Canal I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask Him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions.
Potem sem tam, pri reki Ahavá, razglasil post, da bi se lahko užalostili pred našim Bogom, da od njega iščemo pravo pot za sebe in za svoje malčke in za vse svoje imetje.
22 For I was ashamed to ask the king for an escort of soldiers and horsemen to protect us from our enemies on the road, since we had told him, “The hand of our God is gracious to all who seek Him, but His great anger is against all who forsake Him.”
Kajti sram me je bilo, da od kralja zahtevam četo vojakov in konjenikov, da nam pomagajo zoper sovražnika na poti, ker smo kralju govorili, rekoč: »Roka našega Boga je za dobro nad vsemi tistimi, ki ga iščejo, toda njegova moč in njegov bes sta proti vsem tem, ki ga zapustijo.«
23 So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He granted our request.
Tako smo se postili in glede tega iskali svojega Boga in on je bil izprošen od nas.
24 Then I set apart twelve of the leading priests, together with Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brothers,
Potem sem ločil dvanajst izmed vodij duhovnikov: Šerebjája, Hašabjája in deset od njihovih bratov z njimi
25 and I weighed out to them the contribution of silver and gold and the articles that the king, his counselors, his leaders, and all the Israelites there had offered for the house of our God.
in jim odtehtal srebro, zlato in posode, celó daritev hiše našega Boga, ki so jih kralj, njegovi svetovalci, njegovi poveljniki in ves tam prisoten Izrael, darovali.
26 I weighed out into their hands 650 talents of silver, articles of silver weighing 100 talents, 100 talents of gold,
V njihove roke sem celo odtehtal šeststo petdeset talentov srebra in sto talentov srebrnih posod in sto talentov zlata,
27 20 gold bowls valued at 1,000 darics, and two articles of fine polished bronze, as precious as gold.
tudi dvajset umivalnikov iz zlata za tisoč darejkov in dve posodi iz finega bakra, dragoceni kakor zlato.
28 Then I told them, “You are holy to the LORD, and these articles are holy. The silver and gold are a freewill offering to the LORD, the God of your fathers.
Rekel sem jim: »Vi ste sveti Gospodu. Tudi posode so svete in srebro in zlato sta prostovoljno darovana Gospodu, Bogu vaših očetov.
29 Guard them carefully until you weigh them out in the chambers of the house of the LORD in Jerusalem before the leading priests, Levites, and heads of the Israelite families.”
Pazite in varujte jih, dokler jih ne stehtamo pred vodji duhovnikov in Lévijevcev in vodji Izraelovih očetov v Jeruzalemu, v sobah Gospodove hiše.«
30 So the priests and Levites took charge of the silver and gold and sacred articles that had been weighed out to be taken to the house of our God in Jerusalem.
Tako so duhovniki in Lévijevci vzeli težo srebra, zlata in posod, da jih prinesejo v Jeruzalem, v hišo našega Boga.
31 On the twelfth day of the first month we set out from the Ahava Canal to go to Jerusalem, and the hand of our God was upon us to protect us from the hands of the enemies and bandits along the way.
Potem smo se na dvanajsti dan prvega meseca odpravili od reke Ahavá, da gremo v Jeruzalem in roka našega Boga je bila nad nami in osvobodil nas je iz roke sovražnika in takih, ki ob poti prežijo v zasedi.
32 So we arrived at Jerusalem and rested there for three days.
In prišli smo v Jeruzalem ter tam ostali tri dni.
33 On the fourth day, in the house of our God, we weighed out the silver and gold and sacred articles into the hand of Meremoth son of Uriah, the priest. Eleazar son of Phinehas was with him, along with the Levites Jozabad son of Jeshua and Noadiah son of Binnui.
Torej na četrti dan so bile po roki Urijájevega sina Meremóta, duhovnika, srebro, zlato in posode stehtane v hiši našega Boga in z njim je bil Pinhásov sin Eleazar in z njim sta bila Lévijevca Ješúov sin Jozabád in Binújev sin Noádja,
34 Everything was verified by number and weight, and the total weight was recorded at that time.
po številu in po teži vsake in vsa teža je bila ob tistem času zapisana.
35 Then the exiles who had returned from captivity sacrificed burnt offerings to the God of Israel: 12 bulls for all Israel, 96 rams, 77 lambs, and a sin offering of 12 male goats. All this was a burnt offering to the LORD.
Tudi otroci tistih, ki so bili odvedeni proč, ki so prišli iz ujetništva, so darovali žgalne daritve Izraelovemu Bogu: dvanajst bikcev za ves Izrael, šestindevetdeset ovnov, sedeminsedemdeset jagnjet, dvanajst kozlov za daritev za greh. Vse to je bila žgalna daritev Gospodu.
36 They also delivered the king’s edicts to the royal satraps and governors of the region west of the Euphrates, who proceeded to assist the people and the house of God.
Kraljeva naročila so izročili kraljevim poročnikom in voditeljem na tej strani reke in ti so podpirali ljudstvo in Božjo hišo.

< Ezra 8 >