< Exodus 35 >

1 Then Moses assembled the whole congregation of Israel and said to them, “These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do:
Musa ya tara dukan jama’ar Isra’ilawa ya ce musu, “Waɗannan su ne abubuwan da Ubangiji ya umarce ku, ku yi.
2 For six days work may be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of complete rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on that day must be put to death.
Kwana shida za ku yi aiki, amma rana ta bakwai za tă zama rana mai tsarki, Asabbaci ne na hutu ga Ubangiji. Duk wanda ya yi aiki a wannan rana dole a kashe shi.
3 Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day.”
Kada ku hura wuta a cikin duk mazauninku a ranar Asabbaci.”
4 Moses also told the whole congregation of Israel, “This is what the LORD has commanded:
Musa ya ce wa dukan jama’ar Isra’ilawa, “Ga abin da Ubangiji ya umarta.
5 Take from among you an offering to the LORD. Let everyone whose heart is willing bring an offering to the LORD: gold, silver, and bronze;
Daga cikin abin da kuke da shi, ku ɗauki kyauta domin Ubangiji, duk wanda yana niyya, sai yă kawo wa Ubangiji kyauta ta, “zinariya, azurfa da tagulla;
6 blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen and goat hair;
shuɗi, shunayya da jan zare, lallausan lilin, da gashin akuya;
7 ram skins dyed red and fine leather; acacia wood;
fatun rago da aka rina ja, da fatun shanun teku; da itacen ƙirya
8 olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense;
da man zaitun don fitila; da kayan yaji don man shafewa, da kuma turare mai ƙanshi;
9 and onyx stones and gemstones to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.
duwatsun onis, da sauran duwatsu masu daraja waɗanda za a mammanne a efod da ƙyallen maƙalawa a ƙirji.
10 Let every skilled craftsman among you come and make everything that the LORD has commanded:
“Duk waɗanda suke da fasaha a cikinku, su zo su yi dukan abin da Ubangiji ya umarta,
11 the tabernacle with its tent and covering, its clasps and frames, its crossbars, posts, and bases;
“wato, aikin tabanakul da tentinsa tare da murfinsa, maɗauransa, katakansa, sandunansa da tussansa;
12 the ark with its poles and mercy seat, and the veil to shield it;
akwatin alkawari da sandunansa, murfin kafara da labulen da ya rufe shi;
13 the table with its poles, all its utensils, and the Bread of the Presence;
tebur da sandunansa, da dukan kayansa da kuma burodin kasancewa;
14 the lampstand for light with its accessories and lamps and oil for the light;
wurin ajiye fitila da yake don fitilu da kayayyakinsa, fitilu da mai don fitila;
15 the altar of incense with its poles; the anointing oil and fragrant incense; the curtain for the doorway at the entrance to the tabernacle;
bagaden turare da sandunansa, man shafewa da turare mai ƙanshi; da labulen ƙofar shiga tabanakul;
16 the altar of burnt offering with its bronze grate, its poles, and all its utensils; the basin with its stand;
bagaden hadaya ta ƙonawa da rigarsa ta tagulla da sandunansa da duk kayayyakinsa, daron tagulla da wurin ajiye shi.
17 the curtains of the courtyard with its posts and bases, and the curtain for the gate of the courtyard;
Labulen filin tenti da sandunansa da tussansa, da kuma labulen ƙofar shiga fili;
18 the tent pegs for the tabernacle and for the courtyard, along with their ropes;
turakun tenti don tabanakul da kuma don filin, da igiyoyinsu;
19 and the woven garments for ministering in the holy place—both the holy garments for Aaron the priest and the garments for his sons to serve as priests.”
saƙaƙƙun riguna na sawa don hidima cikin wuri mai tsarki da tsarkakakkun riguna na Haruna firist, da riguna don’ya’yansa maza lokacin da suke aiki a matsayin firistoci.”
