< Ezekiel 31 >
1 In the eleventh year, on the first day of the third month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Kwasekusithi ngomnyaka wetshumi lanye, ngenyanga yesithathu, ngolokuqala lwenyanga, ilizwi leNkosi lafika kimi, lisithi:
2 “Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude: ‘Who can be compared to your greatness?
Ndodana yomuntu, tshono kuFaro inkosi yeGibhithe lexukwini lakhe: Ufanana lobani ebukhulwini bakho?
3 Look at Assyria, a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches that shaded the forest. It towered on high; its top was among the clouds.
Khangela, iAsiriya yayingumsedari eLebhanoni, omuhle ngengatsha, njengegusu elilomthunzi, njalo umude ngokuphakama, lesihloko sawo sasiphakathi kwengatsha eziqatha.
4 The waters made it grow; the deep springs made it tall, directing their streams all around its base and sending their channels to all the trees of the field.
Amanzi awukhulisa, inziki yawuphakamisa, imifula yawo yageleza yazingelezela indawo ohlanyelwe kiyo, wakhuphela izifudlana zawo kuzo zonke izihlahla zeganga.
5 Therefore it towered higher than all the trees of the field. Its branches multiplied, and its boughs grew long as it spread them out because of the abundant waters.
Ngakho-ke ubude bawo baphakama bedlula zonke izihlahla zeganga, lengatsha zawo zanda, lamahlumela awo aba made, ngenxa yamanzi amanengi, lapho uwaphumisa.
6 All the birds of the air nested in its branches, and all the beasts of the field gave birth beneath its boughs; all the great nations lived in its shade.
Lazo zonke izinyoni zamazulu zakha izidleke zazo ezingatsheni zawo, lenyamazana zonke zeganga zazalela ngaphansi kwengatsha zawo, langaphansi komthunzi wawo kwahlala izizwe zonke ezinkulu.
7 It was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its limbs, for its roots extended to abundant waters.
Ngokunjalo wawumuhle ebukhulwini bawo, ebudeni bengatsha zawo; ngoba impande yawo yayingasemanzini amanengi.
8 The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it; the cypresses could not compare with its branches, nor the plane trees match its boughs. No tree in the garden of God could compare with its beauty.
Imisedari esivandeni sikaNkulunkulu yayingewufiphaze; izihlahla zamafiri zazingafanani lengatsha zawo; lezingelamaxolo zazingafanani lamahlumela awo; futhi kwakungekho sihlahla esivandeni sikaNkulunkulu esinjengawo ebuhleni bawo.
9 I made it beautiful with its many branches, the envy of all the trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God.’
Ngawenza waba muhle ngobunengi bezingatsha zawo, kwaze kwathi zonke izihlahla zeEdeni, ezazisesivandeni sikaNkulunkulu, zaba lomhawu ngawo.
10 Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Since it became great in height and set its top among the clouds, and it grew proud on account of its height,
Ngakho itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Ngenxa yokuthi uziphakamisile ngobude, uthutshise isihloko sawo ngaphakathi kwezingatsha eziqatha, lenhliziyo yawo yaziphakamisa ngobude bawo;
11 I delivered it into the hand of the ruler of the nations, for him to deal with it according to its wickedness. I have banished it.
ngakho ngizawunikela esandleni solamandla wezizweni; uzakwenza lokwenza lawo; ngiwuxotshile ngenxa yenkohlakalo yawo.
12 Foreigners, the most ruthless of the nations, cut it down and left it. Its branches have fallen on the mountains and in every valley; its boughs lay broken in all the earth’s ravines. And all the peoples of the earth left its shade and abandoned it.
Njalo abemzini, abesabekayo bezizwe, bawuqumile bawutshiya; lengatsha zawo ziwele ezintabeni lakuzo zonke izihotsha; lamahlumela akhe ephulwe kuyo yonke imifula yelizwe; labo bonke abantu bomhlaba behlile basuka emthunzini wawo, bawutshiya.
13 All the birds of the air nested on its fallen trunk, and all the beasts of the field lived among its boughs.
Zonke inyoni zamazulu zizahlala phezu kwencithakalo yawo, lazo zonke inyamazana zeganga zizakuba phezu kwengatsha zawo.
14 This happened so that no other trees by the waters would become great in height and set their tops among the clouds, and no other well-watered trees would reach them in height. For they have all been consigned to death, to the depths of the earth, among the mortals who descend to the Pit.’
Ukuze kungabi khona kuzo zonke izihlahla ngasemanzini eziziphakamisayo ngenxa yobude bazo, futhi zingafuqi isihloko sazo ngaphakathi kwezingatsha eziqatha, futhi zingemi ngokwazo ngobude bazo, zonke ezinatha amanzi; ngoba zonke zinikelwe ekufeni endaweni engaphansi yomhlaba, phakathi kwabantwana babantu, kulabo abehlela egodini.
15 This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘On the day it was brought down to Sheol, I caused mourning. I covered the deep because of it; I held back its rivers; its abundant waters were restrained. I made Lebanon mourn for it, and all the trees of the field fainted because of it. (Sheol )
Itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Mhla usehlela engcwabeni ngenza isililo, ngasibekela inziki ngenxa yawo, ngavimba izifula zayo, lamanzi amanengi amiswa; ngenza iLebhanoni ibe mnyama ngenxa yawo, lezihlahla zonke zeganga zabuna ngenxa yawo. (Sheol )
16 I made the nations quake at the sound of its downfall, when I cast it down to Sheol with those who descend to the Pit. Then all the trees of Eden, the choicest and best of Lebanon, all the well-watered trees, were consoled in the earth below. (Sheol )
Ngenza izizwe zithuthumele ngomdumo wokuwa kwawo, lapho ngiwehlisela esihogweni lalabo abehlela egodini; lazo zonke izihlahla zeEdeni, ikhethelo lokuhle kweLebhanoni, zonke ezinatha amanzi, zaziduduza endaweni engaphansi yomhlaba. (Sheol )
17 They too descended with it to Sheol, to those slain by the sword. As its allies they had lived in its shade among the nations. (Sheol )
Lazo zehlela esihogweni kanye lawo, kulabo ababebulewe ngenkemba; lababeyingalo yawo ababehlala ngaphansi komthunzi wawo phakathi kwezizwe. (Sheol )
18 Who then is like you in glory and greatness among the trees of Eden? You also will be brought down to the depths of the earth to be with the trees of Eden. You will lie among the uncircumcised, with those slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, declares the Lord GOD.’”
Ufanana lobani ngokunjalo ngodumo langobukhulu phakathi kwezihlahla zeEdeni? Kanti uzakwehliselwa kanye lezihlahla zeEdeni endaweni engaphansi yomhlaba, ulale phakathi kwabangasokanga, kanye labo ababulewe ngenkemba. Lo nguFaro lexuku lakhe lonke, itsho iNkosi uJehova.