< Exodus 10 >

1 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials, that I may perform these miraculous signs of Mine among them,
Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Mankanesa ao amin’ i Farao; fa Izaho efa nanamafy ny fony sy ny fon’ ny mpanompony, mba hanehoako izao famantarako izao eo aminy;
2 and that you may tell your children and grandchildren how severely I dealt with the Egyptians when I performed miraculous signs among them, so that all of you may know that I am the LORD.”
ary mba holazainao ho ren’ ny zanakao sy ny zafinao izay zavatra nataoko teto Egypta sy izay famantarana nataoko teo aminy, mba ho fantatrareo fa Izaho no Jehovah.
3 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and told him, “This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Let My people go, so that they may worship Me.
Ary Mosesy sy Arona dia nankao amin’ i Farao ka nanao taminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Hebreo: Mandrapahoviana no handavanao tsy hanetry tena eo anatrehako? alefaso ny oloko mba hanompo Ahy.
4 But if you refuse to let My people go, I will bring locusts into your territory tomorrow.
Fa raha mandà ka tsy mandefa ny oloko ianao, indro, hahatonga valala amin’ ny taninao rehetra Aho rahampitso;
5 They will cover the face of the land so that no one can see it. They will devour whatever is left after the hail and eat every tree that grows in your fields.
dia handrakotra ny tany rehetra ireny, ka tsy ho hita ny tany; dia hohaniny ny sisan’ ny havandra, izay navela ho anareo, ka hohaniny avokoa ny hazo rehetra izay maniry ho anareo any an-tsaha;
6 They will fill your houses and the houses of all your officials and every Egyptian—something neither your fathers nor your grandfathers have seen since the day they came into this land.’” Then Moses turned and left Pharaoh’s presence.
dia hameno ny tranonao sy ny tranon’ ny mpanomponao rehetra ary ny tranon’ ny Egyptiana rehetra ireny; ary tsy mbola hitan’ ny rainao na ny raibenao izay toy izay hatr’ izay andro niainany tetỳ ambonin’ ny tany ka mandraka androany. Dia nihodina izy ka niala teo amin’ i Farao.
7 Pharaoh’s officials asked him, “How long will this man be a snare to us? Let the people go, so that they may worship the LORD their God. Do you not yet realize that Egypt is in ruins?”
Ary hoy ny mpanompon’ i Farao taminy: Mandra-pahoviana no ho fandrika amintsika iny lehilahy iny? alefaso ireo olona ireo hanompo an’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny; tsy mbola fantatrao va fa efa simba Egypta?
8 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh. “Go, worship the LORD your God,” he said. “But who exactly will be going?”
Dia nisy nampiverina an’ i Mosesy sy Arona hankao amin’ i Farao indray: ary hoy izy taminy: Mandehana, manompo an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo; nefa iza avy moa no handeha?
9 “We will go with our young and old,” Moses replied. “We will go with our sons and daughters, and with our flocks and herds, for we must hold a feast to the LORD.”
Ary hoy Mosesy: Ny tanora sy ny antitra aminay ho entinay handeha, ary ny zanakai-lahy sy ny zanakai-vavy sy ny ondry aman’ osinay ary ny ombinay ho entinay handeha; fa hisy andro firavoravoanay ho an’ i Jehovah.
10 Then Pharaoh told them, “May the LORD be with you if I ever let you go with your little ones. Clearly you are bent on evil.
Fa hoy Farao taminy: Aoka homba anareo ihany anie Jehovah, raha handefa anareo mbamin’ ny zanakareo madinika aho; mitandrema, fa misy ratsy eo anoloanareo.
11 No, only the men may go and worship the LORD, since that is what you have been requesting.” And Moses and Aaron were driven from Pharaoh’s presence.
Tsy izany, fa mandehana ianareo lehilahy lehibe ka manompoa an’ i Jehovah, fa izany no tadiavinareo. Ary izy roa lahy dia noroahina hiala teo anatrehan’ i Farao.
12 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt, so that the locusts may swarm over it and devour every plant in the land—everything that the hail has left behind.”
Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Ahinjiro ambonin’ ny tany Egypta ny tananao hihavian’ ny valala, dia hiakatra ho eto amin’ ny tany Egypta ireny, ary dia hihinana ny zava-maniry amin’ ny tany, dia izay rehetra sisan’ ny havandra.
13 So Moses stretched out his staff over the land of Egypt, and throughout that day and night the LORD sent an east wind across the land. By morning the east wind had brought the locusts.
Dia nahinjitr’ i Mosesy tambonin’ ny tany Egypta ny tehiny, ary Jehovah nitondra rivotra avy any atsinanana hankany amin’ ny tany mandritra iny andro sy iny alina iny; ary nony maraina dia nitondra ny valala ny rivotra avy any atsinanana.
