< Ezekiel 24 >

1 In the ninth year, on the tenth day of the tenth month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Toqquzinchi yili, oninchi ayning oninchi künide, Perwerdigarning sözi manga kélip mundaq déyildi: —
2 “Son of man, write down today’s date, for on this very day the king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem.
I insan oghli, bu künni, del mushu künning chislasini yéziwalghin; chünki del mushu künde Babilning padishahi Yérusalémni muhasirige aldi.
3 Now speak a parable to this rebellious house and tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Put the pot on the fire; put it on and pour in the water.
Asiy jemetning aldigha bir temsilni qoyup mundaq dégin: — Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — «Qazanni otning üstige qoyunglar, ot üstige qoyunglar, uninggha su qoyunglar;
4 Put in the pieces of meat, every good piece— thigh and shoulder— fill it with choice bones.
gösh parchiliri, herbir ésil gösh parchilirini, put we qolini uninggha yighip sélinglar; ésil ustixanlarnimu qoshunglar;
5 Take the choicest of the flock and pile the fuel beneath it. Bring it to a boil and cook the bones in it.’
qoy padisidin eng ésillirini élinglar; ustixanlarni pishurushqa uning astigha otun toplap qoyunglar; uni qattiq qaynitinglar, uningdiki ustixanlar obdan qaynisun.
6 Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Woe to the city of bloodshed, to the pot now rusted, whose rust will not come off! Empty it piece by piece; cast no lots for its contents.
— Shunga Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Qanxor sheherning haligha, yeni dat basqan qazan’gha, héch déti ketmeydighan qazan’gha way! Uningdiki hemmini birdin-birdin al; uninggha nésiwe chéki tashlanmisun!
7 For the blood she shed is still within her; she poured it out on the bare rock; she did not pour it on the ground to cover it with dust.
Chünki u tökken qan uning otturisida turidu; u qanni topa bilen kömgili bolghudek yerge emes, belki taqir tash üstige tökti.
8 In order to stir up wrath and take vengeance, I have placed her blood on the bare rock, so that it would not be covered.’
Qehrimni qozghash, intiqam élish üchün, u tökken qanning yépilmasliqi üchün taqir tash üstige qaldurdum.
9 Yes, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Woe to the city of bloodshed! I, too, will pile the kindling high.
Shunga Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Qanxor sheherning haligha way! Menmu uning otun döwisini yoghan qilimen!
10 Pile on the logs and kindle the fire; cook the meat well and mix in the spices; let the bones be burned.
Otunni döwilenglar, otni yiqip chuxchulanglar, gösh obdan pishsun, dora-dermeklerni qoshunglar, ustixanlar köyüp ketsun!
11 Set the empty pot on its coals until it becomes hot and its copper glows. Then its impurity will melt within; its rust will be consumed.
Andin qazanni qizitip, uningdiki misni qipqizil qilinglar, ichidiki dagh-kirlar éritilip, uning déti chiqiriwétilish üchün uni quruq péti choghlar üstige qoyunglar!
12 It has frustrated every effort; its thick rust has not been removed, even by the fire.
Uning qilghan awarichilikliri Méni upratti; Lékin uning qélin déti uningdin ketmidi; Shunga uning déti otta turiwersun!
13 Because of the indecency of your uncleanness I tried to cleanse you, but you would not be purified from your filthiness. You will not be pure again until My wrath against you has subsided.
Séning paskinichilikingde buzuq pahishilik bardur; Men séni pakizlimaqchi boldum, lékin sen paskinichiliqtin pakizlandurulmaymen déding; emdi qehrimni üstüngge töküp toxtatmighuche sen paskinichiliqtin pakizlandurulmaysen.
14 I, the LORD, have spoken; the time is coming, and I will act. I will not refrain or show pity, nor will I relent. I will judge you according to your ways and deeds,’
Menki Perwerdigar shundaq söz qildim; u emelge ashurulidu, Men uni ada qilimen; Men ne buningdin yanmaymen, ne héch sanga ichimni aghritmaymen, ne uningdin ökünmeymen; ular séning yolliring we qilmishliring boyiche üstüngge höküm chiqirip jazalaydu — deydu Reb Perwerdigar.
