< 2 Corinthians 7 >

1 Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles body and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Lokhu silalezizithembiso, bathandekayo, asizihlambululeni kukho konke ukungcola kwenyama lokomoya, siphelelise ubungcwele ekwesabeni uNkulunkulu.
2 Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one.
Semukeleni; kasonanga muntu, kasonakalisanga muntu, kasidlelezelanga muntu.
3 I do not say this to condemn you. I have said before that you so occupy our hearts that we live and die together with you.
Kangikhulumeli ukulisola; ngoba ngatsho phambili, ukuthi lisenhliziyweni zethu ukuthi sife ndawonye siphile ndawonye.
4 Great is my confidence in you; great is my pride in you; I am filled with encouragement; in all our troubles my joy overflows.
Sikhulu isibindi sami senkulumo kini, ngilokuziqhenya okukhulu ngani; ngigcwele induduzo; ngengezelelwe kakhulu intokozo kuyo yonke inhlupheko yethu.
5 For when we arrived in Macedonia, our bodies had no rest, but we were pressed from every direction—conflicts on the outside, fears within.
Ngoba lekufikeni kwethu eMakedoniya, inyama yethu kayibanga lokuphumula, kodwa sabandezelwa ezintweni zonke; ngaphandle ingxabano, ngaphakathi ukwesaba.
6 But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the arrival of Titus,
Kodwa uNkulunkulu, oduduza abadanileyo, wasiduduza ekufikeni kukaTitosi;
7 and not only by his arrival, but also by the comfort he had received from you. He told us about your longing, your mourning, and your zeal for me, so that I rejoiced all the more.
njalo kungeyisikho ekufikeni kwakhe kuphela, kodwa langenduduzo aduduzeka ngayo ngani, lapho esilandisela ukulangatha kwenu, ukudabuka kwenu, ukungitshisekela kwenu, ngaze ngathokoza kakhulu.
8 Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Although I did regret it, I now see that my letter caused you sorrow, but only for a short time.
Ngoba lanxa ngalidabukisa ngencwadi, kangizisoli; lanxa ngazisola; ngoba ngibona ukuthi leyoncwadi yalidabula, loba kungokwesikhathi.
9 And now I rejoice, not because you were made sorrowful, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you felt the sorrow that God had intended, and so were not harmed in any way by us.
Khathesi ngiyathokoza, kungeyisikho ukuthi ladatshulwa, kodwa ukuthi ladatshulelwa ekuphendukeni; ngoba ladatshulwa ngokukaNkulunkulu, ukuze lingalahlekelwa lutho ngenxa yethu.
10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
Ngoba ukudabuka ngokukaNkulunkulu kuletha ukuphenduka kube lusindiso ongezisole ngalo; kodwa ukudabuka komhlaba kuletha ukufa.
11 Consider what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what zeal, what vindication! In every way you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.
Ngoba khangelani, leyo into, ukuthi ladatshulwa ngokukaNkulunkulu, ukuthi kuveze kini ukukhuthala okungakanani, yebo, ukuziphendulela, yebo, ukuthukuthela, yebo, ukwesaba, yebo, ukulangatha, yebo, ukutshiseka, yebo, impindiselo. Kukho konke lazibonakalisa ukuthi limsulwa kule indaba.
12 So even though I wrote to you, it was not on account of the one who did wrong or the one who was harmed, but rather that your earnestness on our behalf would be made clear to you in the sight of God.
Uba-ke lami ngalibhalela, kungeyisikho ngenxa yalowo owonayo, njalo kungeyisikho ngenxa yalowo owoniweyo, kodwa ukuze ukulikhuthalela kwethu kubonakaliswe kini phambi kukaNkulunkulu.
13 On account of this, we are encouraged. In addition to our own encouragement, we were even more delighted by the joy of Titus. For his spirit has been refreshed by all of you.
Ngalokho siduduzekile ngenduduzo yenu; yebo sathokoza ngokwengezelelweyo kakhulu ngentokozo kaTitosi, ngoba umoya wakhe uvuselelwe ngokuvela kini lonke;
14 Indeed, I was not embarrassed by anything I had boasted to him about you. But just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting to Titus has proved to be true as well.
ngoba uba ngazincomela lina ngolutho kuye kangiyangekanga; kodwa njengoba sakukhuluma konke kini ngeqiniso, ngokunjalo lokuzincoma kwethu okwakukuTitosi kwaba liqiniso.
15 And his affection for you is even greater when he remembers that you were all obedient as you welcomed him with fear and trembling.
Isihelo sakhe sesengezelelwe kakhulu kini, lapho ekhumbula ukulalela kwenu lonke, ukuthi lamemukela njani ngokwesaba langokuthuthumela.
16 I rejoice that I can have complete confidence in you.
Ngakho ngiyathokoza ukuthi ngiyalithemba kukho konke.

< 2 Corinthians 7 >