14 The locusts swarmed across the land and settled over the entire territory of Egypt. Never before had there been so many locusts, and never again will there be.
Ary ny valala niakatra ho amin’ ny tany Egypta rehetra, dia nipetraka nanerana ny tany Egypta rehetra; ary nampahory indrindra ireny, ka tsy nisy valala toy izany tany aloha, ary ato aoriany koa tsy hisy toy izany.
15 They covered the face of all the land until it was black, and they consumed all the plants on the ground and all the fruit on the trees that the hail had left behind. Nothing green was left on any tree or plant in all the land of Egypt.
Fa nandrakotra ny tany rehetra ireny, ka efa maizina ny tany; ary nohaniny ny anana rehetra teo amin’ ny tany sy ny voankazo rehetra, izay sisan’ ny havandra; ka dia tsy nisy sisa ny zava-maitso eran’ ny tany Egypta rehetra, na tamin’ ny hazo, na tamin’ ny anana tany an-tsaha.
16 Pharaoh quickly summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “I have sinned against the LORD your God and against you.
Ary Farao dia nampaka an’ i Mosesy sy Arona faingana ka nanao hoe: Efa nanota tamin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo sy taminareo aho.
17 Now please forgive my sin once more and appeal to the LORD your God, that He may remove this death from me.”
Ary ankehitriny, masìna ianao mamela ny fahotako izao indray mandeha izao ihany, ka mangataha amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo hampialany amiko izao mahafaty iray loha izao monja.
18 So Moses left Pharaoh’s presence and appealed to the LORD.
Dia niala teo amin’ i Farao izy ka nangataka tamin’ i Jehovah.
19 And the LORD changed the wind to a very strong west wind that carried off the locusts and blew them into the Red Sea. Not a single locust remained anywhere in Egypt.
Ary Jehovah nahatonga rivotra mahery indrindra avy andrefana kosa, izay nitondra ny valala ka namarina azy tao amin’ ny Ranomasina Mena; dia tsy nisy sisa intsony ny valala eran’ ny tany Egypta rehetra, na dia iray akory aza.
20 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let the Israelites go.
Nefa Jehovah nanamafy ny fon’ i Farao, ka tsy nandefa ny Zanak’ Isiraely izy.
21 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, so that darkness may spread over the land of Egypt—a palpable darkness.”
Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Ahinjiro manandrify ny lanitra ny tananao, mba hisy aizina amin’ ny tany Egypta, dia aizina azo tsapaina.
22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.
Dia nahinjitr’ i Mosesy nanandrify ny lanitra ny tànany; dia nisy aizim-pito eran’ ny tany Egypta rehetra hateloana,
23 No one could see anyone else, and for three days no one left his place. Yet all the Israelites had light in their dwellings.
koa tsy mba nifankahita ny olona, na niala tamin’ izay nitoerany, hateloana; fa ny Zanak’ Isiraely rehetra kosa nisy mazava teo amin’ ny fonenany.
24 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and said, “Go, worship the LORD. Even your little ones may go with you; only your flocks and herds must stay behind.”
Ary Farao dia nampaka an’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe: Mandehana ianareo, manompoa an’ i Jehovah; fa ny ondry aman’ osinareo sy ny ombinareo ihany no aoka havelanareo; ary ny zanakareo madinika dia aoka hiaraka aminareo koa.
25 But Moses replied, “You must also provide us with sacrifices and burnt offerings to present to the LORD our God.
Ary hoy Mosesy: Hianao no hanolotra eto an-tananay izay fanatitra dorana sy fanatitra hafa alatsa-drà haterinay ho an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitray;
26 Even our livestock must go with us; not a hoof will be left behind, for we will need some of them to worship the LORD our God, and we will not know how we are to worship the LORD until we arrive.”
ary ny omby aman’ ondrinay dia ho entinay hiaraka aminay koa; fa tsy hisy havela na dia ny kitrony iray aza, satria ireny no hangalanay hanompoana an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitray; ary tsy mbola fantatray izay ho entinay manompo an’ i Jehovah mandra-pahatonganay any.
27 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he was unwilling to let them go.
Ary Jehovah dia nanamafy ny fon’ i Farao, ka tsy nety nandefa azy izy.
28 “Depart from me!” Pharaoh said to Moses. “Make sure you never see my face again, for on the day you see my face, you will die.”
Ary hoy Farao taminy: Mialà amiko; koa mitandrema, fa aoka tsy hahita ny tavako intsony ianao; fa amin’ izay andro hahitanao ny tavako dia ho faty ianao.
29 “As you say,” Moses replied, “I will never see your face again.”
Ary hoy Mosesy: Marina izay nolazainao; fa tsy hahita ny tavanao intsony aho.

< Exodus 10 >