15 Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
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16 “Son of man, behold, I am about to take away the desire of your eyes with a fatal blow. But you must not mourn or weep or let your tears flow.
«I insan oghli, Men séning söyümlük köz qarichuqungni bir urush bilen sendin élip kétimen; biraq sen héch matem tutma, héch yighlima, héch köz yéshi qilma;
17 Groan quietly; do not mourn for the dead. Put on your turban and strap your sandals on your feet; do not cover your lips or eat the bread of mourners.”
süküt ichide uh-zar tartisen; ölgüchi üchün héch haza tutma; sellengni béshinggha orap, keshliringni putunggha baghlighin; yüzüngning töwinini yépiwetme, ademler épbergen nandin yéme».
18 So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. And the next morning I did as I had been commanded.
Shuning bilen Men etigende xelqke söz qildim; kechqurunda ayalim öldi. Ikkinchi küni etigende men buyrulghini boyiche ish qildim.
19 Then the people asked me, “Won’t you tell us what these things you are doing mean to us?”
Emdi xalayiq manga: «Séning bu qilghan ishliringning némini körsetkenlikini démemsen?» dédi.
20 So I answered them, “The word of the LORD came to me, saying:
Men ulargha mundaq dédim: — Perwerdigarning sözi manga kélip shundaq déyildi: —
21 Tell the house of Israel that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I am about to desecrate My sanctuary, the pride of your power, the desire of your eyes, and the delight of your soul. And the sons and daughters you left behind will fall by the sword.’
Israil jemetige mundaq dégin: — Reb Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — «Men Öz muqeddes jayimni, yeni sen pexirlen’gen küch-tayanchingni, közünglarni xushal qilghuchi, jéninglar teshna bolghan nersini bulghay dewatimen; silerning keyninglarda qalghan qiz-oghullar qilich bilen yoqilidu.
22 Then you will do as I have done: You will not cover your lips or eat the bread of mourners.
Shu tapta siler Men [Ezakiyal] hazir qilghinimdek qilisiler; siler yüzünglarning töwinini yapmaysiler, ademler épbergen nandin yémeysiler;
23 Your turbans will remain on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You will not mourn or weep, but you will waste away because of your sins, and you will groan among yourselves.
sellenglar béshinglarda, keshinglar ayaghliringda boliwéridu; siler héch matem tutmaysiler yaki héch yighlimaysiler; siler qebihlikliringlar ichide soliship, bir-biringlargha qariship uh-zar tartisiler.
24 ‘Thus Ezekiel will be a sign for you; you will do everything that he has done. When this happens, you will know that I am the Lord GOD.’
Shundaq qilip Ezakiyalning özi silerge bésharet bolidu; u qandaq qilghan bolsa, siler shundaq qilisiler; bu ish emelge ashurulghanda, siler Méning Reb Perwerdigar ikenlikimni tonup yétisiler.
25 And you, son of man, know that on the day I take away their stronghold, their pride and joy—the desire of their eyes which uplifted their souls—and their sons and daughters as well,
— We sen, i insan oghli, Men ulardin küch-istihkamini, ular pexrilen’gen güzek göhrini, söyümlük köz qarichuqlirini, jan-jégiri bolghan qiz-oghullirini ulardin mehrum qilidighan künide,
26 on that day a fugitive will come and tell you the news.
— yeni shu künide, sanga bu xewerni quliqinggha yetküzüsh üchün bir qachqun yéninggha kelmemdu?
27 On that day your mouth will be opened to him who has escaped; you will speak and no longer be mute. So you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the LORD.”
Shu künide aghzing échilghan bolidu, sen bu qachqun bilen sözlishisen, yene héch gacha bolmaysen; shundaq qilip ular Méning Perwerdigar ikenlikimni tonup yétidu».

< Ezekiel 24 >