< Acts 25 >
1 Three days after his arrival in the province, Festus went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem,
Fisxxossay ba ayssiza dere Qissariya gellidi hedzdzu gallas aqqetidi heppe Yerusalame bides.
2 where the chief priests and Jewish leaders presented their case against Paul. They urged Festus
Hen diza qeessata hallaqatine issi issi Ayhudista garssafe gita gita asati Phawulossa bolla ba mooto shishshida; “Phawulossa ha Yerusalame ehidi nus loo7o ooso oththarkki” giidi wossida; istti hessa giday Phawulossa naagidi oge bolla wodhdhanas kooyda gishaskko.
3 to grant them a concession against Paul by summoning him to Jerusalem, because they were preparing an ambush to kill him along the way.
4 But Festus replied, “Paul is being held in Caesarea, and I myself am going there soon.
Gido attin Fisxxossay “Phawulossay Qissariyan qachcho keeththan naggetes; takka ha7i elle simmada he izakko baana.
5 So if this man has done anything wrong, let some of your leaders come down with me and accuse him there.”
Inte garssafe dannateth dizaytti tanara Qissariya beeto; Phawulossay oththida qohoy diza gidikko hen mooteto” gides.
6 After spending no more than eight or ten days with them, Festus went down to Caesarea. The next day he sat on the judgment seat and ordered that Paul be brought in.
Fisxxossay osppun woykko tammu gaallassafe daroontta wode isttara gamm7idi guye Qissariya bides; He gakkida mala wonttetha gallas pirda wombbora bolla uttidi Phawulossa izakko shishshana mala azazides.
7 When Paul arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, bringing many serious charges that they could not prove.
Phawulossay iza sinthth shiiqin Yerussalamepe yida Ayhudati Phawulossa giddothidi markkay bayndda daroo deexxo mooto iza bolla shishshida.
8 Then Paul made his defense: “I have committed no offense against the law of the Jews or against the temple or against Caesar.”
Phawulossaykka “Tani Ayhuda woga bolla gidin Xoossa keeththa bolla woykko Rome kawoo Qessare bollaka gaaththida qoohoy deena” giidi istta mootoza shaariza mallththe isttas immides.
9 But Festus, wishing to do the Jews a favor, said to Paul, “Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem to stand trial before me on these charges?”
Gido attin Fisxxossay Ayhudata uhaaththaayssanas koyidi Phawulossa “Ne Yerusalame baada hayssa yooza hen ta sinththan pirdistana koyazii?” gides.
10 Paul replied, “I am standing before the judgment seat of Caesar, where I ought to be tried. I have done nothing wrong to the Jews, as you yourself know very well.
Phawulossay qasse hizzgidi izas zaarides “Hekko ta pirdistanas tas bessiza Qessare pirda wombbara sinththan eqqadis; nekka loo7etha erriza mala ta Ayhudata bolla ooththida aykko qoohoy deena.
11 If, however, I am guilty of anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die. But if there is no truth to their accusations against me, no one has the right to hand me over to them. I appeal to Caesar!”
Ta qoohida gidikko woykko tana hayqqos gaaththiza qooho ta ooththida gidikko ta hayqoppe attana giike; Gido attin istti shishshiza mootoy mela hada gidiko oonikka tana isttas aththi immanas dandda7ena; Takka ta yooy Qeessare sinthth shiiqana mala yigibaayne gadis.”
12 Then Festus conferred with his council and replied, “You have appealed to Caesar. To Caesar you will go!”
Hessa wode Fisxxossay bena zoorizayitara hasa7etidi “ne Qeessareko yigibaayne giza gidiko Qeessareko baanddassa” gides.
13 After several days had passed, King Agrippa and Bernice came down to Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus.
Guuththa gaallassatape guye kawoo Agirphphayne Barniqey Fisxxossa “Hashshu loo7on yadassa” gi mokkanas gede Qissariya bida.
14 Since they were staying several days, Festus laid out Paul’s case before the king: “There is a certain man whom Felix left in prison.
Istti hen daroo galas uttida gish Fisxxossay Phawulossa yooza kawoo Agirphphas hizzgi yootides “Filkisey qaachcho kethan yegi agiida issadey haan dees.