20 Then the whole congregation of Israel withdrew from the presence of Moses.
Sai dukan jama’ar Isra’ilawa suka janye daga fuskar Musa,
21 And everyone whose heart stirred him and whose spirit prompted him came and brought an offering to the LORD for the work on the Tent of Meeting, for all its services, and for the holy garments.
duk waɗanda suke da niyya, waɗanda kuma zukatansu suka motsa su, suka kawo kyautai wa Ubangiji, don aikin Tentin Sujada, don duk aikinsa, da don tsarkakakkun riguna.
22 So all who had willing hearts, both men and women, came and brought brooches and earrings, rings and necklaces, and all kinds of gold jewelry. And they all presented their gold as a wave offering to the LORD.
Duk waɗanda suke da niyya, maza da mata, gaba ɗaya, suka kawo kayan ado na zinariya na kowane iri.’Yan kunne, da ƙawane, da mundaye, da kayayyakin zinariya iri-iri. Dukansu suka miƙa zinariyarsu a matsayin hadaya ga Ubangiji.
23 Everyone who had blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, or articles of fine leather, brought them.
Kowane mutumin da yake da shuɗi, shunayya ko jan zare, ko lallausan lilin, ko gashin akuya, ko fatun rago da aka rina ja, ko fatun shanun teku, suka kawo.
24 And all who could present an offering of silver or bronze brought it as a contribution to the LORD. Also, everyone who had acacia wood for any part of the service brought it.
Masu miƙa kyautar azurfa, ko tagulla suka kawo su a matsayin kyautai ga Ubangiji, kuma kowane mutumin da yake da itacen ƙirya don kowane sashin aikin, ya kawo.
25 Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun: blue, purple, or scarlet yarn, or fine linen.
Kowace mace mai fasaha ta kaɗa zare da hannuwanta, ta kuma kawo abin da ta kaɗa na shuɗi, shunayya, ko jan zare, ko lallausan lilin.
26 And all the skilled women whose hearts were stirred spun the goat hair.
Kuma dukan matan da suke da niyya, suke kuma da fasaha, suka kaɗa gashin akuya.
27 The leaders brought onyx stones and gemstones to mount on the ephod and breastpiece,
Shugabannin suka kawo duwatsun Onis. Da duwatsu masu daraja don a jera a kan efod da ƙyallen maƙalawa a ƙirji.
28 as well as spices and olive oil for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense.
Suka kawo kayan yaji da man zaitun don fitila da don man shafewa da kuma don turare mai ƙanshi.
29 So all the men and women of the Israelites whose hearts prompted them brought a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work that the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do.
Dukan mazan Isra’ilawa da matan da suke da niyya suka kawo wa Ubangiji kyautai na yardar rai, domin dukan aikin da Ubangiji ya umarce su ta bakin Musa.
30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
Sa’an nan ya ce wa Isra’ilawa, “Duba Ubangiji ya zaɓi Bezalel ɗan Uri, ɗan Hur, daga kabilar Yahuda,
31 And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship,
ya kuma cika shi da Ruhun Allah, da fasaha, azanci da kuma sani cikin dukan sana’ar hannu,
32 to design artistic works in gold, silver, and bronze,
don yă ƙirƙiro zāne-zāne na gwaninta waɗanda za yi da zinariya, da azurfa da kuma tagulla.
33 to cut gemstones for settings, and to carve wood, so that he may be a master of every artistic craft.
Haka kuma wajen sassaƙar duwatsu na jerawa, da sassaƙar itace, da kowane irin aiki na gwaninta.
34 And the LORD has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.
Ya kuma ba Bezalel da Oholiyab ɗan Ahisamak, daga kabilar Dan, iyawa don koya wa waɗansu.
35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and as weavers—as artistic designers of every kind of craft.
Ya cika su da fasaha don yin kowane irin aikin sana’a, zāne-zāne, ɗinke-ɗinke shuɗi, shunayya da jan zare, da lallausan lilin, da kuma masu yin saƙa, sun gwaninta ƙwarai cikin kowane irin aikin hannu da kuma zāne-zāne.

< Exodus 35 >