< Ecclesiastes 1 >

1 These are the words of the Teacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem:
यी वचनहरू एक जना उपदेशकका हुन् जो दाऊदका छोरा र यरूशलेमका राजा थिए ।
2 “Futility of futilities,” says the Teacher, “futility of futilities! Everything is futile!”
उपदेशक यसो भन्छन्, “तुवाँलोको बाफ र बतासमा भएको मन्द हावाजस्तै हरेक कुरा व्यर्थ छ, जसले धेरै प्रश्‍न उब्जाउँछ ।
3 What does a man gain from all his labor, at which he toils under the sun?
मानिसले सूर्यमूनि कठिन परिश्रम गर्दा सारा कामबाट उसले के लाभ पाउँछ र?
4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.
एउटा पुस्ता जान्छ, र अर्को पुस्ता आउँछ, तर पृथ्वीचाहिँ सदासर्वदा रहिरहन्छ ।
5 The sun rises and the sun sets; it hurries back to where it rises.
सूर्य उदाउँछ, र अस्ताउँछ, अनि आफू उदाएको ठाउँमा चाँडै फर्केर जान्छ ।
6 The wind blows southward, then turns northward; round and round it swirls, ever returning on its course.
बतास दक्षिणतिर बहन्छ, र अनि सधैँ उत्तरतिर चक्‍कर मार्छ । त्यो सधैँ आफ्नो मार्गमा जाने र फर्कने गर्छ ।
7 All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full; to the place from which the streams come, there again they flow.
सबै नदी समुद्रमा बगेर जान्छन्, तर समुद्र कहिल्यै भरिँदैन । जहाँ नदीहरू बहन्छन्, तिनीहरू फेरि त्यहीँ जान्छन् ।
8 All things are wearisome, more than one can describe; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing.
हरेक कुरो विरक्तलाग्दो छ, र कसैले यसको वर्णन गर्न सक्दैन । आँखाले जे देख्छ, त्यसबाट यो सन्तुष्‍ट हुँदैन, न त कानले जे सुन्छ, त्यसबाट यो सन्तुष्‍ट हुन्छ ।
9 What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
जे भएको छ, त्यो हुने छ, र जे गरिएको छ, त्यो गरिने छ । सूर्यमूनि केही पनि नयाँ छैन ।
10 Is there a case where one can say, “Look, this is new”? It has already existed in the ages before us.
के यस्तो कुनै कुरो छ जसको विषयमा 'हेर्, यो त नयाँ छ' भन्‍न सकिन्छ? जे अस्तित्वमा छ, त्यो लामो समयदेखि अस्तित्वमा रहिआएको छ, हामीभन्दा धेरै पहिले देखि रहँदै आएको छ ।
11 There is no remembrance of those who came before, and those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow after.
प्राचीन कालमा भएका कुराहरू कसैले सम्झन्छजस्तो छैन; धेरै पछि भएका कुराहरू र भविष्यमा हुने कुराहरू पनि कसैले सम्झने छजस्तो छैन ।”
12 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
म उपदेशक हुँ, र मैले यरूशलेममा राजा भएर शासन गरेको छु ।
13 And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid upon the sons of men to occupy them!
आकाशमूनि गरिने हरेक कुरोलाई बुद्धिद्वारा अध्ययन गर्न र अनुसन्धान गर्न मैले मेरो मन लगाएँ । त्यो अनुसन्धान एउटा कष्‍टकर काम हो जुन परमेश्‍वरले मानिसहरूलाई व्यस्त राख्‍न दिनुभएको हो ।
14 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun, and have found them all to be futile, a pursuit of the wind.
मैले सूर्यमूनि गरिने सबै काम देखेको छु, र ती सबै व्यर्थ छन् र बतासलाई खेदेजस्तो हो
15 What is crooked cannot be straightened, and what is lacking cannot be counted.
बाङ्गोलाई सोझो बनाउन सकिँदैन । हराएकोलाई गन्‍न सकिँदैन ।
16 I said to myself, “Behold, I have grown and increased in wisdom beyond all those before me who were over Jerusalem, and my mind has observed a wealth of wisdom and knowledge.”
मैले मेरो मनलाई यसो भनेको छु, “हेर्, यरूशलेममा मभन्दा अगि भएका सबैले भन्दा मैले धेरै बुद्धि प्राप्‍त गरेको छु । मेरो मनले धेरै बुद्धि र ज्ञान देखेको छ ।”
17 So I set my mind to know wisdom and madness and folly; I learned that this, too, is a pursuit of the wind.
त्यसैले बुद्धि, पागलपन र मूर्खता जान्‍न मेरो मन लगाएँ । यो पनि बतासको रेखदेख गर्ने कोसिस रहेछ भनी मैले बुझेँ ।
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow, and as knowledge grows, grief increases.
किनकि बुद्धिको प्रशस्ततामा धेरै निराशा हुन्छ, र ज्ञान बढाउनेले पिर बढाउँछ ।

< Ecclesiastes 1 >