< Ecclesiastes 10 >

1 As dead flies bring a stench to the perfumer’s oil, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.
死し蝿は和香者の膏を臭くしこれを腐らす 少許の愚癡は智慧と尊榮よりも重し
2 A wise man’s heart inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.
3 Even as the fool walks along the road, his sense is lacking, and he shows everyone that he is a fool.
4 If the ruler’s temper flares against you, do not abandon your post, for calmness lays great offenses to rest.
5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun— an error that proceeds from the ruler:
6 Folly is appointed to great heights, but the rich sit in lowly positions.
7 I have seen slaves on horseback, while princes go on foot like slaves.
8 He who digs a pit may fall into it, and he who breaches a wall may be bitten by a snake.
9 The one who quarries stones may be injured by them, and he who splits logs endangers himself.
10 If the axe is dull and the blade unsharpened, more strength must be exerted, but skill produces success.
鐵の鈍くなれるあらんにその刃を磨ざれば力を多く之にもちひざるを得ず 智慧は功を成に益あるなり
11 If the snake bites before it is charmed, there is no profit for the charmer.
12 The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him.
智者の口の言語は恩徳あり 愚者の唇はその身を呑ほろぼす
13 The beginning of his talk is folly, and the end of his speech is evil madness.
愚者の口の言は始は愚なり またその言は終は狂妄にして惡し
14 Yet the fool multiplies words. No one knows what is coming, and who can tell him what will come after him?
愚者は言詞を衆くす 人は後に有ん事を知ず 誰かその身の後にあらんところの事を述るを得ん
15 The toil of a fool wearies him, for he does not know the way to the city.
16 Woe to you, O land whose king is a youth, and whose princes feast in the morning.
その王は童子にしてその侯伯は朝に食をなす國よ 汝は禍なるかな
17 Blessed are you, O land whose king is a son of nobles, and whose princes feast at the proper time— for strength and not for drunkenness.
その王は貴族の子またその侯伯は酔樂むためならず力を補ふために適宜き時に食をなす國よ 汝は福なるかな
18 Through laziness the roof caves in, and in the hands of the idle, the house leaks.
懶惰ところよりして屋背は落ち 手を垂をるところよりして家屋は漏る
19 A feast is prepared for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.
食事をもて笑ひ喜ぶの物となし酒をもて快樂を取れり 銀子は何事にも應ずるなり
20 Do not curse the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich even in your bedroom, for a bird of the air may carry your words, and a winged creature may report your speech.
汝心の中にても王たる者を詛ふなかれ また寝室にても富者を詛なかれ 天空の鳥その聲を傳へ羽翼ある者その事を布べければなり

< Ecclesiastes 10 >