< Ecclesiastes 6 >

1 There is another evil I have seen under the sun, and it weighs heavily upon mankind:
I vidjeh: ima još jedno zlo pod suncem i teško tišti ljude.
2 God gives a man riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires; but God does not allow him to enjoy them. Instead, a stranger will enjoy them. This is futile and a grievous affliction.
Nekomu Bog udijeli bogatstvo i blago i počasti te ima sve što mu duša poželi, ali mu ne udijeli da to i uživa, nego uživa tuđinac. To je ispraznost i grdna nevolja.
3 A man may father a hundred children and live for many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he is unsatisfied with his prosperity and does not even receive a proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.
I velim: bolje je nedonošče od onoga koji bi rodio stotinu djece i živio mnogo godina, a sam se ne bi naužio dobra niti bi imao pogreba;
4 For a stillborn child enters in futility and departs in darkness, and his name is shrouded in obscurity.
jer je nedonošče uzalud došlo i u tamu otišlo i ime mu je tamom pokriveno;
5 The child, though neither seeing the sun nor knowing anything, has more rest than that man,
sunca čak ne vidje niti spozna - a spokojnije je od onoga.
6 even if he lives a thousand years twice over but fails to enjoy his prosperity. Do not all go to the same place?
Pa kad bi takav živio i dvije tisuće godina, a svojeg dobra ne bi uživao, zar ne odlaze obojica jednako na isto mjesto?
7 All a man’s labor is for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.
Čovjek se trudi samo da bi jeo, a želudac njegov nikad da se nasiti.
8 What advantage, then, has the wise man over the fool? What gain comes to the poor man who knows how to conduct himself before others?
Jer po čemu je mudrac bolji od luđaka i što reći o siromahu koji se umije držati pred ljudima?
9 Better what the eye can see than the wandering of desire. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind.
Bolje je očima vidjeti nego duhom lutati. I to je ispraznost i pusta tlapnja.
10 Whatever exists was named long ago, and what happens to a man is foreknown; but he cannot contend with one stronger than he.
Što je već bilo, ime ima; i zna se što je čovjek; i on se ne može parbiti s jačim od sebe.
11 For the more words, the more futility—and how does that profit anyone?
Što više riječi, to veća ispraznost svega, i koja je od toga korist čovjeku?
12 For who knows what is good for a man during the few days in which he passes through his fleeting life like a shadow? Who can tell a man what will come after him under the sun?
Tko zna što je dobro čovjeku u životu njegovu, za ono malo dana koje tako isprazno živi, koji mu prolaze kao sjena? Tko će kazati čovjeku što će biti poslije njega pod suncem?

< Ecclesiastes 6 >