15 While I was in Jerusalem, the chief priests and elders of the Jews presented their case and requested a judgment against him.
Ta Yerusalamen bida wode qeessista hallaqatinne Ayhudata ciimmati ha addeza yoo taako ehidi ta iza bolla pirdana mala oychchida.
16 I told them that it is not the Roman custom to hand a man over before he has had an opportunity to face his accusers and defend himself against their charges.
Ta qasse mootetidadey mootizayta sinththan eqqidi bena mootiza yoozas beessiza malththe immontta dishin mootetidade aththi immooy Rome kawootethas woga gidena” gaada zaaradis.
17 So when they came here with me, I did not delay. The next day I sat on the judgment seat and ordered that the man be brought in.
Hessa gish iza mootizayti shiiqetidi yida mala herakka wonttetha gallas pirda wombboran uttada Phawulossa ta sinthth shishshana mala azazadis.
18 But when his accusers rose to speak, they did not charge him with any of the crimes I had expected.
Iza mootizayti iza achchan eqqida wode istti iza bolla shishshida mootoy ta baggara izi iitta oothontta agena gaada qopida mala gidibeyna.
19 They only had some contentions with him regarding their own religion and a certain Jesus who had died, but whom Paul affirmed to be alive.
Gido attin istti izara mootetizay ba ammano gishshine Phawulossay issi hayqqidade (Paxa dees) giza Yesussa gish gidides.
20 Since I was at a loss as to how to investigate these matters, I asked if he was willing to go to Jerusalem and be tried there on these charges.
Takka hessa mala yoo qora xeellanas tana metida gish Phawulossa (Ne Yerusalame baada heyssa yooza hen pirdistana koyyaz?) gadis.
21 But when Paul appealed to be held over for the decision of the Emperor, I ordered that he be held until I could send him to Caesar.”
Hizzgin izi qasse yoozi Rome kawoo sinththan beyistana mala koyidi (ta yooy Qeessare sinthth shiiqana mala oychchayss) gida gish iza yoo Qeessarekko ta yeeddana gakkanaas izi qachcho keeththan gamm77ana mala azazadis.”
22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, “I would like to hear this man myself.” “Tomorrow you will hear him,” Festus declared.
Agirphphay Fisxxossa “Takka izi giza siyana koyayss” gides; Fisxxossaykka “Wontto siyanddassa” gides.
23 The next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the auditorium, along with the commanders and leading men of the city. And Festus ordered that Paul be brought in.
Hessa gish wonttetha gallas Agirphphayne Barniqey kawooti mayiza mayo maydine daro bonchora ola asa halaqatarane he kaataman diza giita asatan azhabbeti yiidi pirda keeth gellida. Hessafe guye Fisxxossay Phawulossa xeeyigisides.
24 Then Festus said, “King Agrippa and all who are present with us, you see this man. The whole Jewish community has petitioned me about him, both here and in Jerusalem, crying out that he ought not to live any longer.
Fisxosay hizzgides “Kawoo Agirphpha! qass nunara diza asato; Ayhuda asati wuri (hayssi addezi hayssafe guye paxxa daana beessena) giidi wassishe Yerussalamenkka haanikka iza bolla pirdistana mala istti tana oychchizay hayssa inte beeyiza addeza gishshaskko.
25 But I found he had done nothing worthy of death, and since he has now appealed to the Emperor, I decided to send him.
Ta ta boggara iza hayqqos gaaththiza issi balakka iza bolla demmabeyikke. Izi ta yooy Rome kawoo sinthth shiiqi beeyeto gida gish ta iza he yeeddanas qachchadis.
26 I have nothing definite to write to our sovereign one about him. Therefore I have brought him before all of you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, so that after this inquiry I may have something to write.
Gido attin iza gish ta ta godas xaahaaththaana giza errettida yoy deena; Hessa gish iza issi issi pacce oychchota oychchiko tas xaahaaththaanaysi daanakkone gaada inteko; harapekka kawoo Agirphpha neekko shishshadis.
27 For it seems unreasonable to me to send on a prisoner without specifying the charges against him.”
Gasooykka qachcho assi puude bollattiza dhoqqa dannakko bishin izi mootetiza yo qonccisontta aggoy asa eyya kessizayssi tas bettides.”