< Amos 5 >
1 Hear this word, O house of Israel, this lamentation I take up against you:
Dadka Israa'iilow, maqla eraygan aan idiinku barooranayo.
2 “Fallen is Virgin Israel, never to rise again. She lies abandoned on her land, with no one to raise her up.”
Bikradda ah dalka Israa'iil waa dhacday, oo mar dambena ma sara joogsan doonto. Dalkeedii ayaa lagu dayriyey, oo qof kor u qaada lama arko.
3 This is what the Lord GOD says: “The city that marches out a thousand strong will only see a hundred return, and the one that marches out a hundred strong will have but ten left in the house of Israel.”
Waayo, Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Magaaladii ay kuni ka bixi jireen boqol baa u hadhi doona, oo tii ay boqoli ka bixi jireenna toban baa dadka Israa'iil u hadhi doona.
4 For this is what the LORD says to the house of Israel: “Seek Me and live!
Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu dadka Israa'iil ku leeyahay, Aniga i doondoona aad noolaataane.
5 Do not seek Bethel or go to Gilgal; do not journey to Beersheba, for Gilgal will surely go into exile, and Bethel will come to nothing.
Laakiinse Beytel ha doondoonina, Gilgaalna ha gelina, Bi'ir Shebacna ha u gudbina, waayo, sida xaqiiqada ah Gilgaal maxaabiisnimo bay geli doontaa, oo Beytelna way baabbi'i doontaa.
6 Seek the LORD and live, or He will sweep like fire through the house of Joseph; it will devour everything, with no one at Bethel to extinguish it.
Si aad u noolaataan, oo uusan Rabbigu sidii dab reer Yuusuf ugu soo farabbaxsan, oo aan dabku laasan, oo aan Beytel laga waayin wax demiya, Rabbiga doondoona,
7 There are those who turn justice into wormwood and cast righteousness to the ground.
kuwiinna caddaaladda u roga dacar oo xaqnimadana dhulka ku tuura.
8 He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns darkness into dawn and darkens day into night, who summons the waters of the sea and pours them over the face of the earth— the LORD is His name—
Doondoona kan sameeyey ururrada xiddigaha ah oo la yidhaahdo Toddobaadyada iyo Oriyon, oo gudcurka subaxnimo u beddela, oo maalintana madoobeeya si ay habeen u noqoto, kan biyaha badda u yeedha oo dhulka ku daadiya, magiciisu waa Rabbi.
9 He flashes destruction on the strong, so that fury comes upon the stronghold.
Isagu baabba' buu ku dejiyaa kuwa xoogga badan, si ay baabba'du ugu dhacdo qalcadda.
10 There are those who hate the one who reproves in the gate and despise him who speaks with integrity.
Way neceb yihiin kii iridda wax ku canaanta, oo way karhaan kii si qumman u hadla.
11 Therefore, because you trample on the poor and exact from him a tax of grain, you will never live in the stone houses you have built; you will never drink the wine from the lush vineyards you have planted.
Miskiinka baad ku tumataan, oo waxaad ka qaadataan sarreen badan, sidaas daraaddeed guryihii aad dhagax la qoray ka dhisateen kuma hoyan doontaan, oo beercanabyadii wanwanaagsanaa ee aad beerateenna khamrigooda kama cabbi doontaan.
12 For I know that your transgressions are many and your sins are numerous. You oppress the righteous by taking bribes; you deprive the poor of justice in the gate.
Waayo, waan ogahay xadgudubyadiinnu inay badan yihiin, iyo dembiyadiinnu inay waaweyn yihiin, kuwiinnan kii xaqa ah dhiba, ee laaluush qaata, oo masaakiinta iridda joogtana xaqooda ka leexiya.
13 Therefore, the prudent keep silent in such times, for the days are evil.
Haddaba kii miyir lahu wakhtigaas wuu aamusnaan doonaa, waayo, waa wakhti shar ah.
14 Seek good, not evil, so that you may live. And the LORD, the God of Hosts, will be with you, as you have claimed.
Wanaagga doondoona, sharkase ha doondoonina, aad noolaataane, oo sidaasuu Rabbiga ah Ilaaha ciidammadu idiinla jiri doonaa sidaad u tidhaahdaan.
15 Hate evil and love good; establish justice in the gate. Perhaps the LORD, the God of Hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.”
Sharka nebcaada, oo wanaagga jeclaada, oo caddaalad iridda ku sameeya, waayo, waxaa suurtowda in Rabbiga ah Ilaaha ciidammadu uu u roonaado kuwa reer Yuusuf ka hadhay.
16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.
Haddaba Rabbiga ah Ilaaha ciidammada oo ah Sayidku wuxuu leeyahay, Dariiqyada oo dhan waxaa ka yeedhi doonta baroor, oo jidadka oo dhan waxaa laga odhan doonaa, Hoogay! Hoogay! Oo ninka beerreyda ah waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa tacsi, oo kuwa baroorta aad u yaqaanna waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa baroorasho.
17 There will be wailing in all the vineyards, for I will pass through your midst,”
Oo beercanabyada oo dhanna waxaa jiri doonta baroorasho, waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu waan idin dhex mari doonaa.
18 Woe to you who long for the Day of the LORD! What will the Day of the LORD be for you? It will be darkness and not light.
Kuwiinna maalinta Rabbiga jeclaystow, waa idiin hoog. Maxaad maalinta Rabbiga u doonaysaan? Waa gudcur, oo iftiin ma aha.
19 It will be like a man who flees from a lion, only to encounter a bear, or who enters his house and rests his hand against the wall, only to be bitten by a snake.
Waa sidii nin libaax ka cararay oo orso ka hor timid, ama intuu guri galay derbiga ku tiirsaday oo markaas abeeso gacanta ka qaniintay.
20 Will not the Day of the LORD be darkness and not light, even gloom with no brightness in it?
Maalinta Rabbigu sow ma ahaan doonto gudcur aan iftiin lahayn, iyo xataa gudcur weyn oo aan dhalaal lahayn?
21 “I hate, I despise your feasts! I cannot stand the stench of your solemn assemblies.
Iidihiinna waan nebcahay, waanna quudhsadaa, oo shirarkiinnana kuma farxo.
22 Even though you offer Me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; for your peace offerings of fattened cattle I will have no regard.
In kastoo aad ii bixisaan qurbaannadiinna aad gubtaan iyo qurbaannadiinna hadhuudhka ah anigu aqbali maayo, oo qurbaannadiinna nabaadiino oo xoolihiinna buurbuuranna dan ka yeelan maayo.
23 Take away from Me the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps.
Iga fogeeya qaylada gabayadiinna, waayo, anigu dhegaysan maayo luuqda shareeradihiinna.
24 But let justice roll on like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Laakiinse caddaaladdu sida biyo ha u qulqusho, oo xaqnimaduna sida webi fatahaya ha u yaacdo.
25 Did you bring Me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
Bal reer binu Israa'iilow, allabaryo iyo qurbaanno miyaad cidladii iigu bixiseen afartankii sannadood?
26 You have taken along Sakkuth your king and Kaiwan your star god, the idols you made for yourselves.
Waxaadse sidateen Taambuuggii Moleg iyo sanamyadii Kiyuun, kaasoo ah xiddigtii ilaahiinnii ee aad nafsaddiinna u samaysateen.
27 Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,” says the LORD, whose name is the God of Hosts.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed Rabbiga magiciisu yahay Ilaaha ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu waxaan idinka dhigi doonaa in maxaabiis ahaan laydiinku kaxaysto Dimishaq shishadeeda.