< 2 Corinthians 1 >
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all the saints throughout Achaia:
Pavel apostelj Jezusa Kristusa po volji Božjej in Timotej brat, cerkvi Božjej v Korintu s svetimi vsemi, kteri so po vsej Ahaji.
2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Milost vam in mir od Boga očeta našega in Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa.
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
Blagoslovljen Bog in oče Gospoda našega Jezusa Kristusa, oče usmiljenosti in Bog vsake tolažbe,
4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
Kteri nas tolaži v vsakej stiski s tolažbo, s ktero tolaži nas same Bog;
5 For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
Kajti kakor so obilna trpljenja Kristusova za nas, tako je po Kristusu obilna tudi tolažba naša.
6 If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which accomplishes in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we experience.
Če smo pa stiskani, za vašo tolažbo in zveličanje je, ktero se dela v prenašanji istih trpljenj, ktera tudi mi trpimo; če se pa tolažimo, za vašo tolažbo in zveličanje je, in upanje naše je trdno za vas;
7 And our hope for you is sure, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you will share in our comfort.
Vedoč, da kakor ste deležniki trpljenj, tako ste tudi tolažbe.
8 We do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the hardships we encountered in the province of Asia. We were under a burden far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.
Kajti ne čemo, da bi ne vedeli, bratje, za stisko našo, ktera se je dogodila nam v Aziji, da nas je preobtežila črez moč, tako da smo obupali tudi živeti.
9 Indeed, we felt we were under the sentence of death, in order that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God, who raises the dead.
Ali sami v sebi smo smrtno obsodo imeli, naj bi ne upali v sebi, nego v Bogu, kteri obuja mrtve;
10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. In Him we have placed our hope that He will yet again deliver us,
Kteri nas je iz tolike smrti otel in otima, v kterega upamo, da bo še otimal,
11 as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the favor shown us in answer to their prayers.
Če pripomagate tudi vi za nas z molitvijo, da bi se za dar, kterega imamo po mnogih ljudéh, mnogi zahvalili za voljo nas.
12 And this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in relation to you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God—not in worldly wisdom, but in the grace of God.
Kajti hvala naša je to, priča vesti naše, da smo se v prostosti in čistosti Božjej, ne v mesenej modrosti, nego v milosti Božjej vedli na svetu, posebno pa med vami.
13 For we do not write you anything that is beyond your ability to read and understand. And I hope that you will understand us completely,
Ker vam drugega ne pišemo, nego kar berete ali kar spoznavate, a upam, da boste tudi do konca spoznavali.
14 as you have already understood us in part, so that you may boast of us just as we will boast of you in the day of our Lord Jesus.
Kakor ste deloma tudi spoznali nas, da smo hvala vaša, kakor tudi vi naša, na dan Gospoda Jezusa.
15 Confident of this, I planned to visit you first, so that you might receive a double blessing.
In s tem zaupanjem sem hotel k vam priti poprej, da bi drugo milost imeli,
16 I wanted to visit you on my way to Macedonia, and to return to you from Macedonia, and then to have you help me on my way to Judea.
In po vas preko priti v Macedonijo in zopet iz Macedonije priti k vam in od vas spremljen biti v Judejo.
17 When I planned this, did I do it carelessly? Or do I make my plans by human standards, so as to say “Yes, yes” when I really mean “No, no”?
Ko sem torej to hotel, je li sem lahkomišljeno ravnal? ali kar sklepam, po mesu sklepam, da bi bilo pri meni, "da, da" in "ne, ne?"
18 But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.”
Ali zvest je Bog, da beseda naša k vam ni bila "da" in, "ne"
19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was proclaimed among you by me and Silvanus and Timothy, was not “Yes” and “No,” but in Him it has always been “Yes.”
Kajti Božji sin Jezus Kristus, kterega smo med vami oznanili jaz in Silvan in Timotej, ni bil "da" in "ne", nego "da" je v njem bilo.
20 For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him, our “Amen” is spoken to the glory of God.
Ker kolikor je obetov Božjih, v njem so "da" in v njem amen Bogu na slavo po nas.
21 Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us,
Ta pa, kteri potrjuje nas z vami v Kristusa in nas jo pomazilil, Bog je,
22 placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come.
Kteri nas je tudi zapečatil in dal zalog duha v srcih naših.
23 I call God as my witness that it was in order to spare you that I did not return to Corinth.
A jaz za pričo Boga k sebi kličem na svojo dušo, da iz prizanašanja do vas še nisem prišel v Korint;
24 Not that we lord it over your faith, but we are fellow workers with you for your joy, because it is by faith that you stand firm.
Ne da gospodujemo z vašo vero, nego sodelalci smo radosti vaše, kajti z vero stojite.